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serenityNOW's avatar

Do any of you make "private" resolutions (that you'd like to share on Fluther)...?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) December 31st, 2013

In other words, I have a resolution that I don’t want to share with my family, friends, etc. for fear it would raise too many questions. It is to be less “deceitful.” I tend to tell white-lies and oftentimes lie by omission. I hate it, and it’s a pressing New Year’s resolution. So, any Jellies interested in following suit, and letting us know what your secret resolutions are, if you have them? I promise I won’t judge too harshly ;)

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11 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

To get settled in a new apartment, and to retake my English 30 diploma exam again hoping to get 70%

ETpro's avatar

Yes and no, Private means private. :-)

Happy New Year!

Mariah's avatar

I’d like to get some clearer idea about what I want out of the future in terms of relationships. Those waters are very confusing for me right now.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t make “New Years Resolutions”.
I don’t think I need to wait until the New Year to better myself. If I want to change something, and it’s possible, I do it.

serenityNOW's avatar

@talljasperman – Good luck. Seriously. You seem articulate enough on Fluther; I’d be surprised if you don’t ace it. I’m not sure what an “English 30” is, though?
@ETpro – Happy and healthy to you, too!
@Mariah – Uggh, good luck ;) Definitely on my list, too.
@AshLeigh – GA! I think that it’s just a decent opportunity for me to assess where I’ve been, where I want to go, and chart out how I’ll get there. It’s a positive way to turn a new leaf, again, though, for me. Sometimes looking back at the 365 days that have passed show me some patterns, and in seeing those patterns, maybe I can make some adjustments for the better.

DWW25921's avatar

This year I’m going to get a divorce.

ETpro's avatar

@DWW25921 Sorry to hear that. Let us know how much of your material goods you manage to hang on to. But having been though it, the costs for me involved so much more than property and bank accounts.

DWW25921's avatar

My house is in my dads name. :)

ETpro's avatar

@DWW25921 Well safe passage to you. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt. As I remember, that’s about all I got.

serenityNOW's avatar

@DWW25921 – Also sorry to hear about the divorce. Hopefully the process is smooth and good luck!

DWW25921's avatar

Thanks. I don’t need a T-Shirt but a nice new pair of slippers would be great!

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