General Question

Mr_M's avatar

Did anyone else see the live "Ghost Hunters" on Halloween? What did you think?

Asked by Mr_M (7621points) November 1st, 2008

Did you see the part where the worker walks in on the two “investigators” in the kitchen?

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6 Answers

seVen's avatar

I don’t believe in ghosts but I believe in demons masquerading as dead loved ones and friends.

PIXEL's avatar

@seVen You believe in demons and not spirits?

seVen's avatar

yea, demons are fallen angel spirits.

HaleyBob's avatar

Those shows crack me up.

PIXEL's avatar

@seVen Hell and demons don’t exist.

Mr_M's avatar

I think the entire premise was shot to hell when the worker walked in on the “investigators”. The whole idea is that only the investigators are in the house so that, when you hear a noise, it “HAS” to be the ghosts. But when you know there are workers also in the house, you KNOW the noises come from the workers! They could have ended the show right there!

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