General Question

buster's avatar

What does human flesh taste like?

Asked by buster (10274points) April 28th, 2008

You can’t say chicken. I’ve heard of weird blackmetal guys from Norway or Sweden or Oregon sometimes will cut a piece of thighmeat off a living person or corpse and eat it. I think they listen to Cannibal Corpse too much but who am i to judge them? Any cannibals in here? Scabs don’t count either.

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71 Answers

sleuth9216's avatar

Now thats just disturbing

Sloane2024's avatar

Um, might I suggest some counseling? It’s incredibley helpful in allowing oneself to release those dark inner disturbances….

kevbo's avatar

A citation from the cannibalism page on Wikipedia…

Prior to 1931, New York Times reporter William Buehler Seabrook, allegedly in the interests of research, obtained from a hospital intern at the Sorbonne a chunk of human meat from the body of a healthy human killed by accident, and cooked and ate it. He reported that, “It was like good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that, and it was not like any other meat I had ever tasted. It was so nearly like good, fully developed veal that I think no person with a palate of ordinary, normal sensitiveness could distinguish it from veal. It was mild, good meat with no other sharply defined or highly characteristic taste such as for instance, goat, high game, and pork have. The steak was slightly tougher than prime veal, a little stringy, but not too tough or stringy to be agreeably edible. The roast, from which I cut and ate a central slice, was tender, and in color, texture, smell as well as taste, strengthened my certainty that of all the meats we habitually know, veal is the one meat to which this meat is accurately comparable.”[38]

sleuth9216's avatar

Yeah seriously, not to be mean, but get some help

zaid's avatar

it’s not the having the question. sometimes it’s the asking.

El_Cadejo's avatar

lol i love when people start off statements with no offense or not to be mean and quickly follow them by something either highly offensive and or mean. What is so wrong about wondering what human flesh tastes like? As long as buster isnt going out and eating people (which i highly doubt) whats the problem? Isnt that the point of asking a question sometimes? To get the answers without the experience? eh that or maybe i need to get some help too because ive wondered what its tasted like before. After all it does have to have some appeal or there wouldn’t be any cannibals ;)

gailcalled's avatar

As I have suggested before (and before and before) on this site, read one of the most famous short stories in Amer. Lit, by Stanley Ellin; The Speciality of the House for a stylish answer.

sleuth9216's avatar

true uber, very true. i apologize, i came off too harshly sorry buster.

cheebdragon's avatar

Hmm…..alrighty then…. Well now that’s just interesting…...and disturbing.

buster's avatar

are you a closet cannibal sleuth9216?

buster's avatar

it sounds like the story kevbo quoted was about someone eating a toddler.

gailcalled's avatar

Or, for a short and equally clever answer, set to music, by British satirists of the 1960’s, Michael Flanders and Donald Swann; listen to The Reluctant Cannibal

Response moderated
sleuth9216's avatar

no not really I prefer not to eat people

buster's avatar

@ gailcalled I wont eat people I dont eat people.

gailcalled's avatar

Buster; eatin’ people is wrong! Lovely to find another fan.(“Roast leg of Insurance Salesman.”)

sleuth9216's avatar

Not that you would

zaid's avatar

cheebdragon, that’s offensive/racist. saying “j/k” or that you’re only repeating something doesn’t make it less so. thanks for making me reconsider being a part of this “community”

gailcalled's avatar

@uber; chew a hangnail in order to get a small idea.

gailcalled's avatar

And since we are being literary; read the novel Alive

peedub's avatar

According to Jonathan Swift:
“A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee, or a ragout.”

But who knows, there is the slight chance he could be using irony.

buster's avatar

i bet the liver taste pretty much like all liver.

gailcalled's avatar

PW; remind our readers that your quote was part of a much longer satire of which Swift was a master: A Modest Proposal

” For Preventing The Children of Poor People in Ireland
From Being Aburden to Their Parents or Country, and
For Making Them Beneficial to The Public.”


buster's avatar

What are they serving at the Donner Party?

peedub's avatar

I almost did, but what fun would that be?

gailcalled's avatar

And, gentle readers, check out Swift’s poetry on scatology…you do the googling (try Swift- Celia)

shockvalue's avatar

there’s always hufu.

“the healthy human flesh alternative” for “cannibals who want to quit”

buster's avatar

delirium beat you to the hufu shockval

tupara's avatar

Although I am a descendant of (unrepentant) cannibals, it has been a few generations now since we ate anybody. I would recommend the fiction book ‘Behind the Tattooed Face’ by Pat Heretaunga Baker, for a gleefully unsentimental look at ‘kaitangata’ as we call it.

cheebdragon's avatar

Zaid~ that’s me “the racist”.........grow some (rhymes with walls)........

Mtl_zack's avatar

seriously, i dont see whats wrong with eating humans. humans are animals, just as much as cows are animals.
i asked a question before about human cheese, and it got flagged, but whats wrong with drinking breastmilk, weve all done it when we were infants, why not when we’re older?

zaid's avatar

cheeb, you don’t even have the balls to say it. I said the statement was racist, not you (however I have an inclination now – defensive much?).

richardhenry's avatar

[Fluther Moderator:] Please remember that racism and personal attacks aren’t welcome here. Keep it clean guys!

gailcalled's avatar

Would anyone who thinks that eating human flesh is acceptable behavior be willing to volunteer for <insert name> en brochette?

zaid's avatar

richard, you right. thanks.

gooch's avatar

I have read it has a sweet taste.

peedub's avatar

BBQ? I’ll bring the fava beans and chianti.

buster's avatar

ill break out the george foreman peedub. the lean mean human grilling machine.

phoenyx's avatar

chews on his inner lip briefly

Hmm. I taste just like me.

Mtl_zack's avatar

if i was already dead, then if people want to eat me, go ahead, as long as you make it healthy i.e. trim the fat, drain all the blood, etc… if there were a famine i definatly would give myself to be eaten. what do i have to give to the world? im not that smart, im not that good a role model, i havent invented a great thing, so why not give my body? if the next generation depended on it, then i definatly would give myself for food, once i was dead of course.

buster's avatar

this reminds me of that show Tales From The Crypt. There was this greasy spoon diner and everyone loved the steak and eggs. Little did they know it was people steak.

gooch's avatar

@zack that’s just gross to eat someone who died that would be like eating road kill

gailcalled's avatar

Healthy corpse meal; what is *definitely an oxymoron?

buster's avatar

i bet the brains are the best. why do you think zombies love them so much?

peedub's avatar

Zombies eat to live, not live to eat.

gailcalled's avatar

And remember the movie, “SOLENT GREEN”:

boffin's avatar

Ask Jeffery Dahmer…
Reminds me of a story…
Jeffery had his Mom over for dinner. While eating dinner mom said, “Jeffery, I don’t like your neighbors”. Jeffery said, “That’s okay, just eat the vegetables”.

Mtl_zack's avatar

@gooch: we eat cattle that just died.

buster's avatar

see our culture is full of cannibals. there in stories, movies, zombies, songs, tv shows, history books, and new zealand. Don’t forget Hannibal Lecter. Man, I didn’t realize how far cannibalism reaches

gailcalled's avatar

See Peedub’s
“BBQ? I’ll bring the fava beans and chianti.”

buster's avatar

What did they find in Jeffrey Dalmer’s shower? Head and Shoulders.

peedub's avatar

Let us not forget about Man Eater.
...Oh here she comes
Watch out boy she’ll chew you up
Oh here she comes
She’s a maneater
[these lyrics are found on]
Oh here she comes
Watch out boy she’ll chew you up
Oh here she comes
She’s a maneater…

gooch's avatar

@ zack just killed by a bullet is different from disease or old age. The law says the cow MUST be able to walk to slaughter.

El_Cadejo's avatar

just playing devils advocate here.

Lets assume the human was killed by gunshot wound to the head.

Mtl_zack's avatar

first, thats only U.S. law. why must everyone follow America? also, cows die with their hooves tied together, so they arent walking. also, natural death signifies that its time is up and that it needs to die in order for nature to take its course. i.e., if too many are born then some must die.

im just pointing out that almost everyone in he world follows the U.S. morals on almost anything. if you wanna eat human, thats for you to decide. some cultures actually do cannibalism, and they get persecuted for doing it. these people are not “beasts” or “primitive”. they’re like you and me who are brought up in a different way. cannibalism isnt “bad”, its just not what youre used to.

gooch's avatar

@über then it would be ok

solarisq's avatar

I’ve eaten my finger a bit, its not all that tasty

loser's avatar

I think I need therapy now

Alina1235's avatar

I actually just made popcorn. I love conversations like this

wildflower's avatar

I’ve heard it’s supposed to be very similar to pork…

wizard's avatar

It’s realllllly yummmy@@@

imbrooksjustdeal's avatar

so basically you’re saying it’s okay to eat someone once they’re murdered, but not if they live a full happy life?
that’s just moronic.

but if i had the chance i’d eat someone, but only if they died naturally, i wouldn’t kill them >.<

hanniballekter's avatar

Well, ya see,
I personally think that human flesh is pretty delicious.
Instead of burying my mother after she passed,
I just ate her. I was pretty curious as to how it would taste.
And I know it’s what my mother would have wanted.
I personally think that everyone should try it,
not saying you should become a cannibal or anything,
but just kill a neighbor, and try it! It’s delicious!

delirium's avatar

I think, cheeb, that our dear hanniballekter’s words may have just been in bad taste.

Har har har

hanniballekter's avatar

Dear Delirium,
make a comment like that again;
and i will eat you.

cheebdragon's avatar

Disturbing much?

Hannibalfan's avatar

I was watching Bones and there a lot of episodes with a cannibal. One of the assistants to a cannibal said that flesh doesn’t taste like chicken or pork. More like beef. That the face is more tender and sweet; except for babies though: babies taste more like fish.

luckytoad2's avatar

Taste like pork, veal or beef. depends on your diet and how, and where you live. Like tropical people will taste different than plastic hookers.

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