Social Question

stanleybmanly's avatar

What conclusions do you draw from the Trump experience?

Asked by stanleybmanly (24153points) December 12th, 2020 from iPhone

There are always lessons to be learned from any disaster.

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51 Answers

Hamb's avatar

People loathe boorish characters who do horrible things far more than polished, polite people who do horrible things.

si3tech's avatar

That he the only president in decades who speaks for us. We, the people are being heard! Huge. Law and order are the way to go. Our constitution was founded on his principles. He keeps promises. We re one people under God.

LuckyGuy's avatar

That the predictions in the movie Idiocracy were off by about 500 years.
Idiocracy opening

gondwanalon's avatar

Conservatism and capitalism are on life support and soon to be unplugged.

rockfan's avatar

That a fake populist fares better than a neoliberal in an election. In this election Trump used the wrong strategy and ran like an elitist, the very thing he opposed in 2016.

kritiper's avatar

Despite whatever anyone may ascertain, shit DOES happen!

JLeslie's avatar

That a lot of people love to be angry and exasperated and are like addicts on social media.

How easy it is to manipulate people through propaganda.

That a portion of people don’t care about the means to an end as long as they achieve the end.

Demosthenes's avatar

One conclusion I can draw is that as a nation we’re incapable of learning any long-term historical lessons. And that we love power and those who wield it.

ragingloli's avatar

That your country is as good as finished.
That conservatives are all too eager to destroy democracy and embrace fascism under a Führer, while pretending the opposite, and draping themselves in their flags.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I don’t know what to think loli. At least a a larger fraction of the people (I think) got it right this time and by whatever chance or swing of fortune, the courts backed them up. The luck of your “colonies” once more has seen them through (more or less).

ragingloli's avatar

The problem is that half of the population embraced drumpf’s lies about a rigged election and mass voter fraud, without any evidence and without any skepticism.
They cheered when drumpf tried to disenfranchise millions of voters in the runup to the election through his various voter suppression efforts.
They cheered when he tried to have the votes of millions of people thrown out after the election, based on fraudulent “affidavits” and spurious technicalities.
When these attempts were rightfully laughed out of the courts, the SC included, they embraced the drumpfian conspiracy theory that the courts are all part of the “deep state”.
They continued to cheer, when drumpf tried to pressure state legislatures to discard the voting results anyway, and appoint drumpf-loyalist electors instead.
They have convinced themselves that the entire electoral process is corrupted, that the entire judicial system is corrupted, and that democrats and non-drumpf-loyalist republicans are all part of the deep state conspiracy.
Even now his supporters are advocating for violent insurrection, or advocating for their Führer to declare martial law. Even the head of the Texas GOP has called for secession of states loyal to drumpf.
And I think it is quite apparent that this QAnon delusion is very widespread among right wingers.

filmfann's avatar

This Nation’s constitution was based on the presumption that while bad people will be elected, the Electoral College and Congress will have enough correct-thinking members to stop them.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That being an outsider I have never been so drawn into American politics, it started when the Don Father did his idiotic Tariffs against Canada.
Then paying attention to orange man his belligerent ,demeaning , trash talking about anyone who challenged him, his demeaning nick names for people that spoke out, his super thin skin when anyone made fun of him.
And how a great many Yankees actually love the guy despite his constant lies.

ragingloli's avatar

Yeah. The guy is a compulsive liar, runs scam universities and charities, cheats his contractors, cheated on his pregnant wife, banged porn stars, bragged about sexually assaulting women, insults everyone that dares challange him.
He is the embodiment of the seven cardinal sins, and still you have countless people literally being convinced that he is god’s prophet sent directly by jesus.
Like a dog owner telling you that his dog is only playing, while the dog is ripping out your kid’s instestines.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah pretty much.^^^

Zaku's avatar

I think @ragingloli has the most accurate AND BALANCED take on the situation here, and would echo what he says.

I think it also provides and excellent counterpoint to the nonsensical notion that reporting ought to be “balanced” in the sense of respecting “both sides” as if they were equally worthy of respect and consideration. It doesn’t work when one or both “sides” are either extreme, or blatantly terrible in any number of ways. It also doesn’t work when the “NOT-right-wing-wacko” “side” has drifted right of center and is also largely a pawn of corporations and oligarchs.

KNOWITALL's avatar

My biggest takeaway is that we need more good people running for office and winning. Picking from the same tainted patch is getting us nowhere.

mazingerz88's avatar

Can’t take the right and the privilege of voting for granted.

That America is better than this. Much much better than having a deplorable douche bag in the WH. Must never happen again.

In the interim patience, understanding and love between Americans in disagreement must be promoted and cultivated.

I prefer to think most Americans are not truly evil.

cookieman's avatar

That, while not the majority, a big chunk of the American population feel left out and left behind. While their tactics for dealing with that are often terrible, those in power might want to make some real effort toward addressing their concerns.

That truly caring, intelligent, and talented people have no interest in running for public office. As such, we are left with average to horrible choices in a two-party system that does not work.

That bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic people exist in greater numbers than you would have imagined, if you live in a fairly moderate to progressive state (like I do).

That the US is simply too large, both geographically and population-wise to achieve any real unity, particularly given our focus on individuality.

seawulf575's avatar

I draw the conclusion that those on the left are truly deranged.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

And . . . @seawulf575 the Fright Wingers are all delusional.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I will second that!^^^

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey Wulfie at least you don’t see lefties filing dozens of fraudulent law suits that are getting shot down in every court in the land.
But the left are the deranged ones?

doyendroll's avatar

Only In America

One kid dreams of fame and fortune
One kid helps pay the rent
One could end up going to prison
One just might be president

Nomore_lockout's avatar

The only conclusion I can draw is that 1) The GOP of Ike and Regan is dead and 2) There are way more lunatics in this country than I ever imagined. And it seems to be contagious. I saw a video from the UK earlier this year, of an actual confrontation between pro Trump and anti Trump Brits. A red ball cap was slapped off a guy’s head, then people began tossing ice cream cones at each other. Again, these were Englishmen in London doing this crap. Police had to separate the two parties. Trump, what hast thou wrought? You moron.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@doyendroll From I can see, the red hat goons are pretty much of the same mind on both sides of the pond. I’d it hadn“t been for the accents and police uniforms, I“d have thought that shit was happening in America.

kritiper's avatar

@ragingloli As goes (or may go) the United States, so goes the rest of the world.
Welcome to the club!

seawulf575's avatar

@Nomore_lockout Thank you for the perfect example of what I was saying. Because a guy is wearing a red ball cap, someone on the left actually smacks it off his head. Why would a sane person do that? That rates right up there with seeing a black person and deciding to beat them for no other reason than their skin color. Or seeing a Jew and deciding to eradicate him. And to complete the example of derangement, you are blaming the guy with the red cap.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Example of derangement? How about Trump’s Georgia rally when he supposedly went there to endorse the two Republican senators that he roughly gave 2 and half minutes to spent the rest of the time ranting about how he won the election and it was stolen from him and the crowd was going crazy chanting “FIGHT FOR TRUMP” over and over and you say the left is deranged ?
My dear little wulf the right scares me a hell of a lot more than the left does.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Where in my post do I say the red hat guy started it? Where do I defend the guy who did it? I stated that it happened. In the following post I refer to them as goons. That’s what they appeared to me to enterage for the main guy, who were chapping at the bit for trouble to start. And they even tried scuffling with Constables who were trying to break it up.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Nomore_lockout You have to understand Wulfie NOTHING is ever the rights fault, everything is the lefts fault always.
And damn it they are willing to pick up guns and fight to the death to prove they are always right and the left is always wrong..

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Yup as in the case of that woman activist, who was run
over by a peace loving right winger who was lawfully driving on the sidewalk. Merely annoyed by that violent act of – standing around. How dare she?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Exactly,The right can do no wrong now you’re getting it.
One prime example have you ever seen Trump take responsibility for any thing a bit negative on his watch he says over and over he takes no responsibility for anything unless of course it’s an up swing in the stock market.

SEKA's avatar

My Grandpa’s favorite saying was When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas
He’s been dead for over 2 decades and I’m just now beginning to understand. I’m seeing a lot of my so-called friends in a whole new light and I’m weeding out the ones with the most fleas

stanleybmanly's avatar

That’s right wulfie. It’s the left that harbors all the anti Semites.

seawulf575's avatar

@Nomore_lockout Where in your post did you say the red hat guy started it? Hmmm…was it the statement ” Trump, what hast thou wrought? You moron.”? Or maybe the term “Red Hat Goons”? Either way, it was the Trump supporter that was the victim, not the aggressor. And even now you are trying to justify the actions of the actual aggressors, saying the Trump supporters were ”...chapping at the bit for trouble to start.”. If the left was not a deranged as they were, there would have been no trouble. You still can’t admit that slapping the hat off someone is not a rational act, can you?

cookieman's avatar

What pervasive mental illness has overtaken so many that some group or another, some “other”, has to be the enemy?

I don’t care what “side” you’re on — if you prescribe to this mentality, fuck off already.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@seawulf575 About as rational as running someone over on a sidewalk. Calling the kettle black, much? At any rate, seems you and I both have been put in our place..see above post. I’m out.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

That this is the last time that a New York real estate billionaire will win the presidency.

rockfan's avatar


How are you so sure? Trump is going to run again in 2024 and if Biden continues the neoliberal policies of Obama, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump wins again.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@rockfan I am not sure. Just being tongue in cheek. Bloomberg might run.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Neoliberal policies you mean policy that actually helps the average working joe?
I can see the 1% not liking that at all.

jca2's avatar

@SQUEEKY2: Neoliberal policies like feeding people who need food and providing health care to those who can’t afford it, so the sick and dying aren’t crawling around in the streets. Housing for those who need it so people aren’t sleeping in refrigerator boxes on the sidewalk. I guess some see food, housing and medical care as a bad thing. Cut back on those liberal social programs and let the chips fall where they may. ~~

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@jca2 Oh come on now, can’t expect the poor put upon billionaires to pay a fair share of taxes can you? I mean that’s outrageous.

jca2's avatar

@Nomore_lockout Just revenge will be when Trump goes home to his Manhattan highrise and has to look out the window and see “Black Lives Matter” painted on the blacktop of 5th Avenue right outside his building. Lolololol!

rockfan's avatar

Obama supported a center right healthcare plan, not a progressive healthcare plan. That’s what I mean by neoliberal polices. Obama himself has said in interviews that he considers himself a moderate republican

jca2's avatar

Obama said that in the 1980’s, he’d be considered a moderate Republican, not that he considers himself a moderate Republican.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m convinced most Republicans don’t know fiscal responsibility and conservatism when they see it.

I’m also guessing they will have complete AMNESIA that the deficit went up every year under Trump and continue to believe trickle down is a good idea. They’ll just blame the high deficit on the Democrats and COVID.

tinyfaery's avatar

There are more racists in this country than I ever thought there were.
There are more uneducated people with zero critical thinking skills that I ever thought there were.
Business people should stick to the private sector.
There are absolutely differences between the Dems and Repubs.

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