General Question

Pango_Vine's avatar

I'm considering a certain piercing...

Asked by Pango_Vine (27points) January 16th, 2009

Ok, uh. This is kind of awkward but I have been considering piercing my clit for quite some time now (only 15, if I were to do it I would still wait till I’m 18 or so)... I’m just wondering if anyone here has done it or knows someone who has, 1) How badly does it hurt at the time of piercing? 2)How is it the next few days afterward? and 3) Would you suggest it or advice me away from it? Thanks in advance for all the input!

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26 Answers

PupnTaco's avatar

You’d be f’ing insane to do that, especially at age 15.

What the hell?!?

tennesseejac's avatar

Yeah, wait those 3 years and hopefully by then you will realize how ridiculous this would be, and yes Im sure it hurts the day you do it, the day after that and probably the next week. When you turn 18 and you have thought about it for three years and still want to do it then I say “go for it”, its your clit to do what you want with it.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I know someone that had it done and she said it didn’t hurt very much at all. But, she also has numerous other piercings done and she may just have a higher pain tolerance than a lot of other people. She did it specifically for sexual reasons (couldn’t have an orgasm during intercourse) and it helped her out immediately.

However, since you’re only 15, I’d suggest waiting a while, even a little after you’re 18. I don’t know why you’re considering it, but I’d gain a little more experience all around before you make a decision like that. Because everyone is different, it may cause problems for you sexually, not the other way around.

AstroChuck's avatar

Why do this?

bythebay's avatar

Also, just a word of motherly advice…I’m sure you’re not considering this just for your viewing pleasure. Go and read the thread about the ages at which people lost their virginity and their regrets. Don’t rush…

Pango_Vine's avatar

@bythebay…too late…i lost it.
@DrasticDreamer and I have lots of trouble having an orgasm during intercourse so…now that being said. I also have a high pain tolerance and multiple other piercings.

tennesseejac's avatar

@Pango_Vine : wow. well, if you would be doing it for sexual reasons maybe over the next three years you will get to learn your body a litte better and wont need a piercing to achieve the mysterious female orgasm during intercourse.

I found this, it might help:
The clitoris is very sensitive, and this is not an advisable piercing for most women. Anatomically, the clitoris has to be large enough to support the body jewelry and avoid being constricted by the clitoral hood tissue. Piercing a clitoris that is too small could result in serious nerve damage as a result of improper placement. The larger percent of the population of women are not suitable for this piercing.

Providing that the clitoris is large enough to be pierced safely, and is exposed (sticks out) rather than hooded (covered over with layer of skin), it can be pierced either vertically or horizontally with a barbell or captive bead ring. Vertical piercing only should be done on a hooded clitoris, to prevent turning of the jewelry, although piercing a hooded clitoris is really not advisable at all. 16 – 14 gauge jewelry is the most commonly used for clitoral piercings.

If you are considering this piercing, it is in your best interests to consider it very thoughtfully. Only take it to a very skilled and experienced piercist, and have them evaluate you first to see if your anatomy is suitable for clitoral piercing. If not, a clitoral hood piercing may be more to your liking and a lot safer.

Estimated healing time: 4–6 weeks

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Pango_Vine Okay. Well, I know you said that you’ve already had sex, but I don’t know how often or with how many partners, or how exploratory you are in general – none of which is my business. But definitely take all of that into consideration before you get pierced. Make sure that you absolutely know your body beforehand. If you feel you do, and if you can find a qualified piercer, go for it when you turn 18. Nothing wrong with it at all. Just be safe. :)

chelseababyy's avatar

@Pango_Vine Some women don’t orgasm til they’re in their 20’s and even if they have been having sex for years.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

I dunno It seems like a piercing down their would be high maintenance. And what if your clit gets infected? Yikes. I wouldnt recommend it, that thing is too valuable to shove metal into.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@pango vine, sex in real life is not a porno movie. Real relationships affect the experience. The one person I knew that did this had a horrible infection from the piercing.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t know if this is true, because, you know, unless you’re in a relationship with someone, you don’t usually see these things. So, I was told (she was kinda drunk at the time, and I think she was kinda bragging to us) that it can be stimulating all day, as you walk around. It makes you much more sensitive, and multi-orgasmic. Sounds like a lot of fun, and for the guy, too. However, I can’t verify the story, so take it for what it’s worth. It might be worth nothing.

SuperMouse's avatar

I don’t mean to be judgmental, but it sounds just awful to me. I’m curious as to the your reasoning behind the idea. Is it about sexual pleasure? Is it to do something that not very many people do? I just don’t get it. I do commend your for planning to wait until you are 18. Just keep waiting, you could very well change your mind about the whole idea.

@daloon I think I would find what your friend described incredibly distracting!

wundayatta's avatar

@aupermouse: I think so, too!

syz's avatar

Why risk permanent nerve damage? Personally, I’d rather be able to feel what’s going on down there, ‘cause it usually feels pretty darn good.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I think piercing is the weirdest thing to do to oneself, short of amputation for cosmetic reasons. Personally, I would recommend against it. With the possibility of infection, complications, and just shoving a piece of metal through something that sensitive sounds insane. Besides, moist places on the body are usually rife with bacteria. Poking a hole in such a place and stuffing a piece of metal in the hole strikes me as quite irresponsible and bordering on lunacy.

I was born with nine holes and hopefully, I’ll get out of this life with only the original nine.

asmonet's avatar

A clitoral hood piercing will be far less painful and far safer. Most women can’t do an actual clit piercing. I strongly suggest a hood piercing when you’re eighteen, as you said. At first glance most people won’t even notice the difference.

chelseababyy's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra I have my lip pierced, for now, and no infections, and my mouth is pretty damn moist. But i agree with poking a hole in something that sensitive.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@chelseababyy, one of my friends owns a tattoo and piercing shop. He even does brandings, on humans, which is just odd. He will pierce anyone, anytime, anywhere, as long as they are sober, legal, and have the $$$. Genital piercings cost extra. He has told me that moist area piercings are the toughest to keep clean and free of infection. I assume he would know, since he has been poking holes in people for almost twenty years. Lip piercings aren’t bad, but why anyone gets their tongue pierced is beyond me. I’ve heard all the supposed reasons, but it is stupid, in my honest opinion. Although I do love to listen to a recent tongue piercee talk, they sound so ‘we todd did’

PupnTaco's avatar

Someone’s gonna have to explain to me the logic of “I’m 15 years old and I have problems achieving orgasm, so I think I’ll physically damage the one part of my body that’s dedicated to orgasm.”

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@PupnTaco, I’ll go out on a limb and assume that the trouble is not any trouble at all, but simply an excuse to get what all the other piercing-happy teens are getting. At fifteen, having an orgasm wasn’t the problem for me, NOT having them was the problem. :-)

Pango_Vine's avatar

not that its relevant to the question or anything (I guess just want to sound like less of a whore and clarify) i have only slept with one guy. dated him for two with only one small break up that lasted like a month so i could clear my head of things.

cwilbur's avatar

I’d say, definitely wait until you’re 18, and talk to at least 5 other people who have the piercing you’re considering first. They can tell you what the ups and downs are, and what to expect, and then you’ll have the information that you need to decide for yourself. And consult with the piercer ahead of time too: a professional piercer will be happy to talk to you about it. In particular, pay attention to aftercare: how you take care of it immediately after it’s pierced has a very direct influence on how well and how quickly it heals, and how likely it is to get infected.

(And consider the source of any advice you get: someone who’s outspokenly against piercings in general is not going to give you anything close to reasonable advice.)

baterpark91's avatar

If you get one, i recomend getting the vertical hood piercing.

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