Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Women, if you looked as good as Shy'm, would you wear a "transparent corset?"?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) January 30th, 2012

Shy’m wore this NSFW outfit to an awards show. For those who can’t look at it, it looks like a clear plastic corset injection molded for her body.

If you looked really hot, would you wear a corset like that? Under what circumstances? What if you were an actress?

Do you think this is a big deal? Should so-called “decency” standards in the US be less restrictive? Should society be less up-tight about views of the human body in public? If so, how far should things be changed? Is there any standard for the change?

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28 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

This is one small step towards acceptance and tolerance of all.

syz's avatar

She’s lovely, but it seems innapropriate to me. While I’m not particularily hung up about the human body, the fact of the matter is that current social standards call for a certain standard of dress while in public.

I guess I don’t see the point. Is there some message in crossing such boundaries? And why only for the lovely people? Would you be as accepting if she was overweight, orlder, or unnatractive?

Of course, there are many things that “celebs” do that are incomprehensible to me, but I tend to lump that into being a private person rather than a repressed person. I suppose it’s all a matter of point of veiw.

Plus (being large chested), I prefer to have my conversational partner look me in the eye. I doubt she had anyone paying much attention to what she said that night.

6rant6's avatar

If I were an actress people would not want to see me in that outfit, trust me.

I’m confused… the obvious nipplage… is that organic, or built into the outfit?

Seaofclouds's avatar

I wouldn’t wear it, but that’s just because it’s not my style.

JLeslie's avatar

Not to an awards show. I do have a dress that I wear without a bra that show the outline of my breast pretty obviously that I wear to evenings out, but not see through per se, but leaves little to the imagination. I think people here in conservative Memphis might faint or talk, but in FL it was fine. Sometimes I cover my nipples when wearing it, depending on the crowd.

I don’t think there should be laws against showing breasts, but I do believe in dressing appropriately for where you might be at the time. Basic common sense and respect.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why was this not suitable for work? No bad words, nothing revealing in the picture.

Jude's avatar

I have to shape for it, but I wouldn’t do it. I’m not an exhibitionist.

Aethelflaed's avatar

No, you can’t really move in corsets, and I’m a fan of a fast get-away when needed. Plus, she looks all… hard. A huge amount of the physical allure of women for me is how squishy and soft they are.

wilma's avatar

Probably not. That was a bit too revealing for me personally. I don’t care for the plastic fake woman look of it, kind of like a Barbie doll or mannequin.
What shape is proper for it? Would you have to be very thin? small breasts? big breasts? average breasts?

Jude's avatar

Physically speaking, she’s too thin for me. I like curves.

deni's avatar

Yeah great she’s in shape. Woo! Still looks trashy. I don’t wanna see your tits lady.

ddude1116's avatar

I don’t see an issue with it. Corsets seem uncomfortable, but I think it’s a cultural misstep to be so prudish about breasts. I can understand taking care to cover genitals specifically, but breasts aren’t a bug deal, so if anybody has the body and confidence to wear such an outfit, then more power to you.

gorillapaws's avatar

I think it’s cool that she refuses to be made to feel ashamed of her natural form. I think it speaks to a woman taking ownership of her body, and see it as a form of feminism. I actually liked the juxtaposition of hard anotimical elements with the soft and bulky wrapping bottom. She seems happy, so I say good for her.

Facade's avatar

I think it’s a beautiful dress. She looks great.

bkcunningham's avatar

Here’s another shot of the NSFW dress.

I’ve worn some pretty crazy things in my life. If I had that body? We will probably never know the answer to that now.

deni's avatar

The plastic looking boobs look super awkward. I don’t get the attraction.

partyrock's avatar

I love love love corsets and am a fan of them, but that outfit and see-through corset I feel doesn’t do any justice. It would have been much nicer if it was not see through…. It does not do anything for the outfit. It does not make it look more “edgier” it just makes it look like it is trying too hard….. and a little trashy.

Cover the nips, or make the breast part not so see through and it would have been good.

DeanV's avatar

Looks like it’s a dress made out of recycled soda bottles to me. Not my style, even if it is see-through.

fundevogel's avatar

Well I’m all for normalizing the naked body (whether or not it looks like hers) so I’m just peachy with it. Probably wouldn’t wear it myself, it doesn’t look like it would very accommodating to things like sitting down or bending over. But it could be really good for going into battle. The light body armor that takes your enemies by surprise!

Berserker's avatar

@fundevogel You know, I was just gonna say, instead of wearing that thing, I’d wear one of those stereotypical barbarian comic book chain linked bikini tops that, while made of metal, doesn’t actually offer any protection at all.

fundevogel's avatar

@Berserker I’d definitely choose this over the steel bikini.

Berserker's avatar

What if it was made out of aluminum cans?

fundevogel's avatar

Cans for my cans? No thank you. Though I do think there some pretty interesting recycled wardrobe options.

Berserker's avatar

Holy ass. I denno if I’d wear that, but…awesome. Also I want that sword/spear thing.

XOIIO's avatar

*boing *

Lol nah, i was picturing some wierd silver and clear thick plastic sort of thingy, not sure why (Maybe because I watched austin powers XD),

It’s actually not that great a look.

stardust's avatar

It’s not my style so, no I wouldn’t wear an outfit like that.

Earthgirl's avatar

I would say it’s sensationalism over style. There are many more creative designs possible, that don’t rely on shock value for their beauty. But that said, if you’ve got it, flaunt it. Enjoy it while it lasts. I would never have the nerve to wear it. I am pretty modest. but I could always fantasize about it….

6rant6's avatar

I used to do fiber glass work. When I look at that side picture, I think it must itch like hell.

Now from the front, I get a different idea. It looks like she might have a furry chest. Furry in an attractive way, mind you.

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