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ucme's avatar

Halloween: Don't you just love this take on it (see details)?

Asked by ucme (50052points) October 31st, 2013
Just came across that story & thought it was fantastic, uplifting & something i’d never really thought about before.

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13 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

Now that’s creative costuming! Thanks for sharing it.

ucme's avatar

@Sunny2 No problem, I think the guy doing a flamingo is truly awesome!

Pachy's avatar

Love it! Halloween is the ultimate kid’s holiday and I’m happy these youngsters get a chance to experience it. Thanks for sharing the article.

Smitha's avatar

I too agree the guy who dressed up as flamingo is just simply amazing and inspiring! He is Josh Sundquist, who has become known for his hysterical Halloween costumes that utilize his missing leg.

GoldieAV16's avatar

Wow, such a great story. Thanks for sharing this!

ucme's avatar

I love the guy rigging up his wheelchair as an execution at the electric chair & the Wall-E kid is just great. Makes me your heart smile.

Coloma's avatar


ETpro's avatar

Thanks for the laughs. How amazingly creative.

OneBadApple's avatar

These kind of stories demonstrate how many fun, creative and wonderful things are going on out there every day. They are a welcome antidote to the tiny minority of crap and disappointment which seems to relentlessly be thrown at us….

Katniss's avatar

This made me smile. Thanks for sharing @ucme.

ucme's avatar

Hey, look at the feel good factor on this thread, exactly how it should be.

Valerie111's avatar

Amazing. Thanks for sharing!

ucme's avatar

Talk about cheeky, a group of dwarves dressed in school uniform just tricked me out of £10 worth of sweets, bastards!

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