Meta Question

mleo's avatar

How many people use multiple Q&A sites and why?

Asked by mleo (35points) September 24th, 2009

I’m new to Fluther and really like the design, but I’m hesitant about leaving behind my “friends” on other sites like Yahoo! Answers and AnswerBag. I’m trying to determine whether I should make the leap. How many of you use multiple answer sites? (i.e. if a lot, possibly I’ll link up with existing virtual friends here) Also, why should I make a permanent switch? (aside from I like the look) How is it better?

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11 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Lots of people answer, they answer fast, and their answers are great.
Lots of people answer, they answer fast, and their answers are great.

patg7590's avatar

you get to be a Jelly….
um, what else matters?

oratio's avatar

I tried, but I didn’t like them much. I have some accounts, this is the only one I use.

erichw1504's avatar

You can watch as your question is answered in real time. Plus there’s a lot more lurve here.

wundayatta's avatar

If you want a smaller community where you get to know each other better; if you want a place that attracts a lot of really intelligent people; if you want a place where people really try hard to be useful to others; if you want a place that works hard to rid itself of trolling and stupidity and other bad influences; then fluther is for you. Otherwise, stick with what you have.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ve used multiple answer sites in the past. I did it for the variety. I found Fluther and realized that the variety in no way compared to the awesomeness of Fluther leading me to discard the ‘variety’ which just wasn’t up to standard anymore. Yes, you should make the leap. Why? Life is better with Fluther as a part of it. That’s explanation enough really.

YARNLADY's avatar

I participate in all of the above plus several more. I sometimes get bored with just one site, or I have already answered/comment on everything I am interested in, and I just move to a different site. I usually answer on four sites regularly, and two others a few times a week, and some less often.

ESV's avatar

I use Askpedia next to Fluther, because of their tag cloud which I like and their overall web Q&A answer search option.

andrew's avatar


jrpowell's avatar

They just have a tons more eyes and random shit gets answered. I look to them when I need help FAST. You can only ask one question per week. I think that is a good thing.

Fluther is more like a fun place to hang out.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I’ve found the one I like.

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