General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Have any Independence Day traditions?

Asked by AstroChuck (37659points) July 4th, 2008 from iPhone

We always go out for ice cream and watch the fireworks at the California Exposition grounds. Also we set off a few of our own. Nothing too groundbreaking. What about you? What are you doing?

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10 Answers

eambos's avatar

We have a nice barbeque for our family and friends. It’s an all day get together where everyone catches up on what the others have been doing. Once the sun sets we fire off a few fireworks and have a great time.

jlm11f's avatar

Sleeping in, shopping, lunch in any Italian restaurant is for the first half of the day. then me and my close high school friends get together to go to the park and watch fireworks like we used to before. there’s always some local band playing music and tons of booths with junk food. end the night usually at a barbeque with close family and friends. Happy July 4th to everyone :)

jacksonRice's avatar

this is the first 4th in five years that i’ve been in the country, & i’m actually a little apprehensive.

marinelife's avatar

@jR Of what?

My 4th is easy. My tradition has become keeps the pups as fear-free as possible when all the firecrackers go off.

Since moving to Florida I have added “Hoping none of the idiots firing guns are within three miles of me.”

Holiday meal will be tomorrow when hubby has a later shift.

Have a happy 4th, everyone. Celebrate summer.

AstroChuck's avatar

Happy Independnce Day, Americans. Happy belated Canada Day, Canadians. And to the rest, Happy summer!

jacksonRice's avatar

@marina—i don’t know… drunk americans setting off sparklers near me… unknown feelings of patriotism beginning to set in… grilled meats?

buster's avatar

Trying to take out peoples eyeballs in a bottle rocket war.

XCNuse's avatar

I wish I did, more so than just a dinner with some friends and some fireworks, this time I’ll actually get some photographs of the fireworks this year, I wish I had a more 4th of July lunch than dinner, nothing like burgers and hot dogs and chips and BBQ

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

My dad always cooks cheeseburgers and my mom takes me to downtown Bellevue to watch the amazing fireworks display

mcbealer's avatar

I had to work on the 4th, but get to celebrate today… We’re enjoying a concert by the Maryland Symphony Orchestra followed by fireworks at the Antietam National Battlefield. Attending that event is our tradition.

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