General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Care to share your baby picture with the collective?

Asked by AstroChuck (37664points) November 2nd, 2008

Thought it might be fun. That cute lil’ tike temporarily taking over my normal avatar is me, circa 1962.
Now that I’ve shown you mine, you show me yours.

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44 Answers

Lost_World's avatar

Sniff I don’t have any D:

wildflower's avatar

You’re just too cute AC!! – and a chatterbox from the start, I see :)
goes digging for baby-pics, but suspects none can be found on this laptop….

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Okay Chuck, here I am on my 1st birthday! 1958

MissAnthrope's avatar

AC – Oh, man, massive cuteness.. massive cuteness.

Alfreda – It’s weird, the old standby workaround to view a larger version is no longer working..would you post a link to something bigger, please? :D

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@Alena, let me figure out how to do that. I had to learn the crop feature in iPhoto. I’m thinking file size would take care of it?

MissAnthrope's avatar

Well, before, you could right click on an avatar, select “copy image location”, paste into a new tab, remove the “_thumb” part, and that was it. Your photo had no file designation, no .gif or .jpg.. I tried adding them, but it didn’t work. I’m stumped. :)

Edit.. So I thought Fluther had maybe changed it, but I tried it with mine and it works.. I think maybe you forgot to add the file type? That’s all I can think.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Okay.. had to scrounge and figure out where I put these… here’s me at about a year old with my mom. :)

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

It was save as a .jpg…

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Aww, Alena, you’re so cute! And your mom is really pretty.

Vincentt's avatar

Really cute all :)

I was a really ugly baby, I believe I have a picture-of-a-picture somewhere, if I can find it I’ll post it here and set it as my avatar.

Found it! :)

wildflower's avatar

Alright, no baby pics to be found, but here’s a pic of a pic from my days sewing footballs in sweatshop…....or just being creative in kindergarten….age 4

asmonet's avatar

Fuck damn it, Chuck!
I was going to post this when I got home in an hour.


MissAnthrope's avatar

Alfreda – Thanks. :) There was a period where everyone said my mom looked like Princess Di. I was so proud to have a beautiful mom that looked like a princess. :)

Vincentt, that’s not an ugly baby. You were pretty cute.

wildflower – Cute!! You look like you were a precocious kid.

joeysefika's avatar

Here i am at 2 maybe 3

Vincentt's avatar

@AlenaD – you’re right, this picture’s an exception :P
When I was awake, however… (Though it might be because other photos I saw where when I was older and awake ;-)

@joeysefika – nice :)

asmonet's avatar

I think I was flippin’ adorable in 1986. Until that is, I discovered I was, in fact, Godzilla!

No seriously, I ate toy cars and trucks and roared in home movies and everything. I had no shame.

Chuck, if I ever have kids, the better look like your baby photos.

asmonet's avatar

Does anyone else, kind of sort of want more baby avatars all over Fluther?

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@Vincentt, you were cute!

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Maybe we should move on to prom pictures?

asmonet's avatar

@Alfreda: Not everyone has a prom picture, everyone here has been born though. ;)

Divalicious's avatar

Here I am, holding a blade-less shaver with shaving cream on my nose. (This pic got me banned from another site. Hope Fluther is more tolerant!)

cdwccrn's avatar

I found this question too late, but don’t see many baby pics. What’s up? Is it too late to add mine?

AstroChuck's avatar

This is fluther. It’s never too late. These threads will out live all of us.

cdwccrn's avatar

Watch for my pic to change if I can get it uploaded.

MissAnthrope's avatar


cdwccrn's avatar

Is she big enough to appreciate her darlingness?

MissAnthrope's avatar

There’s a work-around to see larger versions of avatars (the size the person uploaded), so yes. :)

You right-click on the avatar, choose “copy image location”, open a new tab, paste the link, then remove the _thumb part, hit enter.

cdwccrn's avatar

And you went to all the trouble to see ME?? Cool!

MissAnthrope's avatar

Of course! :)

Vincentt's avatar

Aww, cute ^.^

You can also right-click->View Image and then remove the _thumb in the address bar ;-)

cdwccrn's avatar

Thanks for the instruction. I’m going to get on my pc and check you out, too!

asmonet's avatar

Adorable! :)

SeventhSense's avatar

Here’s me I don’t know how old I was. Maybe 2 or three?

DominicX's avatar

I was going to make a new thread for this, but then I saw that it was already done, so here I go. 1 year too late:

That’s my favorite baby picture. It was in my senior yearbook. Twice.

Maybe people will notice this has been bumped and will post. I want to see more! :(

Here’s another one of me and my siblings (I’m on the far right):

MacBean's avatar

@DominicX: Oh, look at those eyes! hahaha I want to pinch your cheeks! XD

DominicX's avatar


haha :) This scan of the picture makes my cheeks look a lot redder than they actually were in the original picture.

SeventhSense's avatar

I’m in the photo bucket

AstroChuck's avatar

Wow! You’re floating in a sea of blue.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I have none, I always broke the camera. When I was born, they wanted to throw me away and keep the afterbirth.

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