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SmashTheState's avatar

[NSFW] Do you have a weird fringe fetish to which you're willing to admit?

Asked by SmashTheState (14250points) December 25th, 2011

As a part-time pornographer who is also asexual, I’ve had a decades-long fascination with fringe fetishes. I collect weird fetishes for examination the same way some people collect postage stamps. To qualify as a weird fetish, it has to be something really out of the ordinary. I don’t care if you get off on feet or like to be tied up or occasionally insert foreign objects into various bodily cavities. That stuff is commonplace and boring to me.

Do you have a really weird fetish? Something which will astound and amaze me? I warn you, I’ve heard them all:

- Giant/Giantess fetishists, who are aroused by fantasies of 500 foot tall men and women crushing them underfoot or gobbling them up like french fries or being used as dildos – or suppositories.

- Stuckies, who get off on either being glued to something or seeing someone immobilized in some way by being adhered to an object. Even something like the thought of being trapped in an elevator is enough to blow a stucky’s hair back.

- ‘Looners, for whom balloons are objects of intense erotic attraction, and for whom the squeak of flesh against balloon is practically orgasmic.

- Living statue, the fantasy of either being turned to stone, or having a partner who is. It also includes the classic “time stop” fantasy in which a person can stop time for everyone except him- or herself, allowing for all sorts of imaginary erotic escapades.

- Flatphiles, who fantasize about being flattened like a living blanket (or having a sex partner who is), used or abused while unable to do anything except perhaps undulate helplessly.

- Vore, involving fantasies of being swallowed alive (or swallowing someone alive), either being gobbled up snake-fashion or reduced in size small enough to be gulped down like a living pill.

- Age regression/accession, fantasies in which people are either regressed to the age of pre-adolescent children, or children being magically aged to sexual maturity in an instant.

I’ve also known people with seemingly unique sexual kinks. One woman I knew liked to have her nipples nailed to a board by her husband (though they could only do it on special occasions, since it took so long for her nipples to heal). Another liked to let beetles crawl over her naked body. One man I knew enjoyed having his prostate electrified by a Lionel train transformer (with one wire going up his urethra and the other up his ass with the prostate in between); he said his wife didn’t get it, but she was a good sport and ran the juice for him. He added helpfully for others who might want to try that if you smell something buring, you’re not doing it right.

Do you think you have a fetish which will blow my circuits? You think you have a kink which will impress me and grow my collection? Let’s hear it!

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30 Answers

digitalimpression's avatar

No. No I don’t.

marinelife's avatar

No, sorry.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m a pretty boring guy, actually. I like good old fashioned regular sex with the lady or ladies of my choosing. Lol.

ragingloli's avatar

I love tentacle rape and furry porn, so the answer is no.

rebbel's avatar

We, every once in a while, do it with the lights on.

linguaphile's avatar

The only thing I can offer is—my friends and I ran across a Yahoo group some years back devoted to deafness as an erotic fetish. People on that group shared ways to go deaf on purpose and shared places where deaf people could be easily found to get off on associating with. Apparently there are people who will self-amputate for the same reason.

My friends and I had the biggest laugh and wtf over this. It’s still one of the most bizarre things I’ve heard of.

mazingerz88's avatar

Watching Republicans on TV. I know…I know…

talljasperman's avatar

~I have the weirdest… I want to sleep with someone I marry and am deeply in love with.

ragingloli's avatar

that is disgusting

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Nothing circuit blowing, but I have a thing for shaving/shaving heads/shaved heads. I’ve admitted this before, here on Fluther, and I’m really not bashful about telling people. I think, perhaps, because it is usually well received. I know it is unusual, but most people find it interesting or even see the intimate connection when I tell them. I suppose that makes it easier to “admit,” than an interest that might scare the living crap out of most people. :)

gailcalled's avatar

I’m partial to fringe itself, as it happens.

This one gets me every time.

Or, even better

ragingloli's avatar

the latter one supposed to resemble something specific? :P

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judochop's avatar

I am partial to fishnets on women. I even like to wear them in the bedroom.

I also really enjoy:

Fake blood
Strobe lights
Super loud spacey music like old monster magnet, kyuss, black sabbath.
sex machines

I don’t know if that is weird though. I pretty much have a HUGE thing for this song and the lady in this video just the way she is in the video….The outfit, the moves, oh boy…I’m gonna leave now.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. Sex outdoors? That’s about as kinky as it gets I think.

@gailcalled… mmmm that is some extreme fringing there.

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KateTheGreat's avatar

HungryGuy needs to get up in this thread!

judochop's avatar

@EmptyNest please don’t delete your profile. I think that those of us who answered the question instead of judging the question were just as put off by what you wrote as you were to what ragingloli wrote. The question was not how do you feel about fetish people and you jump on in and basically tell everyone on the thread that we need therapy. Personally I hope that you open up a bit and stop passing judgement on those of us who are answering the question. personally I feel typing in all caps is an indicator of who needs therapy.

EmptyNest's avatar

that’s it. I’m done.

Berserker's avatar

Eh ain’t got nothing you mentioned, or for what you didn’t mention, nothing that I think I could surprise you with.
I like vore a lot though, but sans teeth or gore. Hard to believe for some who know me, but true.

I heard of some fucked up fetish, although I can’t remember the name. Not something I’m into, but you could add it to your collection, if you don’t already know about it. It’s people who like getting their bellies swollen to ridiculous proportions. This is something you can get done to yourself, although it probably costs a lot, and is not without risk. (it’s temporary) I saw videos about it before, some that featured the procedure, it’s fucking weird lol.
Kind of reminds of looners, probbaly because of the whole balloon thing, although both are really different. Still, thanks for teaching me about another odd fetish. Never heard of that one before.

There was also this other fetish that seemed kinda disturbing to me lol. Sexual arousal from people in wheelchairs, casts, crutches, or like missing a limb, or having malformed body parts. (emulation also seems common, mostly with wheelchairs, casts and other similar handicaps) Or deformed body parts, but that may belong to a different type of fetish, although I guess it’s in the same family, or at least close enough. I guess looking into it deep enough, being born all fucked up as opposed to having your arm severed off or whatever does make a difference.
Again I can’t remmeber the term, so I call it medical fetishes. Rudimentary, but it does the job. Hope this might add to your collection a bit, I myself like discovering all sorts of fetishes.
But yeah, vore. I wanna be swallowed by something! Well, not for real. Maybe not for real.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Symbeline I’ll eat you after I feel you up with my tentacles. ;)

Blackberry's avatar

@Symbeline It would be cool to be swallowed by something. Before one is disintegrated in stomach acid, the feeling of wriggling down a slimy and soft esophagus would feel magnificent.

Berserker's avatar

@KateTheGreat The forehead ones right? I’ll have lots to offer if you use those. :) Unless they kill me…which they probably will…but that’s how we know it’s epic. ’‘licks lips, didn’t say whos’, either’’

@Blackberry For me it’s really about the whole humiliation thing, and pissing myself while being swallowed as people watch and take notes on their clipboards. Boring, but I can’t help it. XD It wouldn’t BE boring if it actually happened though! Actually it would probably be damn horrible. XD

gailcalled's avatar

Robert Crumb, the cartoonist and satirist, got rich combining sexual fetishes and art.

Looky here

“Big Beautiful Girls ‘n’ Creepy Lttle Guys.”

judochop's avatar

@gailcalled I love R. Crumb. Recently saw a private showing of a personal collection.

FutureMemory's avatar

I think Symbeline wins this thread.

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