Social Question

Facade's avatar

Anyone here have any experience with bio-identical hormones?

Asked by Facade (22937points) September 6th, 2009

I’m thinking of having my hormones tested and balance with bio-identicals. What’s your experience with them?

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15 Answers

casheroo's avatar

I really want to say Judi is on them. She’ll come to the question if she is!

Facade's avatar

hmm, okie dokie

Facade's avatar

daw, I should have searched. Thanks lady

Judi's avatar

Yes, they saved my life. It was after I had a hysterectomy and I begged the doctor to keep my ovaries because I knew I couldn’t do synthetic hormones. I was a basket case for several years until I found bioidenticals. They have to be prescribed by a doctor, and they need to be made at a compounding pharmacy, but they have helped me out more than I imagined!!
Read the book “The Sexy Years” by Suzanne Summers for more info on bioidenticals.

Facade's avatar

Did you experience any side effects?
I’m going to a seminar at the compounding pharmacy in my area before I have my hormones tested. That will hopefully give me all the info I need.

Judi's avatar

A little acne, but otherwise the best side effect is the clearer head and increased energy.

Facade's avatar

Acne? :| that’s not good…
But I am very glad they helped you out so much =)

Judi's avatar

It’s not to bad. It could probably be dealt with with a minor adjustment. I’ve had acne all my life, it just sucks getting a big zit every now and then now that i’m 48. It might have to do with stress too.

Facade's avatar

Right, that has to be a pain in the butt or forehead lol I was hoping it would help alleviate my acne though, not make it worse. We shall see!

Judi's avatar

That’s why everyone’s prscription is different. You and the doctor have to tweak it for you.

Facade's avatar

Oh, they can make it so that it doesn’t cause certain things to happen and causes certain things to happen?

Judi's avatar

They use several different hormones. I take estrogen and testosterone. Since I have been under a lot of stress lately I may ask my doctor if he minds me taking my 3 drops twice a day, down to once a day. Maybe then the acne would subside a little. (It might also have to do with all the pollution in the are from these SoCal fires!

Facade's avatar

That very well could be it. Thanks Judi!

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