Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Any companies or businesses that warm your heart?

Asked by JLeslie (65883points) October 6th, 2016 from iPhone

This is a Q about businesses, not charities.

I just saw a business on Shark Tank and I loved it. Sarah Oliver Handbags, hand knitted by senior citizens in America. Here is the link to the company’s website.

They showed a clip with the seniors who do the knitting and how much they love it. The owner, who is not a senior citizen, already had a relationship with people in a senior community, and she came up with this business, rather than outsourcing to another country. It didn’t seem like she pushes them to do anymore than the pace they want to work at. The owner wants to just add more employees to make more bags.

The bags are beautiful.

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12 Answers

Coloma's avatar

“The Purlettes” haha THAT is just awesome @JLeslie .
My 88 year old neighbor makes baskets with her senior friends and they are really nice. Not a company but the same thing sort of. I can’t think of any company or Business right off the top of my head but your sharing made my day!

Cruiser's avatar

I contract assembly work with a company called Association For Development that employs all levels of handicapped workers. I attended an open house at their facility and I was introduced as a company that is a loyal supporter of their initiative and I got a standing ovation. What moved me the most were those in wheelchairs who did their best to stand and applaud.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think the Gate’s donated a crazy amount of money to cancer research. That’s awesome.

SmashTheState's avatar

“Trade curses everything it handles; and though you trade in messages from Heaven, the whole curse of trade attaches to the business.”Henry David Thoreau, Walden

The only way a business could warm my heart would be by burning down. And they’re not “employees,” they’re workers. Workers work whether a capitalist scumbag is paying them or not. Using the word “employee” makes a worker’s labour valueless unless some shitbag sociopathic robber baron has found a way to turn a profit off it.

LostInParadise's avatar

@SmashTheState , I am not unsympathetic toward your point of view. One attempt at having large businesses that do not exploit workers is the idea of worker owned companies, the largest being Mondragon.

I am sure you are going to raise objections and I do not want to get into a debate with you. I am hoping that you will at least consider the possibility that worker owned companies, though not being what you would recommend, are at least an improvement over stockholder owned corporations.

chyna's avatar

Thanks for the warm fuzzies @smashthestate.~

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Trade is intrinsic to human interaction and human survival in groups. Abolish all business and there will still be trade.

The small businesses like ma and pop restaurants that serve amazing food and have a casual, homey environment are what I like to see.

LostInParadise's avatar

Sorry about the link messup. Here is a link to the Wikipedia article on Mondragon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Love that story @JLeslie!

Surprisingly ATT warmed the cockles of my heart once. I had lost the phone number I’d been assigned when I first moved to town 10 years earlier. Kids were pretty upset. It was their childhood number. My grandson said, sadly, “That was the first number I ever memorized.” I became bound and determined to get it back.
I called ATT a couple times a month for six months when suddenly…yes!!!! It was available! The lady seemed genuinely sympathetic to my plight and got almost as excited as I did when it popped up. :) :) :) :)

Other than that, ATT is an asshole.

SmashTheState's avatar

@LostInParadise I’m a mutualist, so I have no objection to worker co-ops and collectives, but that’s not what people on Fluther mean when they refer to “businesses.”

Brian1946's avatar

“Compassionate crapitalism”: oxymoron, empirical or logical impossibility? ;-o

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