General Question

stephiiee94's avatar

Okay, do you think 15 is too young of an age to have sex?

Asked by stephiiee94 (46points) July 16th, 2009

me and my bf have been dating for almost four months. and he says he wants to have sex, but if im not ready then he’ll wait. im just not shure if im ready yet.

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74 Answers

chyna's avatar

Yes, 15 is too young.

arnbev959's avatar

Not necessarily. But for you, probably. If you’re not sure, wait.

discoinferno's avatar

If you’re doubting that you’re ready, then don’t have sex. My advice is not to have sex until you are in a relationship with someone you truly love and trust. Don’t rush into it.

jonsblond's avatar

If you’re not sure if you are ready yet, you’re not ready.

gailcalled's avatar

Definitely too young. ( Spend more time in English class)

Blondesjon's avatar

Yes. My sister got pregnant with her first daughter when she was fifteen and although she loves my neice to death she would be one of the first people to tell you to find something else to do!

@gailcalled. . .Et voi auttaa itseäsi voit?

Tink's avatar

hmmm well 14 is young too, don’t do it it is gross, and don’t do it if he pressures you either

J0E's avatar

If you have to ask, that probably means no.

icehky06's avatar

Well I’m 15 and basically everyone in my grade has had sex beside’s my click of friends
But the girls that do have it arn’t like addicted to it.
If your going to have sex make sure your very very close to your boyfriend my close friend has had sex atleast 3 times with some random kid.

icehky06's avatar

By the way I think 4 month’s is to short. My friend has been with her boyfriend for 2 years and they haven’t yet

stephiiee94's avatar

i really do think im in love with my boyfriend. we talk about being together for ever and are future together all the time. and like hes not rushing me. and i kinda wanna. but, idk.

discoinferno's avatar

You’re not in love, you’re 15. Have a nice night.

J0E's avatar

And also, don’t base your judgment on what others your age have done. It is your decision, not theirs.

arnbev959's avatar

Don’t worry about what everyone is doing or claims to be doing. Follow Gail’s advice. There are more important things that should come first.

bcstrummer's avatar

15 is okay as long as your ready, becuz remember it’s your decision, think of the consequences before taking action

J0E's avatar

be shure you’re ready…

stephiiee94's avatar

thanks everyone. :)

icehky06's avatar

@discoinferno – Hahahaha hilarious answer

Tink's avatar

Dont forget the rubber!
Seriously, don’t do it yet

Facade's avatar

In my opinion, yes 15 is too young. Waiting until your wedding night is ideal.

wundayatta's avatar

If you have doubts, you’re not ready. Don’t worry about it, either. It’ll happen. It’s not like you’re gonna miss out on something and you’ll never have a chance again. When you really want to, then you’ll do it. However, it will not go well for you if you feel like you’re being pressured.

As to being in love… most of us know that feeling. For most people who feel it at a young age, such as fifteen, it won’t be the last person you have that feeling with. A few people do enter into relationships at fifteen, and they last for the rest of your life, but not very many.

For most of us, that first love did not survive the changes we went through—high school, college, work, etc, etc. If I were you, I would be aware that even though you feel so strongly right now, it might not last for very long. I wouldn’t count on it being a lasting relationship until you’ve been together a few years, and you’ve stuck together through some pretty serious problems. If you can do that, it might be the real thing.

The same thing goes for sex. Sex can be a fun, experimental thing. It can be an expression of love. It can also get you pregnant by accident and change your life in ways you really weren’t hoping for. Sex with love is the best, and even though your love may not last, the best time to add sex to the mix is while you are in love; not because you just want to get rid of your virginity, or because you want to shut your boyfriend up.

Fifteen sounds young, but I know so many kids have started much younger—some because they wanted to, and others because they were manipulated or even forced into it. Love-making releases powerful emotions, and your love will feel even more incredible when you make love! However, that’s not just because of your feelings about your guy, it’s also because our bodies are made to have these powerful feelings, so we can reproduce.

I think that it’s fine to wait until you are absolutely raring to go. If you have any doubts or reservations, then wait. Your moment will come. You can prepare for it by doing other things besides intercourse. Maybe you’ve already done that. But take your time. Explore each other’s bodies. Learn to give each other orgasms. You can do this in any number of ways before you have actual intercourse. Just take it slow, and learn a lot, and you’ll both be happy.

stephiiee94's avatar

thank you daloon you helped alotttt:]

dalepetrie's avatar

I think you have to separate this into two issues….one is the number/age, and one is the maturity level. Legally, most states say under 18 is illegal, and our law still seems to have a double standard in this area, so realize that if you got caught, your bf could get in serious trouble…less serious if he’s under 18, but trouble nonetheless. If that doesn’t concern you, I’d say the number that represents your age is perhaps the least important factor to consider. It’s more about your maturity level and whether or not YOU believe you are ready. If you have ANY doubt in your mind that you’re ready to do this, then you shouldn’t do it.

But how do you know when you’re ready….generally you won’t have any doubt. But basically you have to ask yourself how you think you are going to feel about yourself afterwards? Are you going to second guess that you made the right choice? Are you going to feel guilty about it? And if something happens where some day the two of you are not together anymore (the sad truth about teenage love is that it feels so intense, like it will last forever, but when you are an adult you almost NEVER run into anyone who has been with the same person since they were teenagers) that something you are going to be able to deal with?

I’d say once you can feel like you’re ready to do this and enjoy it for what it is, and you know that no matter what happens, you will remember it fondly and not with regret, then you are ready. Until then, if you have doubts, yes, you’re too young…not in terms of how many times the planet has gone around the sun since you’ve been on it, but in terms of your emotional maturity.

cyn's avatar

try learning form this

stephiiee94's avatar

wow your cool cyndihugs.

jpasq03's avatar

Metaphorically, or do it to your boyfriend
Take a long strip of Duct Tape.

Put it on your arm.
Rip it off.
That represents this relationship, if it ends badly.

Now, put it on your other arm.
Rip it off.
That represents your next relationship, if it ends badly.

Now, put it on your leg.
Rip it off.
That represents your third relationship, if it ends badly.

Continue until you get my point. (Just kidding).

Feels good on your skin right? That’s a good relationship.
Feels bad ripping it off. That’s a relationship ending.
Looks ugly with all the misplaced hair after it’s ripped off. That’s the pain afterward.
Next time you try to apply the duct tape it sticks less, and less. That’s your feelings.

You can rip off the Duct Tape how ever many times you want. Or not.

I’m not getting involved until it’s marriage and the metaphorical tape stays on undefiled and clean.

stephiiee94's avatar

i shave my arms and legs so no hair would be missing.

cyn's avatar

@stephiiee94 I just finished watching the third episode.
Do you also like it?
or were you just being sarcastic?
I also shave my arms…..I’m done though…I got tired of wasting my time on the shower!

stephiiee94's avatar

haha yeah i love that show. i doubt im gunna have sex cuz im not shure. but i cant stand hair on my arms. loll.

Zaku's avatar

Not strictly necessarily, but YES, wait.

AstroChuck's avatar

Not for your house pets. It is a bit young for most humans though. Few15 year olds are mature enough to handle the consequences that often accompany sexual intercourse.
What’s you hurry?

Darwin's avatar

15 is definitely too young even from a biological standpoint because many girls really haven’t finished maturing physically for several more years. In your case, since you aren’t sure, it is too young emotionally, too.

Wait. You have plenty of time, so just wait.

Supacase's avatar

Don’t rush things. You have the rest of your life to have sex. Your time of innocence before having sex is limited. Once you go that far, you can never go back. You can never have another first time. Wait.

I say this from experience. I didn’t wait, but wish I had. My opinion has nothing to do with what is morally or legally right or wrong.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

If you get pregnant, are you emotionally ready and financially able to live with the consequences?

Bri_L's avatar

there is and always has been a great discrepancy between what people say they have done and what they have done.

Also, your in your teens so your feeling emotions for the first time and are sure they are as strong as they will ever be.

And, as others have said, when just about everything you say has an air of uncertainty it speaks to the fact you are not ready.

dalepetrie's avatar

I don’t agree with the biological argument…18 being the age of consent is an artificial construct of our society. A few hundred years ago, 13 year olds were parents, off fighting in battles, they were considered middle aged because people only lived into their 20s. Once you go through puberty, you are biologically capable of reproduction, even if your body hasn’t grown to its full adult size. Our society however is based on a definition of adulthood that begins where primary education ends, and therefore people are often not equipped to deal with the “real world” while they are still in high school. It is exactly that kind of thinking that leads to this confusion, because your body IS ready, biologically you are ready, but it’s more about making yourself a happy, well balanced adult when you are expected to fend for yourself in the real world. Often our society doesn’t allow younger people to quite stretch their wings as it were enough in their teen years (and this is probably for the better overall), but it means that teens are going to be confused, having urges they are not yet ready to deal with. It’s not therefore impossible for a 15 year old to be emotionally mature enough to know what they’re getting into, but in today’s society it’s not likely a 15 year old would be. But again, I don’t think it’s a biological issue.

dannyc's avatar

Those who think it’s not too young, I would wager a bundle that they do not have a 15 year old child. My answer is no way. They just are not responsible enough in the vast majority of cases. For God sakes, let them enjoy being an innocent child, they do not need all of the fuss just yet. Not that I would judge them badly if they did, just I think it is unwise. That’s why they pay me the big bucks to be a Dad, as unpopular as that can be, to impart common sense to hormone raging teenagers. They will thank me one day.

Bri_L's avatar

@dalepetrie – I think that the 20’s was more the average age for living. and that was due to a high infant mortality rate. People were having 7, 9, 11 kids per family. Also, they were expected to work to help the family at that time. That was more important. There was practically no birth control and if used it wasn’t reliable.

I would suggest that the age of 18 isn’t really and artificial construct of society as much as the young ages from a few hundred years ago were born out of circumstancial necessity.

aiwendil's avatar

Ick. I cannot imagine having sex at the age of 15. That wasn’t long ago for me, and I know I would not have been able to handle the emotional consequences of it. It’s hard and not fair to tell someone they aren’t in love with their boyfriend because they are living in the moment and you can’t be objective.
But, my biggest thing is the emotional effects of having sex. Sex IS NOT a guarantee for anything. It doesn’t guarantee your relationship will last another week or another year. It doesn’t guarantee that you’ll fall in love. It doesn’t guarantee that you will stay in love.

dalepetrie's avatar

I have an almost 8 year old child who will be 15 soon enough, and that’s got nothing to do with it. I would hope my child (and everyone else’s) makes the right decision, the problem is, what the right decision is for individual a is not the same as the right decision for individual b. As I said, I think the vast majority of 15 year olds really aren’t ready, but I don’t think the number has anything to do with it…I think it’s a matter of your emotional maturity and whether or not you are ready to deal with all that comes along with it. Some 15 year olds are, most aren’t.

I also think the infant mortality rate is one of many factors in why people started earlier, but I’m not so much talking about my grandparents’ generation (my parents were from families of 8 and 10 respectively), I’m talking about more what I’d consider medieval days, when we had no cures for diseases, and times were more violent, people just plan didn’t live as long. I think advances in science have as much to do as advances in culture as anything else, and as we lead longer lives, we can afford to have our children stay children longer…basically we seem to base it on the point when they are done physically growing and when they are done with primary education. But it doesn’t mean a 15 year old is by definition not ready because he or she is “15”.

Sariperana's avatar

@jpasq03 i like your analogy on relationships – strangest one i have ever heard! but then again, anything that involves duct tape is sure to be entertaining!

Oh and to answer your question @stephiiee94 You are too young, he is too young, and you have so many years ahead of you to experience those awkward sexual moments…

Maybe you should go to the movies instead?

cwilbur's avatar

If everyone in my high school who claimed to have sex actually had it, the town would have run out of condoms. People, especially teenaged people, talk a much bigger talk than they are prepared to walk.

I’m not sure that not being sure is a sign that you aren’t ready. Sex is a complicated thing, and I’m not certain you can be sure for any first time. Just be sure that it’s something you genuinely want to do, and that you’re not doing it because you feel pressured into it.

Bri_L's avatar

@dalepetrie – Sorry, my misunderstanding. Your couple hundred years put me at around 1700 at the latest. I thought we were talking farming familys with kids dying young and needing to work etc.

I do stand by my point in my first post that a teens interpretation of the feelings of love or their relationships as they encounter them through that stage of life are, in fact, their first encounter. They are in a sheltered, controlled environment with out the adult burdens or responsibilities that even college ads.

When the by product of such and activity as sex is another life, I think an argument can be made that it is emotionally to young.

Darwin's avatar

@dalepetrie – Although the reproductive system is capable of producing a child in girls under the age of eighteen, the body in fact is not ready for pregnancy, especially in a society where people live to 80 or more years of age. The reason is bone density.

Bone mass is still being accumulated in teen bodies. 90% is there by age 18 in girls (age 20 in boys), with the remaining 10% accumulating after that (one citation for this number can be seen here). When a teenaged girl becomes pregnant, the pregnancy interferes with the bone building process, causing many teen mothers to actually suffer osteopenia and then osteoporosis at an early age.

This is something that actually happened to my paternal grandmother. She married early and had a child early, and because of the pregnancy she lost considerable bone density. In fact, she ended up in a wheelchair for part of my father’s childhood because of her bones. Lest you say this is just a one-time occurrence, check this study which shows the impact of pregnancy on the bones of adolescent girls as compared to those of adult women.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you are really physically ready.

smack's avatar

I lost my virginity at 16… and most would agree that it was a little young. If it feels right, then go ahead.

Blondesjon's avatar

Just remember that all of these fine folks telling you to go for it will not be there to help you raise a child or take you to the clinic to clear up any STD you may get lucky enough to get.

Alleycat8782's avatar

Yes, go watch “I am 16 and Pregnant” on MTV and then tell me what you think.

dalepetrie's avatar

I still contend that there is no one size fits all solution. I concede the vast majority of 15 year olds aren’t ready, but I don’t believe you can look at the # and say that definitively. And I do think some 15 year olds are clearly built in a way that they could deliver a child with no problem. I want to get away from focusing on the #, regardless of the generalities.

smack's avatar

If you’re smart and you go about it correctly (i.e. birth control + condom + proper location), then go ahead, fine. Just make sure you’re with someone you TRUST.

Jack79's avatar

15 would be too young if you were my daughter. Not too young if I was also 15 and you were my gf.

It’s all relative. I think the whole point here is whether YOU are ready, and you quite obviously aren’t. And it seems to me he’s pressing you, even if he doesn’t realise it. I think in your case you should wait a little longer. What other girls may or may not have done is irrelevant.

rooeytoo's avatar

The best answer is that there is no infallible method of birth control except abstinence. So unless you are ready to deal with the possible consequences such as a child at 15, abortion, and so on, don’t do it. And explain this all to your boyfriend, if he has any sense he will see it your way and stop pressuring you.

cyndyh's avatar

I think it’s too young -period, but it’s definitely too young if you’re not sure.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

There is nothing worse than being a 15 year old sexually active female, and missing your period for the first time. At that point, the decision whether or not it was worth it is entirely different than it is in bed, with your boyfriend.

You should not have sex without going to Planned Parenthood and getting birth control pills, or being able to walk into a drug store and purchase condoms. If you aren’t able to do that, you have no business having sex, because you WILL become pregnant.

Bri_L's avatar

@dalepetrie – to say there is a one size fits all solution would paint with far to broad a brush.

But at that point I think you need to way the positive and negative possible outcomes and error on the side of caution. Especially when you consider the fact a new human life could be at stake.

I also feel that if the person is indeed ready at an earlier age their approach would truly be different than “I am just not sure”, “I think he loves me”, “most of my friends have done it.” (those comments were NOT drawn from you stephiiee94

jpasq03's avatar

@Sariperana Thanks, that’s a nice pic.

@Supacase I really like what you said: You can never have another first time.

CMaz's avatar

“but if im not ready”

That applies to any age.

But at 15. You will have so much more time in your life to have and enjoy sex. Save your youth while you still have it.

dalepetrie's avatar

@Bri_L – totally agreed, this was the jist of what I was saying. But I took it a bit further, she’ll know when she’s ready, if she doesn’t know, she’s not. Doesn’t mean that at some point before her 16th birthday she won’t have considered all the potential consequences and decided she’s ready. Age is a number, it’s what’s in your head that matters.

gailcalled's avatar

@Blondesjon: Ei.
Olen ohjelmoitu syntymästä

ubersiren's avatar

It’s not something you can take back, so you better be sure you’re ready for it, and anything that could come with it – stds, a baby, emotional roller coaster rides. It’s a very adult action with many adult consequences, and as @gailcalled mentioned, from your typing skills, you don’t appear to be very adult. Concentrate on schooling yourself and learning more about yourself before worrying about something as frivolous as sex.

I was 19 and still wasn’t ready. It’s not your age, it’s you. My first time was an embarrassing and shining example of why you should wait.

dalepetrie's avatar

Just remember the difference between a pregnant girl and a lightbulb

one can be unscrewed

growler's avatar

It’s really a question of maturity. And ability to deal with the consequences. This is really nothing new, most likely. To me, 15 is too young. That may not be true for you, though.

cak's avatar

Before you have sex, ask yourself if you are old enough to care for a baby or deal with a lifelong STD, that could render you sterile. If you are ready for those things, sure. Personally, I’d wait.

The other day – or was it yesterday, your boyfriend was telling you (I think this was you) that you weren’t showing him how much you love him. Was this his answer to you showing him how much you love him? Believe me, if it is, then it’s not love he’s after.

Edited to add: I’m not sure it if was you that asked that question, if it wasn’t- my apologies. but I still stand by the fact that’s it’s probably not love he’s after.

cyn's avatar

How’s society right now…I wouldn’t suggest having sex….sex—> pregnancy—> child(exhaustion)—> waste of money.
—not that I don’t like children…but my cousin is pregant at 14 and imagine all that money that’s going to her baby instead of buying herself make-up and stuff..she could’ve waited!

aiwendil's avatar

I’m surprised at the lack of emphasis put on the emotional consequences of having sex, especially at a young and inappropriate time. But, then I realize that the emotional/mental side is a lot less tangible than babies and diseases!

Bri_L's avatar


I agree we agree. Love the light bulb joke.

justus2's avatar

@stephiiee94 I would say if you feel ready go for it, if you don’t go with what you want to do, don’t do it if you don’t want to but also don’t let anyone else talk you out of it, but the one thing I can say is use protection, you don’t want to get pregnant and be careful about diseases, but if you want to go for it, it isn’t a bad thing, just be smart about it and make your own decision.

cak's avatar

@aiwendil – Very true. The emotional ramifications can be very big, especially when (if) the relationship ends.

chyna's avatar

Ask yourself: What if he dumped me the very next day, how would I feel? Because I know this has happened to many, many girls who felt they were with the guy of their dreams and he turned out to be the guy of their nightmares. In one case, the guy spread all over school that the girl was easy after having sex with him.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Definitely too young.

deni's avatar

four months isn’t that long. and fifteen is young. i wouldn’t have had sex when i was fifteen, but i didn’t have a boyfriend either. so go with your gut instinct and try not to do anything you’ll regret?

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