General Question

wundayatta's avatar

If you had a choice, would you choose to be the dominant race in your area?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) August 16th, 2010

Let’s say you move from Africa to Asia to Europe. In each place, you can choose to be a member of the dominant race, if you choose—black, asian, or caucasian, respectively.

If you are white, would you change when you go somewhere else? If you are black, would you change when you go somewhere else? If you are Asian, would you change when you go somewhere else?

In other words, would you stay the same if you started out white, but change if you started out with some other race? Or in any other combination?

So, after thinking about this, what is your reasoning for staying the same or changing?

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15 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

birds of a feather flock together. No one race is more or less welcoming to differing races to theirs. They all pretty much in general prefer to be amongst themselves. All who say otherwise are trying to be pc.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

If I could, I would be a different race each decade.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

If going to Africa then I’d choose to become anglo, Asian in Asia and revert to myself in Europe. I’d choose to become part of whatever group has the most social advantage. Having lived irl as an underdog then I’d like to experience privileges so definitely make me a male for all countries I visit.

Your_Majesty's avatar

No,I like my identity as minority race. Minority is rare,and I like something that is rare. I know there would be some kind of discrimination in certain places but I’m sure I can handle it.

gypsywench's avatar

Where I live I’m a minority. I don’t really care. I’d prefer to just be me where ever I go.

Arisztid's avatar

I am already not of the dominant ethnicity/race in my nation (America). I am of possibly the smallest ethnic minority in America.

If I was offered the chance to be white, I would turn it down. I would have an easier go of it as a white guy but I am comfortable in my skin, with my cultural history, and the culture that I have been taught of my people (no, not too many know the truth about us).

I believe that, whatever race I happened to be, I would be happy. I am a student of history and culture and, whatever I was, I am certain would be how I was comfortable. There is good and bad in all ethnicities, nationalities, etc. and I would learn about mine.

Now, if I were to be sent to certain nations in Europe, my life would be in danger as I am now. Frankly, I would rather die than be sent there. So, other than those nations, I would stay as I am wherever I go and, as I said, regarding being sent to those nations, death is the only option.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I have been a religious minority my whole life and I never was motivated to change my religion or move to a place where I would be part of a majority.

I am not attached to being the race (skin colour and racial features) I am. I would be interested to experience life as other races do (reversibly). There is so much I could learn from that.

JLeslie's avatar

I am pretty sure I would stay what I am, it is part of my identity I guess, white, Jewish, female, etc. However, being white is not like being Jewish or being female. I remember watching the The View one day and Barbra Walters was saying how she still picks out clothing that looks good on brunettes, because in her mind she is a brunette, even though she has been a blond for many many years, It is the same for me. When I am red headed or blond, I still picture myself as brunette, but having a different color hair does not change who I am, so skin color would be the same in my book. I actually envy my husband’s darker skin, he can be out in the sun, fewer wrinkles.

When I first read your question, without reading the additional info, the first answer that popped into my head was I prefer to be in a diverse community where there is no real dominant race. I did not predict you were thinking whether we would change our race to fit in with the dominant race.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

I’d stay caucasian, just because everyone is of the human species. No need to change to fit in anywhere. Unless that place were hostile to caucasians, then that’s another story.

rooeytoo's avatar

It’s an interesting question for sure. I really had to think about it but I believe I would stay what I am, white. I am okay with who I am. As I said in another question there are good guys and jerks in every facet of humanity changing skin colors isn’t going to change that.

I just left a place where I was outnumbered by people of another color and culture. I enjoyed being accepted into their lives as I was. Part of what made me interesting to them was the fact that I was different, lived differently, thought differently and spoke differently, and the converse was true as well. And because of the tribal jealousies and differences that are so common among the indigenous here, to have become one of “them” would have limited my movements and acceptance more than the color of my skin ever could have.

There are racists of all colors but I found if I absolutely refused to play that game with the racists, eventually they reached the point where they either liked me or didn’t based on my personality not my color and that was a good lesson for them to learn too.

Palindrome's avatar

I think that I would like to be an alien. Like from outer space. So I wouldn’t have to choose a race of any kind…I would be a whole different species all on my own.

Afos22's avatar

No way! I love being white.

augustlan's avatar

I don’t think I would. I’m white and American, so I’ve always been in the majority. I think it would be an educational opportunity to experience life as a minority. It would probably be good if everyone in the majority could have that experience. Might build empathy.

NaturallyMe's avatar

No, i won’t change what i am, i’ve never wanted to change my race, never even thought about it! I’m happy with what i am, even if i had to be a minority. I probably wouldn’t move to anywhere where i’m a minority and suppressed/discriminated against solely because of my minority status or race.

Tuesdays_Child's avatar

I think that I would just prefer to stay the me that I am, regardless of whether I am in the dominant majority or not. I have had experiences that I would have never had if I had been different than I am and I have experienced prejudices and perks that only I could lament or appreciate, as the case may be. After years of practicing at being me, I finally have it down pat.

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