Social Question

Val123's avatar

Are you good at psychologically messing with people's heads?

Asked by Val123 (12734points) November 7th, 2009

Some examples?
I once tapped into my boyfriends home answering machine, and heard this chick saying she’d left her purse in his car. Well, I couldn’t come out and tell him I’d tapped his answering machine, so I invented this crazy, crazy dream I had. It was freaky even to me! But, yeah. He thinks I’m a witch now.

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35 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

That kind of behavior does wonders for trust.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I definitely am, but I do not use this ‘gift’ often.

Samurai's avatar

I wouldn’t trust you in the same room with me, by the way, how does one go about tapping an answering machine?

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

It’s a better option than physically messing with someone’s head I suppose.

faye's avatar

But, why was some woman’s purse in his car?

chyna's avatar

I knew a girl that got her boyfriend an answering machine as a gift. Thoughtful of her…
But she set a password on it to where she could call from a remote location to get his messages. He never figured it out. This just reminded me of what Val did, has no redeeming value to this question.

Val123's avatar

@all who (rightfully so) think this was improper behavior on my part: They guy in question was never a really “serious” boyfriend. We just saw each other on weekends, if even that. It went on for a lot of years (once I broke up with him and didn’t see him for a year.) It was mostly for companionship and other reasons that were convenient during that time in my life. I didn’t have physical relations with any other man during that time, and I was praying he’d do the same (only not be with any other women) for health reasons. I don’t know why I checked his voicemail when I did, and it was the only time I did it, but there you have it.

@Samurai The same way you could tap into someones cell phone VM if you know their 4 digit pass code.

FutureMemory's avatar

I’ll have to remember this thread if anyone gives me an electronic recording device.

ragingloli's avatar

not intentionally

casheroo's avatar

Yes. But, I think I’ve lost my touch.

wundayatta's avatar

Naw. I can’t do it. I don’t like seeing people feel bad because I was messing with them. At least, not for more than a minute or two. It kind of feels evil. Also, I so much hate when it is done to me that I can’t really bring myself to try seriously with anyone else.

Iclamae's avatar

God no. I’m terrible at it. Don’t have the… wits for it.

editingdiva's avatar

I prefer to call it persuasiveness.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I am disgustingly good at getting into people’s heads and messing with them. But as I grew up, I realized how very screwed up it was and stopped doing it.

aprilsimnel's avatar

No, mainly because I can’t be arsed to mess with people in such a way. I’ve already massively messed with my own head, I reckon, which was quite enough, thanks!

ratboy's avatar

Of course. It’s a gift shared by all psychopaths.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Wouldn’t dream of it

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Against my religion

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

It’s just not in me to do such a thing

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Have you seen my medicine?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Promise me you’ll wear the black thong tomorrow… I l-i-k-e em’

augustlan's avatar

I wouldn’t know because I’ve never tried. It doesn’t seem right to me to do that. I suspect not, because I’m nearly incapable of lying… it shows on my face immediately.

faye's avatar

thank goodness!

buster's avatar

I mess with people’s heads for fun sometimes just to get a rise out of them. I have a mischievous streak. If you don’t know already Ive battled drug addiction for several years. Most addicts me included are master manipulators when it comes to getting your family and friends to enable you in some way to ultimately get you high. Im also a natural leader. I can usually influence my friends to do what I have in mind like going to skateparks, bowling, swimming, bbqing etc. Keeping your help at work’s psyche happy and motivated takes different techniques you learn. Remember sport teams they like and kids names. People like you when they think you care. This breeds loyalty. Once you figure them out you know what buttons to push so they will give you what you need and give that extra effort. I can also be evil and make you fear for your life. I don’t much need to do that though.

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