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Mtl_zack's avatar

What do you think of Schrödinger's cat theory?

Asked by Mtl_zack (6778points) March 17th, 2008

can you be half-dead or half alive? wikipedia:

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3 Answers

8lightminutesaway's avatar

Schrodinger was using this “thought experiment” as sarcasm in a way. To try and disprove what he didn’t like about quantum theory, that it was based on statistics and couldn’t make definite predictions. He was trying to point out how ridiculous a half-dead half-alive cat is and therefore a particle can’t be in two places at once.
I think it all depends on how you look at it. If your a scientist, statistically the cat is dead and alive. If your not, then you don’t think so. the fact is, science needs a very methodical approach and we need to know what kind of questions we can ask to get answers we can understand. This way everyone (or most) can agree on how to understand, approach, and solve problems and also agree on solutions and whatnot. The fact is, the Copenhagan interpretation has proven very useful, though not entirely practical on large scales.
I’m a scientist, so I accept that you can be dead and alive at the same time. Why? Prove to me that the cat isn’t both alive and dead and I’ll change my mind. Often asking “Why not?” helps me understand a lot of things in science that are difficult to accept.

My apologies if my post didn’t make any sense. I’m very tired but I love quantum stuff.

Zaku's avatar

You’re asking this the morning after Saint Patrick’s Day. You need more evidence that people can be half-dead or half alive?

mrswho's avatar

Reality is perception so the cat is neither until it is perceived.

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