General Question

neverawake's avatar

Imagining things in your head about killing people when they make you really mad, is that not normal? Or just crazy?

Asked by neverawake (615points) March 26th, 2010

Just wondering.

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47 Answers

faye's avatar

I do it and I can see blood and stress is deverted to laughing at myself.

mammal's avatar

no that isn’t normal, a good beating usually suffices.

MacBean's avatar

Imagining is normal. Acting it out is not.

squidcake's avatar

I imagine whole scenarios where I just walk up to someone, scream something like “I’ve had it with you!” and when they push me I just start mindlessly attacking them.

The scenario in my head usually ends with the other person on the floor, bloody nose, and everyone’s patting me on the back for a job well done. Like that would actually happen…

Never been close to acting on it, though.

anartist's avatar

Imagining some funny ways to murder the infuriating one might just get rid of the rage. A friend used to sit at the breakfast table with her ex doing that very thing.

chamelopotamus's avatar

That would suck if the scenario you imagined ended with you on the floor.

Then you’d really believe yourself to be a victim. I’m guessing it’s an imagination…experiment, to see if you can view yourself as the opposite of what we all fear being: a victim! It’s a recharge to the primal, gutteral, instinctual, self-protecting, boundary-establishing, respect-seeking, resource-preserving reflex known as the ego!

Seek's avatar

Grok mad! Grok go bang!

Yeah, it’s normal. We’re all animals first, like @chamelopotamus said.

I usually just imagine myself punching them in the face. If the imagination is any more elaborate than that, I know it’s never going to happen, so the therapy aspect is gone. Then, if I really am forced by some drunken, groping, douchebag to actually punch them in the face, I feel really good afterward. Nothing gives you the warmfuzzies like acting on your primal desires.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Don’t piss off the imaginary beings in your head. Sounds like they have a short temper.

Nullo's avatar

Normal enough, though not necessarily very healthy.
If we had honest-to-goodness thought police, we’d all be doing life in prison.

DarkScribe's avatar

I just devise very elaborate revenge style practical jokes. Payback is fun. With time, some intelligent thought and determination you can do much, much more than kill them – and it’s legal. (Well it’s far closer to being legal than beating or killing someone.)

A few years ago a real ass-(fill in the blank) body-builder beat up an ex-girlfriend of mine. In retaliation I arranged to supply him with a year’s supply of steroids. Well he thought that they were steroids. They were “veterinary use only” high dose estrogen. Even when he started to grow boobs, lose muscle definition and completely lose all sex drive he still didn’t wake up – just took more. As I said, payback is fun.

thriftymaid's avatar

I would say not normal.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Perfectly normal.
What was your address again…?

ucme's avatar

If you’re letting people affect you that much then I’d say the correct word would be sad.

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

as long as you don’t really go out and do it I’m sure its completely normal lol

mrentropy's avatar

I really, really, really hope it’s normal.

squirbel's avatar

Wow – even when angry, I never imagine people being killed. I disagree with the populace – it may not be crazy, but it is sociopathic.

lynfromnm's avatar

It’s probably quite normal to imagine killing people on occasion. If that’s happening a lot, I think it’s unhealthy and needs to change. If you are regularly angry enough that you want to hurt others, fantasize about hurting people, then it’s highly likely you need to change something in your life so you aren’t so miserable. And that’s on YOU, not the fault of others.

filmfann's avatar

I hope it is normal. I also hope I never feel comfortable with it.

Thammuz's avatar

Normal. Absolutely. It’s the reptile brain acting out, just let it be.

whyigottajoin's avatar

I agree with @lynfromnm, a couple of times okay, but reguarly isn’t healthy I would agree.
You need healthier ways to resolve conflict. Like maby, talking to the person you hate? Explaining them why and what they did?

slick44's avatar

Thats a scary thought. to hate someone that much. maybe you should talk to somone about that.

neverawake's avatar

@faye glad i’m not the only one

neverawake's avatar

@squidcake hmm…you should give a shot :)

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

In your head, from your head, it’s A-OK. But if the silverware ever starts talking to you, time to do the dishes.

neverawake's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies you mean to actually go through with it?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

do NOT listen to the forks… I repeat, do NOT listen to the forks

Mikelbf2000's avatar

imagining it is normal. just dont it too much, otherwise you will just get more angry, acting it out however is not.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I think to some degree it’s normal. However, there are a couple of questions that I think you should ask yourself. What kind of actions from others inspire these thoughts? Road rage? Someone simply disagreeing with you? If minor actions cause these thoughts in you, it’s not so normal. However, if someone has done something extreme and that’s when you think about it, I agree that it’s normal once in a while.

antimatter's avatar

It’s normal as long as you do’t do it.

ridicawu's avatar

@Thammuz had it exactly.
A lot of people have violent, criminal and/or sexual thoughts that would never act out on them. I look it as normal. If someone just gets under my skin and pisses me off, I imagine screaming at them and punching them or throwing a chair at them. Yes, every once and a while the thought of killing comes in but I never think of it seriously. It’s just a primitive feeling of anger equals violence.
The brain is a fascinating thing that doesn’t always seem to make sense.

mrentropy's avatar

All I can say for myself is, if I could kill with a thought then the highways would be littered with vehicles.

thriftymaid's avatar

I find it disturbing that so many people think this is normal. It just isn’t.

MacBean's avatar

@thriftymaid It really is. If you went to a therapist and told them you experienced this, they’d tell you to stop worrying unless you felt like you might act on it.

thriftymaid's avatar

@MacBean I’m on the phone with a psychiatric nurse and I’m hearing something else.

MacBean's avatar

@thriftymaid: Okay, well… I’m only speaking from about fifteen years of personal experience. Maybe every single therapist I’ve been to, as well as some college professors, were all wrong. It’s possible.

faye's avatar

I’ve never been to a therapist, but if it makes me feel better and I don’t do anything in anger, how can it be so wrong?

JeffVader's avatar

Sounds pretty normal to me.

DarkScribe's avatar

@thriftymaid I’m on the phone with a psychiatric nurse and I’m hearing something else.

Are you sure that you are holding the handset the right way up?

ridicawu's avatar

Some with OCD will have fears of acting on violent/sexual thoughts that pop into their head. They wouldn’t do it, but they just dwell on the thought(s) and fear that if someone else could do it why wouldn’t they be able to? I wonder what happened to that show Obsessed… probably cancelled.
ANYWHO. Just because you have a thought doesn’t mean you believe you can or would do it. I think about how great it’d be to fly but you don’t see me running off a cliff to get a head start on trying that one. I’d also like to be able to breathe underwater… also not going to try that one. It’s just distinguishing realistic thoughts and fantasy/unreal thoughts. Logic usually comes into play and rational thought occurs.
As long as you don’t go off on a killing spree (and find a safe way to vent anger/frustration or avoid the source causing it), then it’s perfectly fine.

lynfromnm's avatar

DrasticDreamer makes good points – do you have violent fantasies about people who cut you off in traffic, or about a bully who tortures your nephew? There’s a difference.
How are you handling those little daily aggravations, like people who don’t hold the elevator? Can you dismiss them or do you dwell on them? I think these are important things to know about yourself.

Wolfeyes's avatar

My grandma let a a horrible man get away with shoving me across the room with my 17 month old child in my arms and being forced to watch as my husband was beaten, all because he was her son. She got her friends to make up horrible lies about us and said her son would get our child taken from us if he went to jail. So yes, every night when I’m laying in bed I think about gutting her and her friends and beating her son until he’s nothing but a pile of blood and guts on the floor. When it comes to working though.. imaging random no face people dying by my hand gets me in the mood to smile at customers when I’m having a bad day… I don’t have a killing personality though.. so no worry’s. ;)

filmfann's avatar

@Wolfeyes Welcome to Fluther! We always remind each other not forget to take our medicine!

Wolfeyes's avatar

@filmfann Thanks, glad to be here. :)

yellowlillypad's avatar

I searched this question up on the internet and I started to read all of your answers. Reading all of this has made me feel way better because I have been thinking about riping my classmate’s throats out and then watching them bleed out on the floor. And I thought that was bad so I told myself to stop but the thoughts just kept coming back and now I realize that it’s ok because I would never dream about actually doing thoughts things to my classmates. And that its ok to think about it but it’s not ok to act on it so thank you. :)


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