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LadyMarissa's avatar

Have you watched Sandra Bullock in Bird Box yet?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16142points) January 6th, 2019

It seems that Netflix is really pushing their original movie Bird Box staring Sandra Bullock. No matter what site I visit, I see something recommending it. Netflix claims that it has been viewed over 45 million times…yet nobody I know has seen it. The trailer isn’t drawing me in yet I catch myself wondering what I’m missing. IF you have watched it, what did you think & would you recommend it to others???

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21 Answers

Demosthenes's avatar

The description of the movie’s premise reminds me of M. Night Shyamalan’s The Happening, which was not good.

I’ve heard that this movie is mostly “meh”, with some interesting ideas, and some pacing issues and 1-dimensional characters. I’m not all that into “apocalyptic” stories in general, so I doubt I will see it. My roommate watched it with his girlfriend and said it was “okay”.

Sorry, that’s all the info I have about it.

LadyMarissa's avatar

That’s more info than I had when I asked the Q!!! LoL I like Bullock but the trailer left me feeling a tad confused. Then I started hearing about the Bird Box Challenge & I had to think DOH.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just saw it last night. I wasn’t particularly impressed. If you thought about it too many things didn’t make sense.
I won’t give out any spoilers. But, If I knew my toddler children and I would die if I looked at something you can be sure I’d be duct taping their eyes closed rather than using a cloth blindfold tied with a poor excuse for a clove hitch.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Lucky, I love how you can make me laugh.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I like Sandra Bullock a lot too. In fact, we’re watching “The Proposal” right now. Hilarious.
But I am not thrilled by everything she’s done. Gravity for one. We keep skipping past Birdbox. The premise is too weird.

Stache's avatar

Apocalyptic movies are some of my favorite. This movie was okay. It was entertaining. I’ve seen much worse.

I’d give it a B-.

cookieman's avatar

We saw it last week. I liked it a lot.

LadyMarissa's avatar

It seems that my suspicions have been confirmed. IF I’m visiting a friend & they have it playing, I’ll live if I watch it. IF I never see it, I won’t be out of anything. Guess this one will be delegated to trhe back burner!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Oops @cookieman, sorry, I didn’t see your response until I had added my comment. What was there about it that you liked so much???

Stache's avatar

It’s entertaining and suspenseful with a great cast. I don’t expect these types of movies to make complete sense. If I wanted intelligence I’d watch a documentary.

filmfann's avatar

I watched it yesterday.
It was good, but nothing special. Comparisons to The Happening are correct.
A much better Netflix film is The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.

cookieman's avatar

Pretty much what @Stache said.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Saw it a few weeks ago before it lit up the internet. Sort of clever but predictable and like mentioned parts of it did not make sense. Worth watching.

ucme's avatar

Watched with my daughter over the weekend & we both enjoyed it, nowhere near as good as A Quiet Place which I think is more in line with this film in terms of sensory deprivation than The Happening, as has been suggested.

mazingerz88's avatar

Tired of post apocalyptic scenarios. No plans of seeing it. A friend of mine who saw it says there’s nothing special about it. Watchable but not a must see.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I saw it. It reminded me of that Quiet Place movie, with Emily Blunt.

I also enjoy apocalyptic movies. This was just another style.

It was better than any Hallmark movie by a long way. I think it could be considered a “girl power” movie. The premise of some parts, are ridiculous. Still, worth watching once, I say…..

LuckyGuy's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Were you also appalled at the director’s lack of shotgun knowledge? When she racked it a couple of times (to show how proficient she was with the weapon) the sound was clearly empty casings hitting the floor. Also someone needed to tell John M that the butt goes against your shoulder, not 6 inches from your body. Good thing didn’t need it…. or did he?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah, kind of. It definitely takes the air out of a scene when things like that happen. It comes across as lazy. If you don’t know how a firearm works, ask someone who does.

Overall, movies are historically bad at most things involving guns. I can think of hundreds of movies where nobody ever reloads, and there are more than six shots from revolvers. As I have a habit of counting my own shots, I count them in movies too. It’s almost something that I have had to ignore, or it would ruin lots of otherwise great movies.

LuckyGuy's avatar

^I don’t think most people notice or care but that kind of stuff really stands out to me. JM walking around like that looked ridiculous to my eyes. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and was waiting to see if that was part of the story. I was disappointed when it turns out to be just lack of research.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I watched it last night and was immediately engrossed. I enjoy post-apocalypse stories, so I was predisposed to liking this film.

Critics have been panning the movie because it has some implausible elements. But, it’s a sci-fi/horror film; its very premise is unbelievable, and the viewer’s meant to suspend reality and accept another sensibility. I also love that “Bird Box” might be the least festive movie ever to dominate the holiday-season releases.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@LuckyGuy They had some seriously implausible moments in Gravity. I’m not even an astronomer and even I could see that. It was a bummer, because Cloney and Bullock are two of my favorite actors.

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