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talljasperman's avatar

Do or can , people go to the United States for medical tourism (details inside)?

Asked by talljasperman (21916points) December 29th, 2014

For doctor assisted suicide? Which states allow assisted suicide?

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14 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I’m pretty sure you need to be a resident of the state for assisted suicide. Oregon is one state that has assisted suicide. I think even I, an American, has to move there, live there a certain amount if time, to be able to use the service.

There might be states that don’t require it, I’m really not sure. Also, laws might have changed since I first learned about states that allow it.

I used to say that when I get diagnosed with a horrible debilitating illness I will move to Oregon. I might still say that actually. Some countries in Europe have it also, and some of their laws are loser than the US.

I hope you aren’t suicidal right now?

Edit: I found this article

Here is a Wikipedia too.

talljasperman's avatar

@JLeslie Just want to know my options, just in case. Euthanasia was a topic in high school diploma exam; for BIOLOGY.

JLeslie's avatar

Options ok. Just not now. By the time you are ready laws might change.

Canadian provinces don’t have it?

JLeslie's avatar

I just read the Wikipedia says it’s legal in QC.

zenvelo's avatar

Brittany Maynard, who controlled her death this past November 1, moved to Oregon in order to avail herself of the death with dignity laws.

Five states provide for physician assisted suicide: Oregon, Montana, New Mexico, Vermont and Washington. Bills have been introduced in seven other states.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@talljasperman ” Euthanasia was a topic in high school diploma exam; for BIOLOGY.”

I’m going to have to call bullshit on that. In what context would they ask about euthanasia in Biology?

Anyway, Alberta will probably eventually have doctor-assisted suicide. It has the support of over ¾ of the population.

zenvelo's avatar

@talljasperman Just for clarification, there is a big difference between euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Euthanasia is a decision to kill someone or some animal to “put them out of their misery“or to relive them of suffering.

Assisted suicide is a person’s own decision to die, provided their medical predicament is terminal and dire, and with counseling.

talljasperman's avatar

@dappled_leaves check the 1995 Alberta diploma exams for grade 12 Biology. It required an essay answer. I can’t find it. maybe you can. I got 21 or so out of 30% total weight. I blasted the teachers for putting the question to too young a group in my essay. If you can find it then whoped de do.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@talljasperman I’m not disputing that you had a question about euthanasia. I’m disputing that you had it in Biology. What was the question about, which organ would lose function first?

talljasperman's avatar

@dappled_leaves it was about the ethics, behind euthanasia. Bio 30 1995. June exam.

JLeslie's avatar

Why not biology? It doesn’t seem that absurd to me.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@JLeslie It has no place in biology. In a course about religion, ethics, or morality – and we do have high school courses in those topics – yes. But biology, is about physical processes, not about social behaviour. So a question about euthanasia simply doesn’t belong there – unless it is about its physical impact on the body.

talljasperman's avatar

I looked for it and I can’t find the essay question. I took it in 1995. I’m not sure what semester it was could be January. I’m stressed. I will watch YouTube videos of quantum computing… then comeback here.

rojo's avatar

Not really legal but if you come to any city or town in Texas and start randomly firing a gun into the air and yelling “God is great” in Arabic I feel fairly certain that many of the local citizenry would be happy to assist in a suicide by returning fire with their concealed, and not so concealed, handguns..

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