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Blackberry's avatar

Why do some people not like to be passed on a two-way road?

Asked by Blackberry (34348points) March 5th, 2010

There’s been a few instances where I’ve been flipped off angrily, by usually older men, because they are going too slow or the exact speed limit(who does that nowadays lol?) and I pass them. I wait until the line is segmented or it’s approaching of course. But they still get angry, what’s the problem?

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34 Answers

CMaz's avatar


That car being an equalizer. Causes everyone else to know what is best and you should also be a mind reader.

Me personally. Would rather have you speeding past me then up my ass.

tedibear's avatar

All I can think is that you have challenged or threatened them in some way. What way I don’t know, but that’s all I got. The only other thing I can think of is that if you were tailgating before you passed, that might make them mad.

TILA_ABs_NoMore's avatar

Good question..I have to admit when I get passed I get a little pissy too. Why?!? Maybe it’s because Im a brat and they’re insulting my driving in some way?!?

erichw1504's avatar

Road RAGE!!!!#**&#@$%

jfos's avatar

I’m with you, man. Get fast or get passed! For the record, I’m not a speeding tool that has a catchphrase; I just made that up now.

borderline_blonde's avatar

Probably an insecurity thing. I’m typically the passed instead of the passer, and I only get pissed if someone rides my ass and refuses to go around even when it’s safe to do so. But jeez, there’s a reason there are segmented lines in the road!

marinelife's avatar

I bet it is only men. I have noted a testosterone factor that men do not like to be passed and will speed up to avoid it or change lanes on a multi-lane road.

CMaz's avatar

“I bet it is only men”

I had an old lady flip me the bird once.

marinelife's avatar

@ChazMaz For being passed?

CMaz's avatar

She cut me off ( could hardly see over the wheel). I yelled at her.

Out came the bird, she even pumped her arm when she did it.

jfos's avatar

@ChazMaz It’s a good thing you two didn’t pull over…

marinelife's avatar

@ChazMaz Ah ha I thought so. Not to say that women don’t gesture, yell, are rude and hostile while driving, but they don’t usually mind being passed in my experience.

CMaz's avatar

@jfos – I think she would have kicked my ass.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

It’s because they can’t flirt with you in their rear view mirror anymore…;)

CMaz's avatar

You notice! I always wondered.

I do, do that. ;-)

erichw1504's avatar

Because they’re egos get hurt.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ChazMaz -I notice!

davidbetterman's avatar

Many people think they are in a car race and they are in the lead. When they get passed they lose the lead and must try at all costs to overtake the offending racer, pass him, and regain the lead.
They are, of course, quite sick.

erichw1504's avatar

I actually think that racing is in my blood. I mean, my uncle and cousin are drag racers so it may run in the family. A lot of other people probably are the same way and feel like they should be racing like @davidbetterman said.

And yes, I suppose I am quite sick.

davidbetterman's avatar

Don’t feel bad. I am racing the moment I start my engine, and I know I am quite sick!

davidbetterman's avatar

Hey! Did you just pass me?!?!?!

jfos's avatar

I wonder if the same thing goes for Lurve

erichw1504's avatar

@jfos Watch your back, because if you ever get more lurve than me I will flip you off!

jfos's avatar

@erichw1504 Only 6299 lurve left to go. That’s only… 1260 Great Answers…

erichw1504's avatar

@jfos Or you could just visit 6299 days in a row. Or you could get 2100 Great Questions. Or you could have 3150 people add you to their fluther.

But is that really worth getting the finger?

jfos's avatar

@erichw1504 I think you have to ask yourself, is that worth giving the finger?

CMaz's avatar

I guess it depends on where that finger ends up.

erichw1504's avatar

@jfos Haha.


LuckyGuy's avatar

They get angry because you woke them up.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

I think it’s an adrenalin thing. How dare they pass me?! They think they’re better than I am! I’ll show them!

I’d say it was a testosterone thing, but I’ve been known to do it myself from time to time…

Blackberry's avatar

@Dr_Dredd Women have testosterone too : )

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@Blackberry True, but not as much as the guys. :-)

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