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mizkendall3939's avatar

What should I do about this boy I really like but I don't know if he likes me back?

Asked by mizkendall3939 (151points) November 16th, 2009

Alright, so there’s a guy named Rafael, and I really like him. He is super nice and I really started to like him and he would flirt with me a lot and talk to me a lot and what not. Then one day I told him that I kind of liked him and he told me he was starting to like me too, and my feelings for him started to grow, now I really like him.

But the problem is he started hanging out with these two really rude girls like all the time and they’re always all over him. (my guy friend kept on insisting there was no way he liked one of them, so i tried not to let it get to me)

So I told my friend on text one time and I didn’t delete it and Rafael read it, it said “today’s been good besides the Rafael situation.” and he asked me what it was about and I reminded him about me liking him and then the bell rang and I couldn’t finish the story so I told him I would tell him after school. Then after school he was with the two girls so I never got to tell him… and ever since its been weird. He hasn’t really talked to me and he said he was starting to like me again but he never talks to me! plus he broke his phone so he can’t text.

Then, a few nights ago I was texting one of his friends and all of a sudden he said “look Rafael doesn’t like you he likes [the mean girl] now f*** off” and its just been really awkward.

Does he like me?? What should I do? How do I get over him?

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8 Answers

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Sounds like a lot of drama to me. Move on.

shego's avatar

What are you in highschool? Seriously don’t worry about it. Your only main concern should be finishing high school and not dealing with drama.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

A relationship does not live by text messages alone. If you have to remind a boy that you like him, and he thinks sort of likes you, there’s not much real stuff going on. .Since you never really were dating and weren’t even sure he liked you, there really isn’t a relationship to get over. Set your sights elsewhere, preferably on someone who isn’t interested in mean girls.

avvooooooo's avatar

“Get over him?”

He’s a little high school punk. There’s no “getting over him.” In a couple of years you’ll look at this and wonder what the big deal was about.

You weren’t dating, you weren’t engaged, you weren’t married… There’s nothing there to get over.

Dog's avatar

Blame Hollywood.

In movies the girl flips her hair and the boy suddenly sees her and moves heaven and earth to talk to her. But the truth is that guys are not really wired for that. Guys are terrible at getting hints. Many do not instinctively know if a girl likes them in fact many at your age are downright mystified at the opposite sex.

The only way to find out where his head is at is to talk to him. He may say he does not care for you but he may say he does. But in any case you will never know unless you ask.

airowDee's avatar

He sounds like a slut.

drdoombot's avatar

OH MY GOD, like, fer sure.

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