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eternal_serenity's avatar

I am an extremely picky eater. If I make myself eat foods I hate, will I start to like them eventually? Any other ideas?

Asked by eternal_serenity (494points) January 14th, 2010

I am so picky it is becoming a problem in my life. Simple activities like eating out with friends or going to my fiance’s family’s for dinner is difficult because of my pickiness. It’s starting to get embarrassing for me, but I can’t help the fact that I don’t like most foods. I want to change and like a wider variety of foods so everything I do isn’t so difficult.

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12 Answers

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Trying foods that you didn’t like before may help you get used to them. It won’t make you fall in love with them, but over time you’ll be able to eat a wider variety of foods. The main thing is to keep a positive attitude when you’re trying new things, and to think of everything as new. For example, you may have had eggplant before, but this is a new chef on a new day, so it’s different. And you might like it this way. If you don’t, don’t worry about it. Just eat what you like, and don’t eat what you don’t like.

mass_pike4's avatar

Try to eat the foods you do not like, but add something to them that you do like. For example, if you like peanut butter, but hate celery, add peanut butter to the celery. If you dislike yogurt, try adding fresh cut fruits like strawberries to it.

I used to hate cottage cheese, but I now enjoy it because I would put a lot of black pepper in it. You can also try dipping foods in salsa, ranch dressing, tabasco, etc. I’ve found this to help me when I do not enjoy a particular food. Hope this helps!

knitfroggy's avatar

I have been trying to like bananas for years. I can’t stand the consistency or flavor of them. I am not.a very picky eater but bananas gross me out.

Grisson's avatar

Keep trying. Sometimes it’s not the food but how it’s prepared (and who prepares it). I hated broccoli, cauliflower, and brusselsprouts as a kid. Turns out my Mom was overcooking it and leaving it ‘uninteresting’. I married a woman who really knows how to cook, and I found that I really like broccoli with cheese and cauliflower with curry. I still won’t touch brusselsprouts, but 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

Your_Majesty's avatar

You must at least try the food that you consider as not tasty first,if you don’t like that food then you shouldn’t force yourself to eat such food(each person has his/her own choice of food). I believe other people will understand and tolerate that as well.

If you don’t like that food then you can also say that you’re allergic to that kind of food(say this only in emergency),

eternal_serenity's avatar

@Doctor_D I TRY all kinds of food. Just about any food I haven’t tried I will try, but I’m just so picky. I’m picky to the point where if someone made me a plate of food, I would probably only like 1 thing on the plate…...and probably a side haha… taste buds hate me. I don’t like Chinese, Japanese, or Thai food. The only fruit I like is apples…..The only veggies I like are beans and potatoes….only seafood is shrimp and some fish…...It’s really really ridiculous.

wonderingwhy's avatar

I’ve never really had that problem but I have to agree with @Grisson a lot can change with preparation; I used to hate cilantro, but once I started getting it in a lot of southeast asian cooking (particularly thai for me) I found that I started to like it.

It also might help, if you don’t like what’s on the menu, let someone else order for you and don’t worry about what it is. I’ve eaten a ton of “strange” foods in my life and always found that if I wasn’t sure about it, chopping it up, mixing it in, or just not knowing about it so I didn’t realize what I was eating was a certain way to get me to try it with an open mind and in just about every instance I’ve at least found at least an edible preparation if not necessarily a good one.

Still can’t get me to eat grapefruit to save my life though and that dried coconut people put on cakes and stuff, ugh.

Your_Majesty's avatar

@eternal serenity Then tell him/her the truth.


You can also offer him/her all the food you don’t like to eat(he/she’ll take this as the sign of your kindness).
You can say that you’re too full that you can’t be forced to eat even a teaspoon of food.
You can say your doctor suggest you to avoid such food.
You can also put some of the food you don’t like into your pocket(when he/she’s not looking at you).

(Smile) Sometime some trick/lie will handle this situation.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Another strategy for becoming less picky is to start cooking more. I used to hate bell peppers until I started trying to incorporate them into my own recipes, just because I didn’t want to hate them so much. There’s something about working with the raw ingredient, smelling it, cutting it with your knife, tasting it at different stages of cooking that can really help you come to appreciate an ingredient. I’m not a huge bell pepper fan now, but I can deal with them.

ultimateego's avatar

don’t eat at all. that should solve your problem.

phil196662's avatar

Texture, taste, sweetness, sourness…All factors in finickiness so you might try cooking food at home. Start with something you know you like and then take half in the middle of your plate and then put something you Researched that is Close to a flavor you like, Verify with a close friend and have them help and then Make a Goal to Try something New every few days.

I did not like Green Olives until I was almost 40— Everyone has foods they don’t like!

Wow- a Theme for a party… “Try some New foods together”!

dutchbrossis's avatar

what is your name ? lol my ex was very picky also. I am not sure how to overcome that, I don’t like tomatoes and it doesn’t seem to matter how much I eat them I still don’t like them

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