General Question

peggylou's avatar

Please help me! My primary scratch disk is full and they tell me to free some space on the scratch disk. But no one can tell me how I find the scratch disk. Do you know?

Asked by peggylou (1141points) February 19th, 2007
I've searched for scratch disk and also searched under help. No luck.
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12 Answers

andrew's avatar
Your primary scratch disk is your main hard drive, most likely.
peggylou's avatar
Thanks for your reply. Can you tell me how to free some space on my main hard drive?
Perchik's avatar
I was under the impression that the term scratch disk means a space to store temporary data usually from graphics programs. What program are you using that is telling you the scratch disk is full?
andrew's avatar
Start deleting your unused files, or removing your unused applications. I'd try and keep at leasat 10% of your hard drive free...
peggylou's avatar
I'm using Adobe PhotoDeluxe. And, yes, I've been working with many large graphic images. It's been working okay for about a week, but now it won't let me do it anymore.
peggylou's avatar
I get the feeling that those large files are being stored some place. I thought I was deleting them after I used each so this wouldn't happen. Maybe they are being stored on my scratch disk and I don't know how to delete them properly. What do you think?
peggylou's avatar
Now that I think about it, I have just recently downloaded 60 image files, each of which contain 40-100 MBs each. Maybe I have filled up my hard drive with those. What do you think? Do I need some more memory or something?
peggylou's avatar
How do I find out how full my hard drive is?
Modern_Classic's avatar
PC, I can walk you through the cleanup. I do this regularly for clients. Also, what browser are you using?
peggylou's avatar
Thanks, Modern Classic! I use a PC with Mozilla Firefox. My daughter, who sent me the 60 files, says I need an external hard drive. What do you think?
Modern_Classic's avatar
60 files of 100MB is 6Gig, so she's probably right about needing an external drive. Prices have gone down considerably and they're pretty easy to set up and use through a USB-2 port (does this raise questions?). Regarding current hard drive size and usage: Open Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer). find the C: drive under My Computer. RIGHT click to pull up a menu and click on Properties. This should show you information about the drive, especially size and available space. Do you know how to clean out the "Temporary Internet Files" directory? How old is the machine?

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