General Question

Kaja's avatar

Why is spending time with family important?

Asked by Kaja (7points) March 8th, 2009

is it only because of all the “memories” you’ll have when you grow up? or any chemical or biological reasons? or is there any point at all for being in contact with relatvies?

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4 Answers

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

At least your mother, she did carry you 9 months AND even decided to give birth to you afterwards. Father.. Not such a big deal, we all know how much they contributed =€

galileogirl's avatar

This is kind of funny. I come from a very large family that had some challenges from the outside world. It seemed that every one of us went through our 15th year trying to avoid contact with all the other family members. Difficult when 13 people share a 5 bedroom house. We all went our own ways in our early 20’s but always came back. What we knew is that these people would always have each other’s backs. We also knew the importance of being responsible for ourselves.

That is not to say that this is just a giant love fest. But we know that this ever expanding unit is more important than winning a little disagreement.

For most of us friends come and go. Maybe if you are 22 and you have friends who tell you everything you do is OK. You may not believe it, but give life another 40 years and you will see. Those relatives will always be relatives and some of them will be there to provide you with a mooring spot when the seas get too rough.

aprilsimnel's avatar

If your bio-family is highly dysfunctional, as mine is, then it behooves you to create a family for yourself, as I have done. Otherwise, yes, you will be alone, and the vast, vast majority of humans are not wired to be totally alone or without other people who accept them as they are. It’s not psychologically healthy.

marinelife's avatar

Broaden your definition of family to mean those people closest to you that you love. Spend time with them.

The reasons that it is important is that it

1. will improve your health and longevity.

2. is what really matters when compared with work, school, drugs, hobbies.

3. helps defeat the swift passing of time. One’s time is fleeting, Children grow up in an eyeblink.

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