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Charles's avatar

Is the flip flop sandals on guys a fad or is it here to stay?

Asked by Charles (4826points) January 4th, 2012

Flip flops on guys have been around forever but during the past few years a lot more guys are wearing them, sometimes when it is so cold or wet you almost think the guy is desperate to fit in. Do you think flip flops on guys to the extent it is, is a fad?
Personally, I hate sandals. Your feet get dirty, you can’t run in them, your toes aren’t protected, they normally don’t “go” with athletic shorts (more appropriate for dress or walking shorts).
Uggs on chicks are sort of the same thing. You can see a guy in sandals with his girlfriend or wife in Uggs on a 40F day or a 95F day – one of them is not dressed right.

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6 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

They are here to stay. I don’t wear them because I’m desperate to fit in. I wear them because I like air on my feet. I’m also used to colder temperatures, so it’s not a big deal to wear them in 50 degree weather, and it actually feels better because there is colder air on my feet and they are easy to slip on if I have to run out quickly.

john65pennington's avatar

I have nine pair of flip flops that have never been worn. My toes will not function, in order to hold a pair of flip flops on my feet. I think I will sell them in the spring with my wife’s first yard sale. They say that duct tape is useful in many ways. I wonder if duct tape would hold a pair of flip flops on my size 14 feet?

Anyway, flip flops have been around for many years. I have a pair that qualifies as antique, back when they were made in the USA and not China.

The fad with flip flops is here to stay. I understand they make good snow shoes.

muppetish's avatar

I have no idea what you’re talking about because I live in Southern California and nearly our entire population wears flip flops for at least part of the year regardless of gender or the rest of the ensemble.

JLeslie's avatar

I wear flip flops or some sort of easy to put my feet in sandals after swimming at the gym no matter how cold it is outside. If I run into the grocery store or fill my gas tank after the gym, there I am in 35 degree weather with flip flops on. Or, if the temperature dips after a warm day I might still have on my sandals from the afternoon.

People prone to athletes food or toe fungus infections might prefer to be in sandals to prevent infections.

Also, when I moved to FL I was not accustomed to wearing sandals, but slowly but surely it became my typical shoe to use. After being in sandals, slides, and flip flops for years, I now, living in a colder climate, hate haing to put on socks and shoes. I miss how easy sandals are, and having my feet more naked. Although, even in FL if I was spending a lot of time outside at dusk or later I wore closed shoes usually because of the mosquitos.

Paradox1's avatar

I have noticed less people wearing flip flops then they seem to used to. I noticed when I was in High School everyone seemed to wear them. In college, fewer wore them but they were still popular. Why? They do things shoes can’t, and people want ease and convenience, which sandals offer purely from a usage standpoint (ie not fashion).

They also feel liberating to your toes!

punkrockworld's avatar

Men with sandals, no thanks. Unless you’re gay..then it’s totally chic. Gay guys take care of their feet and toe nails. Straight men..well uhm.. they don’t.

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