General Question

syz's avatar

Would you like your own jelly?

Asked by syz (35958points) October 31st, 2008

I have no ties with and make no money from this product, I just thought other Flutherers might enjoy them:

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18 Answers

loser's avatar

Whoa! That is so cool! Thanks for letting us know about it!!!

El_Cadejo's avatar

For a while i actually considered getting a real jelly for my tank but decided against it because i dont have enough space.

simone54's avatar

I thought this was a post about getting my own jelly, like the fruit kinda, like jam. I really did want my own jelly. Now I’m disappointed.

Judi's avatar

How fun! I’m trying to figure out who to give one to for Christmas.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

That seems cruel to the jellies….

El_Cadejo's avatar

i picked a special jelly just for you simone ;)

loser's avatar

Judi, you can give me one!!!
Don’t be surprised if you get one back though!!!

PupnTaco's avatar

Am I the only one who went straight to the gutter reading that question?

Judi's avatar

yes, you are.

augustlan's avatar

I say we all chip in and buy one for Fluther Headquarters!

La_chica_gomela's avatar

loser, no, i did too!

stratman37's avatar

I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly.

Knotmyday's avatar


So, Blackbeard had a tank full of jellyfish? Weird.

simone54's avatar

Thanks uber.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@stratman. No one will ever be ready for that jelly. That’s nasty. LOL

stratman37's avatar

Yeah, if her butt was a jar of jelly, it would say: “best if used by JUN 05”

Bluefreedom's avatar

How about “Overused and condemned. Avoid at all costs.”

SamiRae527's avatar

Woah those are cool. They actually look real it would be a neat gift.

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