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Luiveton's avatar

Do you think some 'coincidences' happen on purpose?

Asked by Luiveton (4162points) January 24th, 2011

Today, and a few days ago, many so-called coincidences have been happening. The whole thing is starting to confuse me, it’s about a guy. What should I do?

Everything starts to add up, then another coincidence pops up, and I’m even more confused. What does it mean when he tries to distract himself when I’m around, but keeps staring, and flirting with other girls in front of me?
(These are not the coincidences I’m talking about.)

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23 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

So, what’s the question?

whitenoise's avatar

I believe it is logically and sementically impossible for a coincidence to happen on purpose.

I think it’s perception bias. You are more set to notice certain incidents. Either that, or they’re not coincidences.

nebule's avatar

everything has a cause

gorillapaws's avatar

@whitenoise is correct. The types of things you’re describing are a result of a flaw in the way the human brain works. We tend to remember the times when our theory is confirmed, but forget those times when it’s not. It’s the reason why a guy can believe he always puts the seat down, and his wife can simultaneously believe that he always forgets to put it down.

See Confirmation Bias for a more detailed explanation.

Here’s the great thing though. You don’t need some cosmic ray of destiny to approve of your interest in a guy. If you like him, approach him and ask him out. Make your own luck and you’ll be better off than waiting for imaginary ghosts of fortune to sweep you along.

crisw's avatar

This is the second time today I’ve gotten to bring up confirmation bias!

stardust's avatar

I believe in serendipity – don’t believe in coincidence :-)

marinelife's avatar

He may be interested in you or he may not.

The only way to know for sure (instead of stringing coincidences together and reading them as signs) is to let him know that you are interested in him.

Invite him out for coffee or a soda or whatever.

Austinlad's avatar

“Coincidence” is the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but only seem to have some connection. I don’t see anything in your question that’s a coincidence—simply a guy’s behavior that you don’t understand.

Luiveton's avatar

I mentioned before that THESE ARE NOT THE COINCIDENCES that have OCCURED. Please consider that carefully.

The coincidences that happen are too much to explain, I simply asked a seperate question so please try to give relevant answers. :)

gailcalled's avatar

Yelling doesn’t make your question clear. We cannot guess what coincidences you are referring to if you don’t tell us.

Conclusions based on bad or incorrect data is irrelevant also.

glenjamin's avatar

I think what this is is over-analyzing. I’ve found that, unless knowing the answer is of utmost importance, the simplest explanation is best. I tried to overanalyze things in the past and it led to alot of needless worry and preoccupation. You may have suspicions, but I wouldn’t give them too much credence without any concrete proof.

blueiiznh's avatar

more info please

xMissMorganx's avatar

I believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason. :)

wundayatta's avatar

@xMissMorganx Sure, everything happens for a reason. Do you know who supplies the reason?

cheebdragon's avatar

If it happens on purpose, well then it’s not really a coincidence, now is it?

KhiaKarma's avatar

I think not only because I don’t really think everything revolves around me in that way. I like @gorilla paws’ answer. And for what purpose? The greater good? I just don’t think so. It feels similar to the arguement about predestination to me….which I also don’t buy.

echotech10's avatar

In my opinion, he obviously is interested in you, but maybe doesn’t know how to communicate that to you. My wife and I almost missed out by not being direct with one another. We were both afraid of being too forward with one another But when we all got it in the open, we discovered that we both wanted the same thing, and we just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. Communication is key.

ninjacolin's avatar

When coincidences happen on purpose involving the one you’re attracted to it’s called “Stalking.”

lol, not necessarily, I’m just kidding. But I’m hinting at the idea that maybe you’re making them happen or maybe he’s making them happen. Perhaps the real coincidence is that you’re both on each-other’s minds and are both nervously (and likely ill-advisedly) working towards displaying that affection to one another.

My advice: Stop being a chicken. Get creative and take a few delicious risks.

beachbum76's avatar

I belive in actions and reactions.

Arbornaut's avatar

I believe i have two hands…. yes…yes i do.

LostInParadise's avatar

Karl Jung had a theory about these kinds of things, that he called synchronicity. I don’t buy into it, but I do regularly find things happening that of odd connections to each other.

amandaray's avatar

I believe things happen for a reason. I am not a religious person, but i do believe there is some kind of a guiding hand in our world, and that a lot of things that feel like they are not coincidences, are probably not.

crushingandreaming's avatar

I believe he likes you.

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