Have you ever eaten something abnormal?
By this I mean, have you ever eaten (or drank) something that isn’t something people normally eat or drink? I don’t mean stuff like fried dog or monkey brains like some countries and cultures do, but things that people really usually do not consume. (please don’t bother me with social, historical or psychological exceptions unless it pertains to your answer)
Stuff like, something totally moldy, stuff that comes out of the human body, small bits of plastic, wood or metal? Ever swallow a toy when you were a kid? Ever ate a part of the couch for some reason? Ever drink out of the river? You know, abnormal stuff like that. I heard of this guy in those world record books who ate an entire car. It took him like 20 years, but he did it.
When I was little, apparently my mom saw me with an earthworm hanging out of my mouth. I don’t remember that though. Maybe that’s where my worm phobia comes from? I remember trying to eat a screw I found on the floor though, fortunately, my dad saw me and took it away.
I’ve eaten moldy bread before. Sure I wouldn’t have if I saw the mold on it at first, but really it didn’t bother me that much when I did realize. Bread mold doesn’t really have a taste. I also gulped down a big ass swig of mouth wash before. I swear that was an accident though. I was really drunk and didn’t know what I was drinking anymore haha. A lot of people in Winnipeg use that to get drunk off of though…
So, are you still reading this? Did I scare everyone? What’s some weird ass business you ate that really isn’t anything anyone usually eats? When you ate or drank it, did you want to, or was it some kind of accident?
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52 Answers
I’m addicted to blackberries.They grow fresh in the summer and I buy frozen ones in the winter. Not that unusual maybe, but, I eat like 2 bags a week.
I’m berry berry regular. haha
I accidently ate some Raisin Bran once aka Raisin Bug. Yeah, that’s right. I was horrified.
Aaagh,,,that’s horrible. I once found a pill bug in my soup. Gah!
I don’t know if this counts, because it wasn’t me, and I they are definitely considered food. I was watching my sister in the yard when she was little, probably 3 or 4 years old. And she kept turning away from me, so I knew she was hiding something. I got her to turn to me and she was making this crazy face, and I could tell she had something in her mouth. Finally after arguing with me, I got her to open her mouth and show me.
She stuck out her tongue and there were little brown ants crawling all over it. lol.
Ok but don’t puke please…I was practically gulping soup from a bowl when someone saw a tail hanging out the side of my mouth! Thank God it was not a dead mouse but a small dead lizard! It’s ok I did not swallow, I spat!
@ANef_is_Enuf Hahaha that’s funny. Was she eating them on purpose? If she was tryna hide it, maybe she was. I tasted live ant before, they taste really fucking sour. :/
@mazingerz88 That’s cool lol. How the hell did it get in there?
Yeah, she ate them on purpose. That’s why she was hiding. She swallowed them as soon as I freaked and told her to spit them out.
I have eaten plenty of bugs while bike riding, but that doesn’t count.
While camping and hiking, I have eaten plenty of stuff that once in my mouth I spit out thinking it was wild wintergreeen.
I had a friend come back from some worldly trip and shared chocolate coverd ants and mint flavored grasshoppers.
On a dare I ate a rocky mountain oyster. I flushed that baby down with pre and post beer rinse.
Similar to @ANef_is_Enuf story, my little sister used to eat dirt, bird eggs, and worms when she was 3. Still kid her to this day about that.
@blueiiznh…bird eggs?? Oh man lol.
Apparently, for bikers, (bycicles and motorcycles) it’s not uncommon to swallow a shitload of bugs while riding around. Ever swallow a big ass bumblebee or something?
Resin (I’m sure I’m not the only one.~)
@Symbeline sometime in the night the lizard drown in the soup bowl just lying on the top of the table in a camping ground.
Here is another from my teenage era. One time I was drinking beer with at least 8 friends. One of us was in charge of holding the plastic pitcher filled with beer, filling our glasses to equal amounts. When the pitcher got emptied, the guy holding it showed us the dentures of his grandfather lying at the bottom!
Oh, I forgot. I used to eat this. I went through about 2–3 tubes a week. It was magical. I think they discontinued it though. I don’t know why. I ate enough to keep them in business.
Vunessuh, that’s because that stuff was the shit.
@Symbeline swallowed many an unidentified big ass something. While riding I even flushed out a pheasant that left feathers on me. Would have prefered to have it under glass
@Vunessuh wow, magical gloss!
When I was a kid, my cousin and I would make “milkshakes” out of dirt. One day, I took a straw and sucked up a lot of dirt. In that dirt, there were really nasty fuzzy caterpillars. I ate an entire cigarette on a dare, plenty of weird bugs, and I used to gnaw on the sticks that they put lollipops on.
@Symbeline Not fake, real! Yess…keep that in your head as you sleep…yesss….
@KatetheGreat Dude you ate a whole smoke?? LOL that can’t taste good. XD
That reminds me, somehow, this guy brought a whole ziplock bag of flour to school once, and pretended it was cocaine, and he sniffed it and everything. He was taken to the principle’s office.
And we dated for a few months about a year and a half later haha.
@mazingerz88 It reminds me of a Simpsons episode lol. If I found that in my beer, I’d have to get drunk some more lol.
@Symbeline Haha, in high school I was dared to do a lot of things. The cigarette wasn’t that bad at all. I mean, I wouldn’t eat another one, but it was easy to eat. I’ve also snorted Pixie Sticks before! Haha!
A friend of mine ate his mom’s wedding ring when we were kids. And yes, it was fished out post digestion.
A friend of mine eats soap… If you invite her over, you are almost guaranteed to find teeth marks in your soap later.
I happily narfed on my salad for lunch at work and was horrified when ½ way through it I saw live slugs!!!! LOTS of them!! HS! The only bad part was I made the dang salad myself from lettuce I picked that morning from my garden! I kicked my own ass all around the lunch room!!!
No, but I remember a kid in my kindergarten and 1st grade classes who couldn’t get enough of construction paper. He got teased mercilessly, but apparently, he didn’t care.
Dawg biscuits of the boned shaped variety. They’re actually quite tasty, full of woofage apparently.
I ate paste once or twice in the morning of my youth.
It’s not on any normal menu, but what grade-school kid hasn’t had a taste o’ paste?!
I remember some kids eating that white pasty glue that you use in grade school art class. Not Elmer’s glue, the kind you slather on with a little brush that is really thick. Damn, that must have been really good for us, huh?
Me and my sisters used to make “coffee” out of dirt and water and really drink it from little teacups in the backyard.
@Symbeline – I heard of this guy in those world record books who ate an entire car. It took him like 20 years, but he did it.
That totally makes me think of the song One Piece at a Time by Johnny Cash. I wonder if the car-eating guy was inspired?
I used to eat paper when I was a kid. Not a lot, but a little here and there. Especially from lollipop sticks that are made of layers and layers of rolled paper.
My dearly departed kitty used to eat Kleenex and toilet paper. (No, that’s not why she died!) Her sister has always had digestion issues, and always throws up more than other kitties. We used to joke that Esme was anorexic because she ate tissue and Magrat was bulimic.
I accidentally swallowed a small Fritos bag as a child.
Apparently (I don’t remember this but I’ve been reliably informed by my mother) when I was two I ate a snail. Not cooked “a la Francais”. Just dug out of the garden, pulled out of the shell and eaten raw (and probably still alive).
A couple types of snake- not rattlesnake, which as we know tastes like chicken.
I did that on a bet and my little friend never paid up.
I should’ve pummeled her XD
Again for a bet I ate a tin of dog food :-/
Winalot prime in fact, think it was chicken flavour!? :-/
Anyway I got my twenty quid….. I was a little barking back then! :-/ & I do remember feeling a little roughhhhh afterwards……..
I’m a wilderness skills instructor. Take a guess. :)
Last week my friends and I sat down to a roast of goat neck cooked with a mix of wild and store bought root veggies, and on the side we had some home-fermented brassicas and a fermented drink called kombucha, which was flavored with black birch twigs. Oh, and one friend made maple beer.
Often times I make up what I call “lawn salad”, mostly when I’m at my parents’ house.
I’ve had snapping turtle with barbecue sauce, which was really good, and then the next day fried up the eggs, which was pretty bad. Weird texture.
Burdock root chips fried in lard with autumn-olive ketchup is a great wild delicacy.
Oh, and a friend of mine is really jazzed up about raising some waxworms. She claims to have a good taco recipe for them.
I still drink white vinegar today, right from the bottle. ^_^
When I was younger I used to eat salt, grass and dough.
I confess, I still like to have a nibble on some paper, now and again.
I ate a crayon once, or tried to, at least. When I chewed it up, the wax didn’t dissolve and I couldn’t swallow much of it without something to wash it down, which I didn’t have.. One of these days soon though I am going to eat a crayon because it apparently makes you shit colors :D!
I’ve eaten a lot of art supplies, both on purpose, and not on purpose.
I once gulped down a small glass of Clorox liquid bleach, three or four ounces of it.
I poured it in the glass to soak out some stains, and then I left it on the bathroom sink and forgot about it. Later on I went into the bathroom to take a pill and just swallowed what looked like a glass of water sitting there.
Man, did that burn. Of course I realized instantly what I’d done, and I went straight for the phone book and called the poison control center. They told me to drink milk as fast as possible. I didn’t have any, so I ran a couple of blocks to a corner grocery store, grabbed a quart of milk out of the cooler, and drank it straight down before paying for it.
After a while I felt okay.
Let me tell you, that one went right onto the list of mistakes you don’t have to make twice.
@Jeruba OMG! I hope you were ok after that! My brother did the same, he was only around 4 at the time… he said he thought it was Mountain Dew : /
Well, it was kind of interesting to know for a little while that my insides were absolutely spotless.
@FluffyChicken Haha this is creepy…finding bite marks in the soap. I’d be like, dude what the ass? So she likes soap…tastes so damn…sour? Acrid? Can’t find the word. Soapy lol?
@Cruiser Oh man, slugs? Eeeew. Reminds me of that joke…
So a man and his son are having salad for lunch. The the son asks, so dad, are caterpillars good for you? The father answers; no, why do you ask that?
The son goes, you just munched out on this big green one.
@cockswain What, the whole bag??
@Seelix Haha, a kleenex eating cat. You know sometimes I think cats are as bad as dogs when it comes to eating anything. We had one that munched out on Christmas tinsels. Thing is, those don’t digest, and my dad had a hell of a time freeing it from the cat when half of it was coming out the other end, gah.
@Scooby Is dog food good? Some of it actually looks better than human canned food…until you smell it. XD
@incendiary_dan Goat neck? What the heck lol, you can eat that? Any good? I’d certainly give that maple beer a try though.
@ddude1116 I wonder if it can…probably doesn’t look too pretty though, seeing a pink chunk in your poop. XD
@Jeruba Oh damn…you got pretty lucky. It doesn’t take much of that stuff to severely harm your throat and innards. Some people (either really brave or stupid) down shit like that to commit suicide. Apparently the pain is completely terrible, I have no problem imagining that. So did the clerk look at you all funny when you were downing the milk right in the place lol?
It was just a little snack sized one, and I’d already eaten the chips. I was just chewing on the whole bag in my mouth for a while, then went too far. I had a scary moment when it was kind of caught in my throat, then I got it down. My parents and I were all in the room watching TV. They had no clue what happened, and I kept it to myself…until now.
Kids are idiots.
@Symbeline, I’m glad I didn’t know that at the time or I might have panicked. Funny, it never occurred to me until now that maybe I ought to have gone to the doctor after that just to make sure I was okay. I felt okay, so therefore I was okay. This was about 1974, and things were somewhat simpler then.
I don’t think the clerk noticed me until I went up to the counter to pay for an empty milk carton.
@Vunessuh – I just saw some strawberry flavoured NYC gloss like the one you linked to at the dollar store :)
@Seelix WHAT!? Damn, that’s a cheap dinner. I hope they have them in the dollar stores around here! Thanks for the heads up. :)
Actually you are quite right, all those chunky pieces of meat looked delicious, all pressed together glistening in their jelly :-/
The smell as I remember wasn’t that bad, the taste however wanted to close my throat & suffocate me….. thanks to all that jelly it went down rather smoothly :-/ not to mention the beer….. Lol.
It said chicken on the tin I’m sure, what part of the chickens I could hazard a guess! :-/ it was foul…….
Wait…you mean you ate the dog food container??
The dog food comment reminded me that when I was a kid, my siblings, friends and I would add a twist to playing cards. The looser had to eat a piece of dry dog food.
Ermm, No. :-/
Can’t see where I gave you that impression! just the contents dear, just the contents…..
…oh. I need glasses or something…I read meat as metal…god. Haha. So I was getting confused.
Hmmm, glistering dog meat.
Quite alright ;-) Lol… get yourself to spec-savers Lol…….
As was said above, also the dog biscuits…. I think most kids have had a sneaky nibble, just out of curiosity…….. I definitely draw the line at cat food though :-/
I tried cat food, the dry kind. Man is that nasty, and the taste remains in your mouth forever, blargh.
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