[NSFW] How many vore fetishists are there on Fluther?
In response to a recent question (to which I won’t link in order to preserve the person’s semi-anonymity) someone admitted to being a vore fetishist. For those who aren’t aware, vore involves fantasies of being eaten alive or eating someone alive. Not chopped up and cooked, but whole – either snake-style, or shrunken down small enough to be gobbled up like a french fry.
There are a couple of people who have vore pictures for their avatars. It got me wondering whether Fluther might be a hotbed of vore activity. How many of you know what I mean if I refer to “Eka’s” or can tell me what a “macrofur pred” might be or what people are asking for when they request a “full tour”?
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27 Answers
And for the totally-non-vore people, can you educate us on what the allure is?
This is just a wild guess but I would say none.
It’s probably not all that different from the idea of penetrating or being penetrated by someone. Except that you are totally ingested or you completely take someone else inside you. Metaphorically, this symbolizes the complete union of two people—which is what some people expect out of a love relationship. But it is the end to loneliness if you can achieve it—obviously not with literal consumption of your lover. But it is a kind of spiritual union.
It’s kind of like how people want to “eat up” babies. No one wants to really eat a baby, but they inspire that feeling in some people. Maybe a lot of people.
The important thing is to understand the difference between people who mean this metaphorically and people who don’t understand that it is the metaphor that is where the meaning is. Instead, they really think they want to eat someone or be eaten. That’s a kind of soul separation that must come from a long history of personality issues.
Look at my avatar :-p
Also, I’ve written a story or two about vore fetish, and I put an area in my BDSM game where your character can eat shrunken people, or become a shrunken person to be eaten alive.
I’ll be certain to follow this thread (this has to be said, and I’m guess that gail won’t want to this time) voraciously.
My fetishes are quite a bit more mundane. And private.
Just a note: one of the avatars you point to is an homage to the other.
My ex boyfriend. He isn’t on Fluther, but this was a big fantasy of his. I used to draw him pictures.
Aye, the first link is a person who draws avatars similar to other users’ avatars, or depictions of them…he drew me making food out of a zombie head. XD I wish I had cool punk hair like that haha.
I like vore, but I’m not a student of it. I know very little of it, but I like it. That said, I have no idea what those terms you mentioned are. @HungryGuy is the best guy to ask for that.
Still, I enjoy what I know of it, but I do have some specifications for me though…unless it’s a snake or a giant frog, I don’t like representations of actual animals. It has to be some messed up monster, or a plant or something that doesn’t exist in real life. While vore with gore and being chewed up exists, I prefer the classic being swallowed whole kind. In my head though, it’s a lot about the humiliation and helplessness aspect of it. Like having a fantasy of some scientists feeding me to some weird plant, and taking notes like as if it was a school test, while being swallowed lol. The appeal is hard to explain, but this is the best I can do. Vore comes in quite handy when I get bored with thinking about traditional forms of sexual humiliation, like S&M. Not that vore has any direct sexual connotation really, but it seems done in a way that it can easily trigger that. I don’t know how, I just fell prey to it. (no punz intended lawlz)
I find that locating vore sources outside of anime/hentai is pretty hard though. I don’t know of too much western stuff, although searching hard enough I did find some pretty neat artwork at times.
I don’t think Fluther is a secret vore club though. XD
I like eating gals… wait, wrong type of eating.
Yuckadoo but chacun a son gout – literally.
So, apropos of nothing at all, @Symbeline… got any plans for Friday night?
I’m not a “vore”, but if I were the subject of a vore’s fantasy – could I please be paired with sweet & sour dipping sauce?
That’s all I ask.
If I were to be eaten, I’d wanna be dipped in chocolate. Not that I want to be eaten, of course.
Now, if I had a tiny, busty woman sure I’d lick her, but I wouldn’t eat her.
I’ve been given explanations for plenty of fetishes that I don’t personally find appealing, but I can’t quite wrap my mind around vore. Perhaps that’s because death by suffocation ranks way up high on my phobia list.
@cprevite Surely you would be dipped in milk?
@janbb: Probably true, but I was trying to break type.
I enjoy being eaten.
Oh, you didn’t mean it in that sense, did you… sorry.
I love the crack of those tiny bones snapping as you chew. Itty-bitty folk are tastier than even crunchy frog!
@SmashTheState Well, decent CG but unfortunately it’s just freaking creepy XD Nothing in it apeals to me.
@SmashTheState Cool work. Do you have a site or something where all your stuff is on?
Those pictures express extreme desire and longing, to me. I don’t think they are are anywhere near being a call for actual consumption of a lover. It seems very metaphorical to me.
I don’t see how those pictures would be all that creepy unless you were taking them literally. It worries me that someone would take them literally.
Of course, I’m somewhat naive about it. Are there people out there who take this idea of consuming a lover literally? I’m having a really difficult time imagining this. Then again, the last time I saw a creepy movie, it was that movie about Hannibal Lecter.
@wundayatta Well it’s just bizarre, lol. Either way I don’t really care for them that much.
@XOIIO There’s a lot of bizarre stuff in museums. There’s a lot of stuff I don’t care for in museums. But I figure that if someone saw fit to create it, and if they put the level of skill into the effort of creation that I saw in @SmashTheState‘s work, then they must have something going on in their minds that is more than might appear on the surface.
Although, if you’re like me, you tend to see things going on far beneath the surface just about all the time. I drive people nuts, sometimes with my interpretations of other people’s work. My children seem fascinated with my interpretations of people’s physical expressions (usually known as dance). I believe I can know more about a person’s personality by dancing with them for five minutes than I can by interacting with them on fluther for a month.
For example, having known you for a while on fluther, I can picture how you would dance. I’d love to see if my images of how people dance actually turn out to be correct or not.
Looking at these works are art give me a lot of emotional information about what is going on in the head of the artist (even if it is for a customer). I have, now, an interesting fantasy of what @SmashTheState is looking for, emotionally speaking.
In any case, I think one gets much more out of images like these if one doesn’t take them literally. Look for the emotion of them. That’s much more interesting than literal idea they present. It’s also much more sympathetic and less disturbing.
Um…...that one was some time ago and recent viewers might be confused, however, it might have had a different meaning than being eaten alive since it was a woman being eaten by a man
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