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syz's avatar

Wait, what? Who is Jon Snow going to find?

Asked by syz (36008points) June 8th, 2014

Yes, I’m one of the GoT watchers who hasn’t read the books (although my sister, who has, is also confused).

Who is it that Jon Snow is going to find?

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17 Answers

Haleth's avatar

So I read the books and only kind of kept up with the show, and I don’t know what’s going on in the latest episodes. But IIRC he might be looking for his uncle Benjen Stark, Ned’s younger brother. Benjen was/ is a member of the night’s watch. He went missing north of the wall, near the beginning of the series.

tinyfaery's avatar

I could tell you, but I’d give it away.

mazingerz88's avatar

Read the books but not able to watch the shows. I’m interested in knowing the answer to this question too. : )

tinyfaery's avatar

You know, this might just be part of the show and not the books. I know who John meets, but I don’t remember him leaving the castle.

tinyfaery's avatar

Rewatch. He is going to kill Mance Rader.

And now I have given away something. Thank you very much.

mazingerz88's avatar

That thingy about Mance Rayder already revealed in the show-? LOL This is fun. And I’m confused of course. : )

El_Cadejo's avatar

Egh…I should not be following this question…so afriad of accidently reading a spoiler…yet I keep clicking on it….

jerv's avatar

@El_Cadejo George R. R. Martin already wrote a few books full of spoilers. Curse him!

El_Cadejo's avatar

@jerv That’s the precise reason I’m not reading the books until this show is over. It’s not very common I get to really enjoy and look forward to a tv show, I’d rather not spoil it.

mazingerz88's avatar

After watching the Red Wedding, started and finished reading all the books. Yeah, I have that whatever brain condition. LOL : )

dappled_leaves's avatar

This is all stuff that has already been covered in the tv series, no spoilers:

He’s going to find Mance Rayder, the king-beyond-the-wall, as the northern folk call him. He used to be a member of the Night’s Watch, but he deserted to join the wildlings.

Here is where he met Jon Snow, in the first episode of Season 3, when Jon was infiltrating the wildlings as Qhorin Halfhand had ordered him to do before sacrificing himself so that Jon could gain their trust.

Rayder’s plan, as far as Jon knew, was to split the wildling army, sending a small force over the wall (including Jon) to attack the Night’s Watch from the south, while he took the main force to Castle Black from the north.

In the books, Rayder’s party attacked one of the other castles along the Wall as a diversion for the group attacking Castle Black, drawing crows away from the main fight. They don’t seem to have mentioned this in Episode 9, instead leaving us to wonder where the heck he was during this important battle. Though it’s possible they mentioned this, and I missed it.

There are other differences here between the books and the series… in the books Jon doesn’t decide to go looking for Rayder; instead he is sent to find and kill him (basically this was a ploy to remove Jon). But much of that politics/intrigue subplot has been removed from the show.

shrubbery's avatar

“much of that politics/intrigue subplot has been removed from the show” lol enough is left to still leave me bloody confused and wishing the books weren’t such a damn struggle to get through. I have been so confused by all the politics and wildling stuff happening up north that I honestly though the red headed bearded guy was mance rayder this whole time. I’ll admit I must have just completely not been paying attention in those scenes but it’s hard to know what’s important and what’s just filler stuff with the show (like all the extra rape scenes they’ve added for no discernible reason)

jerv's avatar

”....wishing the books weren’t such a damn struggle to get through.”

That is why those who have read the books come across as a little condescending. It has nothing to do with the storyline, merely the ability to not struggle with the books.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@shrubbery “I honestly though the red headed bearded guy was mance rayder this whole time”

Not an uncommon problem, and why this sort of thing gets circulated. “Other Robb”. Ha.

They pushed red bearded guy to the front and centre; I think this was badly done by the show’s writers/directors. They should have known people would assume he was the wildling king.

@jerv Condescending? For just knowing what’s going on? Yeesh.

jerv's avatar

@dappled_leaves Some are. As someone who has read Neal “I’ll never write another book under 1000 pages” Stephenson, I see where they’re coming from, though I also understand that some people just don’t enjoy reading.

shrubbery's avatar

I haven’t found the book readers condescending, in fact the ones I know have all indulged me when I ask them a million questions about what’s going to happen because I’m usually that person who reads the books first and likes to know what’s coming and what they change in the show or movie, but in this particular instance I really can’t get through the books but I still want to know lol so I grill my friends and they don’t mind. I’m giving the books another try right now but honestly the second one was hell and I thought I was broken for reading until I smashed through lotr over christmas break and realised it wasn’t me!

syz's avatar

I had the poor planning to get tickets to see Colin Mochrie tonight, so I’ll miss the season finale. Guess I’ll have to figure out how to use HBO On Demand.

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