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testtoast99's avatar

Where should I stay in Dubai?

Asked by testtoast99 (80points) March 31st, 2009

I am headed to Dubai for three days next week and I would love to know where to stay. I am hoping to pay $300–400 a night. Any cool suggestions? Many thanks!

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4 Answers

intro24's avatar

What’s the occasion? All I know is that if I were you I’d spring the money to stay in the gigantic freakin’ tower. How cool would that be! If not, there are hundreds of other cool places over there.

testtoast99's avatar

I am stopping there for a couple of days before heading to Ethiopia to help dig wells for the rural poor. Thus, I am not very inclined to spend a ton.

Bagardbilla's avatar

Find a cheap place in the old part of the city (souk), i think you’ll really enjoy it. And save your monies for Ethiopia.
You’re a good man Testtoast!

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