General Question

Amish_Ninja's avatar

Some fun activities for a 3 year old?

Asked by Amish_Ninja (230points) September 14th, 2008

I’m going to be watching my little cousin for a day and I was wondering if anyone would care to share some fun little activites that little ones they know enjoyed. It’s a girl, she loves to do new things, and learn.

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7 Answers

Bri_L's avatar

My daughter is three and loves to pretend.

She loves to play baby and be the baby for pretend.

She loves to examine new things. Like going for walks and looking at flowers and rocks.

She loves dress up. Very much.

I hope that helps.

Lost_World's avatar

When I was 3 I rember not thinking of my self as a child, so don’t give them baby toys. I would recomend geting an N64 and a copy of Pokemon snap… Hmm well actuly I was 5 when I got the game and it took me 6 years to win…. Perhaps try somthing simpler.

Amish_Ninja's avatar

My cousin loves to dress up too, and I have tons of old clothes for her too. Thanks for the ideas, Bri. I also like the idea of letting her play some of my old video games too, shes too independent in her own mind to think of herself as a child too. Thanks!

TrenchantWit's avatar

if you go to there’s tons of games that kids can play fairly easily enhancing their motor skills and learning at the same time, my daughters favorite is the wow wow wubzey jumping game as she calls it…. if theres a zoo close by that can be a great cheap time.

sarapnsc's avatar

If you want to put an old shirt on her, get some sponges cut them up or buy some already made in the shape of animals and some cheap paints. Let her sponge paint, she will love it. Plus, she will have some art work to show and display to others to be proud of.

Lost_World's avatar

Ah I rember I had my first sponge painted shirt, I had it till I was 11… And then we moved and it went away…. I cry for hours every nigth thinking a hobo is wereing it.

mzgator's avatar

My niece, who lives down the street, and comes over often loves it when we do things together. She loves crafts, painting, sidewalk chalk, walking to the lake in our neighborhood and feeding ducks and fish, and playing with Barbies and dressing them.

At that age, they love the one on one attention of getting down on the floor and playing with them. My brother and sister in law work two jobs, and they don’t have a lot of time for playing. My daughter is 14 now, and it is fun for me to play with another child again. Some times I think I have more fun than she does.

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