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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Are you ok?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24859points) August 29th, 2023

Is everything ok?

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gondwanalon's avatar

I’m probably not 100% OK. But I constantly lie to myself.
Last week my cardiologist seemed alarmed that my heart rate was 41 beats per minute on an ECG. She asked me if I get light-headed while walking. I said no. But my resting heart rate has been low for a long time. Perhaps over time I’ve become accustomed of walking around light-headed. My typical walk is 8 miles long with lots of hills. On the last couple of walks (August 25th & August 28th) I felt a bit tired (like I wanted to sit down for a while) and wondered if that tired feeling was actually the “light-headed” feeling that the doctor asked me about. Oh well.

I figure it’s just part of being old. I’m not use to dealing with a 72 year old body. HA!

Anyway the cardiologist want to see me again in 3 months.

canidmajor's avatar

I have Covid. It sucks.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Mostly, no complaints

jonsblond's avatar

I’ve been very sick since Friday, most likely with Covid as well. I just went for a PCR test this morning.

smudges's avatar

High stress, multiple issues, high anxiety, trouble eating and sleeping

jonsblond's avatar

I am officially confirmed positive with Covid. I’d hate to see how I’d feel if I hadn’t recently gotten my booster. I feel horrible.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I was okay until I saw so many have Covid. Yikes!! Glad I’m a remote worker.
Ya’ll get better soon.

Zaku's avatar

My main complaint is wildfire smoke, so I guess that means I’m doing (cough) well.

RocketGuy's avatar

I went to various restaurants and a movie theater in Seattle last week without wearing a mask. Caught a sore throat for the first time in 2 years. Annoyed.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Thanks for asking. I’m OK. I’m perturbed to still be waiting for news about a matter I want resolved.

janbb's avatar

I’m really ok. Was really down about several things earlier in the summer but I’m much more content now.

longgone's avatar

Hm, no. My grandma had a stroke a few days ago. It’s a mild one, so she’s not that different from usual. But it was a shock. She’s always been very active and she’s young in spirit. It scares me to think about her mortality. Most worrying is that she’s shrugging it off and wants to leave the hospital ASAP. To go back home, where she is alone. I really want her to take advantage of the chance to stay at a rehabilitation center for a few weeks.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@longgone hugs. Sending you happy thoughts.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m doing GREAT. If I was doing any better, I’d be twins!!! ; )

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m stressed. I am hosting a 4 day event for 40 people at my home at the end of September.. So many things need to be done. A 10×20 ft shelter is being delivered on Sept 6 and the boxes weigh over 800 pounds . I need to pour concrete footers but don’t want to mess up my nice patio so I need another solution. I asked my friend to help me put it together. I hope it isn’t a nightmare.
Then there is food, entertainment, hotel arrangements, airport pickups… endless.

Interesting fact, my Garmin watch knows when I am thinking/worrying about the event and registers a higher stress score. Pretty clever device.

RocketGuy's avatar

@LuckyGuy – instead of concrete footers, what do you think about using water jugs? That’s what I see a lot for swap meet canopies.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@RocketGuy I’m spending 3k on a really nice permanent cedar shelter. I don’t want to kludge it up. I have used concrete blocks in the past and they worked fine for my $350 Harbor Freight shelters. I did talk with them today and got some ideas. I will likely get some attractive heavy patio blocks and screw the feet into them.
And…. Shhhh… Don’t tell anyone this…. I am going to pay to have them put the thing together. So embarrassing but stress free.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I have much that I could complain about. But. If I were to to give myself an optimistic grade, I’d say I’m adapting and overcoming…
I struggle with my sanity. I think that’s pretty normal… However. It’s important to remind yourself that, “Hey man. I’m still fuckin here!”..
What are the odds?...

It’s important to control what is in my control. Important to continue to try to do the best I can to reenter the workforce, and start playing sports again.

October 14th will be 1 year, since my liver transplant. Over three years of indescribable suffering… Behind me now… Plenty of hard work to do.
Plenty of soul searching.
Plenty of potential, for success or failure. Likely a mixture of both, if life is an indicator…

Blackwater_Park's avatar

2nd day post op from a torn bicep. Feeling ok

janbb's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Oh – that’s a shame.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Does your Garmin know? Maybe it will give you some time off.
Rest easy and charge your Body Battery to 100%! .

smudges's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Youch! Heal well and soon!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Thankfully able to take time off to recover.

janbb's avatar

@Patty_Melt So sorry to hear!

smudges's avatar

@Patty_Melt the specifics may vary, but I’ve been not ok a lot in life. I’m sorry to hear that you’re in that space. Anything I/we can do to help?

Patty_Melt's avatar

@smudges, I am a believer in positive vibes. Blame my sixties childhood. Please keep uplifting thoughts for me.

smudges's avatar

Oh I will! You were the first person who wrote me a message here. <hugs>

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s because Patty is awesome…
Please try and keep hope alive.
Love ya Patty!

raum's avatar

It ebbs and flows. Doing better than I was a month ago when this question was asked.

Sending everyone who could use it, some good vibes.

smudges's avatar

^^ I’m doing much better than I was when it was first asked also. Yayyy us! We made it through another bad spell!

canidmajor's avatar

Wondering if I have Long Covid. Two months out, really tired, brain foggy, digestive system a disaster, joints super achy. Ugh.
So no, not really.

janbb's avatar

@canidmajor Gentle hugs. Maybe it’s worth going to a Long Covid clinic??

canidmajor's avatar

@janbb Thanks. Gonna give it a little more time, then I’ll see what Yale has to offer, they’re doing a lot of work on this, I hear. Doc’s office recommends three months.

jca2's avatar

@canidmajor Could it be Lymes?

canidmajor's avatar

@jca2 Highly unlikely, and it follows immediately the bout with Covid.

raum's avatar

@canidmajor Oh man. Sorry to hear that. :(

I had all of that after my first round as well. And chest pains.

Chest pains stopped around three months. And other symptoms began to taper after, but slower than the chest pains.

Hoping your symptoms begin to taper off soon!

Covid sucks.

canidmajor's avatar

@raum Thanks! I have had no chest involvement at all (yay!) and all the vaxes and boosters and stuff, hoping for relief soon! And it’s a great way to have quiet holidays, with someone else doing the work. ;-)

raum's avatar

@canidmajor Yay for no chest stuff!

It was strangely quiet having to quarantine when I had covid. Honestly the last time I had that much space was probably pre-kids. Ha.

canidmajor's avatar

Covid as a rest cure…interesting (and very positive!) spin!!! :-D

smudges's avatar

@canidmajor I’m sorry to hear that it’s still hanging on. I agree with you…try to get into a study. They may have some answers for you. Wow…3 months is a longgg time when you’re feeling bad.

canidmajor's avatar

@smudges Still beats the bell out of recovering from cancer treatments!
I’ll get there…

smudges's avatar

^^ High five!

canidmajor's avatar

Back atcha, Sweetie, and I am glad you’re feeling better! <3

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