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chyna's avatar

Donald Trump made a surprise visit to DC yesterday. Does anyone know why?

Asked by chyna (51692points) September 12th, 2022 from iPhone

It’s being reported on Newsweek, the Daily Beast, ABC NEWS. But I haven’t heard why. Does anyone know? I’m sorry I can’t link as I’m on my phone.

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52 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

I avoid the news at ALL cost, so I hadn’t heard. I did a quick search & there is a lot of speculation & smart azz comments, but nobody seems to know & he’s NOT telling as he’s enjoying the attention!!!

One person pointed out that during his speech in Pennsylvania that he commented about his meeting with Mark Zuckerberg the week before at the White House & reminded us that he hadn’t been in the WH in almost 2 years, so maybe he had another meeting with MZ scheduled for yesterday or maybe he was going to Walter Reed for a checkup.

He wasn’t publicly lead off in handcuffs, so I don’t dare to speculate. IF I hear anything further, I’ll be back with an update. By the time I hear it, you will probably have heard it as well!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Maybe to return the last of the documents seeing how honest he is, sorry I can’t go on without Laughing my ass off!

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^ What drugs are you on??? He wouldn’t return them when they nicely offered to pick them up & you think he’s going to voluntarily fly in to return them…NOT!!!

canidmajor's avatar

^^^ @SQUEEKY2 was kidding. I’m surprised you couldn’t tell.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^^^ I was too, really surprised that you couldn’t tell!!!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Plea bargain.

jca2's avatar

Yesterday was 9/11 so maybe something with that?

chyna's avatar

@jca2 I would think that also, except that he is in his golf clothes and shoes instead of a suit. So maybe he is there to play golf.

LadyMarissa's avatar

He didn’t do 9/11 stuff even when he was in office & it was too late in the day for golf or ceremonies that had wrapped up hours before

WhyNow's avatar

How can trump be allowed to go where ever he wants?
Something must be done!

cheebdragon's avatar

Are you worried he’s going to do something illegal?

LadyMarissa's avatar

NO, I’m NOT worried that he’s going to do something illegal as I KNOW that he’ll be doing something illegal. That’s guaranteed…it’s what he does best!!!

JLeslie's avatar

Who knows. He lived there for a while, maybe he’s visiting friends.

Maybe he’s talking to someone about the documents that were confiscated.

Could be anything or more than one thing.

flutherother's avatar

Doesn’t he have chains around his ankles to restrict movement?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Not yet ,but we hope very soon.^^^^^^^^^

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Maybe he went to visit his “side action” bimbo ! ! !

elbanditoroso's avatar

He was carrying the payoff loot to the Supreme Court justices who struck down Rowe vs Wade.

Something about “small, unmarked bills”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

To visit a mistress? To give documents to a mistress to stash in her underwear drawer.

Forever_Free's avatar

Who cares. I really could care less of his movements unless it is to a prison cell.

RocketGuy's avatar

I thought it was for a meeting with his buddies so they could get their stories straight if called to testify.

RayaHope's avatar

To turn himself in?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Maybe it was this Trump asked the DOJ to pay half the cost for the special Master he wants?
Can you guess what the DOJ told him?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

He wants his balls back. From the mar-a-lago raid.
The unsanctioned golf balls.

smudges's avatar

He was in golf clothes? Where is it that Ivana is buried? Maybe he was visiting her gravesite?

eyesoreu's avatar

No, nobody here knows why.

Forever_Free's avatar

They only sell orange hair color in DC.
He left his tiny little gloves at a DC dry cleaner.
There is an amazing Tin Foil Hat Maker in Old Alexandria.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Today (Tuesday) they have a video showing him having a clandestine meeting on the golf course with a group of men. Kinda like The Godfather revisited!!!

@smudges Ivana was buried in Bedminster, NJ. Maybe he flew from there so he could get away from her.

chyna's avatar

They are the latest group to be subpoenaed. It could Look like witness tampering.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Keep himself in the news. He knows he’s washed up and irrelevant.

kruger_d's avatar

They have an international airport. We can hope.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I think that president Biden wants to speak to him. Either for advice or to give him a chance to explain himself.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Advice”?? From the Orange moron???

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III lol. You are right. What was I thinking?

chyna's avatar

I knew it! He’s a shyster!

LadyMarissa's avatar

I heard today that Jared will be making a speech & he flew in to attend that. Not sure that I believe it because he doesn’t even like Jared & I don’t see him hanging around for 3 or 4 days just to hear Jared speak.

There was also one report that he was trying to sneak out of the country. I didn’t consider the source reliable, but the thought gave me sooo much pleasure that I thought I’d share!!!

elbanditoroso's avatar

@canidmajor those pictures of Trump on the golf course are reminiscent of the scenes in Caddyshack where obnoxious idot challenges Rodney Dangerfield to a match.

WhyNow's avatar

So… is this obsession with trump or just protecting democracy?

Forever_Free's avatar

^^ The latter.

WhyNow's avatar

^ You are saying that in the name of protecting democracy… a former president
should be carefully watched, maybe even restricted.

Does this sound ironic in any way to you?

chyna's avatar

No. Not for a former president who tried to destroy democracy.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I wish I could give you a million Ga points for that answer! @chyna

WhyNow's avatar

^Now it surely sounds like misdirection to me.

chyna's avatar

Meaning of misdirection: the action or process of directing someone to the wrong place or in the wrong direction.
This has nothing to do with my statement.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@WhyNow NOBODY is telling him that he can’t go anywhere; but with his track record, NOBODY in their right mind is going to ignore where he is going either. Are you saying that he should have MORE rights than I do??? He’s trying to take any right I have away from me!!!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Ok I believe that President Joe Biden was offering a seat on Air Force One to accompany him to the queens funeral.

jca2's avatar

I heard Trump was not invited to the Queen’s funeral, @RedDeerGuy1. I heard that the venue for the funeral only holds about 2200 people so Biden and Jill are invited but no entourage and not Trump or Obama.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@jca2 Ok. Thanks. Just playing the guessing game.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I also heard that England did. Not Trump to attend!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Can’t swear by it, but I think I saw a news report that the Queen requested that FPOS not be allowed at her funeral

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