General Question

rockfan's avatar

Aspiring Republican governor Greg Gianforte is against retirement because "Noah built the Ark when he was 600 years old." I wonder what the bible says about vacation time?

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12 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Humans barely get above 120 years old, let alone 600. And even at 600, he was not nearly as decrepit and a walking skeleton as someone at 80.
The equality of women is also not a biblical concept, neither are rules of war on the treatment of civilians “__Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.__”
Religion makes you believe crazy things, and believing crazy things makes you do crazy things to others.
And you keep electing these insane asylum inmates.
Your country’s days are numbered.

cazzie's avatar

When his god starts providing free medical care to everyone so that people can live to 600 years, then he can talk about extending the retirement age.

I’m with @ragingloli on this one. His leap in this type of ‘logic’ makes him appear like a coo-coo head.

jca's avatar

Those crazy Republicans say some crazy shit and yet other Republicans are such fervent supporters. I don’t get it.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.” American King James Version

From what I’ve read in the Bible, the seventh day was the beginning of God’s vacation. He occasionally went back to work as an advisor and more often via humans or angels, but otherwise, he has been on holiday, at least when it pertains to Earth. Maybe God is now focused on other areas in the universe.

Mr. Gianforte has accomplished some positive goals. It’s unfortunate that he chose this example to inspire college students. If I lived in Montana, he wouldn’t get my vote.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think that the photo in the article (the picture of him riding the mechanical bull) pretty much says it all.

What he is spouting is a big load of bull.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Aside from being a table of fantastic claims that would shame any collection of fairy tale fantasies, the bible has a rather distinct slant against modern notions of comfort and contentment. It should therefore be reassuring to the book’s followers that the indolent “sin” of retirement is rapidly disappearing as a possibility for the bulk of us. There are some of us with an inborn disposition to work until we drop. The governor (like many conservatives) appears himself allied with the bible in eliminating the element of choice from decisions of retirement.

Pachy's avatar

I doubt Gianforte believes this or even believes many of his voters do; he’s merely using a mythical Bible story to buttress the Republican animus toward Social Security with his base, members of whom, sadly, are content to suspend, reason and scientific proof and let a fantasy book and a Bible-thumping do their thinking for them.

Pachy's avatar

Bible-thumping politician I meant to say…

flutherother's avatar

The Bible doesn’t talk much about retirement but it doesn’t talk much about computer software either where Gianforte made his money.

cheebdragon's avatar

A guy who is apparently willing to work until the day he dies…..oh, how fucking awful for America.~

ragingloli's avatar

A guy who wants to force YOU to work until you die.
The guy himself will retire to his island villa and get handjobs from his servants.

cheebdragon's avatar

Please point out where it says that in the article…....I’ll wait…..

Just for shits and giggles, you should consider following the sources before you get paranoid.
The guy isn’t a politician, he’s not much different than a crazy guy in the parking lot of lowes who was yelling about the bible and Jesus Christ to everyone who walked by, should we be concerned about his influence on America also??

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