General Question

Nevada83's avatar

How impressive is my record for this physical challenge?

Asked by Nevada83 (1003points) May 19th, 2016

I gave myself 80 seconds to move 3, 8’ long blocks of wood and 4 wide ones, one by one, put them in the trailer 30 feet from where the wood was, and then hit the headlight on our little boat 15 feet away from the trailer, and I did it with 2 seconds left!!!

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9 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Cool, but I don’t think anyone would really care except you. What does hitting the headlight on your boat have to do with anything, I don’t get it. lol

Jak's avatar

Impressive? Not so much. I feel like the 100 yard dash is safe.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That’s right! What could be as smart and safe as rushing through a strenuous job?

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imrainmaker's avatar

Do you want to participate in a reality show?

zenvelo's avatar

Was it balsa?

You won’t get a World Record until you have standardized lumber, standardized vehicles and distances. And precise electronic timing.

Nevada83's avatar

It wasn’t a job at all. I was simply seeing what my strength was like.

Cruiser's avatar

That’s impressive….a block of wood sounds real heavy and moving it 30’.....with 2 seconds to spare….wow! Did you even break a sweat? Next time have someone video tape that….I bet it would go viral on YouTube.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Life is full of small victories. The key point is that you feel good about it, even if no one else cares.

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