General Question

imrainmaker's avatar

As per you what is the most important virtue in this modern era and why?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) December 21st, 2017

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11 Answers

Mariah's avatar


funkdaddy's avatar

I’d say kindness as a single virtue, but really I think it’s balancing kindness with the requirement to get things done that we all face.

We tend to become more selfish when we perceive a scarcity of time, or money, or just about anything else. We can justify that and say we don’t have space for kindness.

But you can get yours and still be kind 95% of the time.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Integrity (honesty). Without that nothing matters.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

^^ I like all the above answers,but if I have to pick just one I will go with (honesty).

YARNLADY's avatar


rebbel's avatar


flameboi's avatar

patience, unlimited patience.

seawulf575's avatar

The most important virtue? Tough one. Temperance, Diligence, and Patience. However these are also some of the least available in today’s society.

kruger_d's avatar


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