Social Question

GrumpyGram's avatar

Who Would You Invite to Your Fantasy Dinner Party?

Asked by GrumpyGram (830points) May 24th, 2010

An old question: you can invite anyone you wish – but only ten. You get to ask them any questions you like and talk for hours. Anyone dead or alive. Who would You invite?
My guest list would be Jesus Christ, St. Paul,
Noah, Jimmy Buffett, Christopher Columbus,
Tennessee Williams, Joseph Smith, Leonardo Da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln and King Tut. Everyone would be fluent in English. Who would be Your guests?

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11 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Someone that knows how to cook ;)

Draconess25's avatar

King Tut, Queen Hatshepsut, John Lennon, Emperor Seinei, Jack the Ripper, my great-great-great grandma Catherine McGuire, her husband Adam Fetter, Michael Collins, & my girlfriends Rachel & Ellie.

GrumpyGram's avatar

I wanted to say John Lennon also (w/guitar) (-;

jazmina88's avatar

Dalai lama, Jerry garcia, my jazz musician, my Dad and sister

MissAnthrope's avatar

Desmond Morris, Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey (my scientific heroes), Amelia Earhart, Maya Angelou, Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth I, Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Annie Oakley.

ucme's avatar

Hitler, i’d want to know if he actually knows that he’s as mad as a box of frogs.It would be a giggle to also see him slop his soup in his teeny tache.

eden2eve's avatar

Thomas Jefferson, Da Vinci, The Apostle John, Michaelangelo, Constantine, Plato, Abraham, Eve, Corrie Ten Boom and Cleopatra.

Christian95's avatar

I’d invite ten strong believers in ten opposing religions and I’d just relax and enjoy the show that’s going to start.
Ow,and I’d let them cook too.

Dog's avatar

Benjamin Franklyn- he was into beer and was a total character.

George Carlin- for obvious reasons.

Chip Foose- He is the only man who has brought me to tears without me even knowing him.

Betty White- Any 80+ year old chick who called her friends sluts needs to drink wine with me.

Todd Beamer The guy who said “Lets Roll” before he and the rest of the passengers prevented the hijackers of United Airlines flight 93 from achieving their final destination.
(Actually I want all of those passengers at my dinner)

Rod Serling of the original Twilight Zone.

Mitch Hedburg- just because he was so totally awesomely random.

GrumpyGram's avatar

Ben Franklin Would be a terrific guest as would Einstein.

bunnygrl's avatar

John Smith a truly great man and sadly missed.
Mo Molam also sadly gathered, a wonderful woman taken before her time.
Christopher Eccleston not just an incredibly gifted actor
Stephen Fry I could listen to him talk about the weather and still be fascinated, and he is possibly the sweetest man alive too. Hugh Laurie too of course, can’t invite Mr Fry without asking his Colleague and I could stare into those beautiful blue eyes :-)

Alan Rickman defys words, the man is beyond talented and, along with Misters Fry and Laurie stole my heart away many moons ago and divided it amongst themselves and saved a share for the amazing, wonderful Kenneth Branagh who would also be invited of course. As would the fabulous Sir Ian McKellan ooooo I could listen to him for hours :-) I’m sure I could come up with lots more but am getting really sleepy so off up the stairs to bedfordshire for me honeys, sweet dreams everyone
hugglys xx

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