General Question

ANNA94's avatar

My brother is planning a party while my parents are away, what do i do?

Asked by ANNA94 (12points) July 17th, 2009

i am 14 and my brother is 16. Our parents are going away this weekend and are leaving my bro “in charge”. My grndparents will be coming around on sunday, but on the saturday he is planning a house party.
he’s told me not to tell, but i feel guity incase anything gets broke, plus he told me i could only invite 2 frinds and that we have to stay out of the way. I think he’s planning on inviting quite a lot of people. Do i tell my parents or not??

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33 Answers

Tink's avatar

Nah, everyone one does that.

CMaz's avatar

1. Yes
3. Stay away, stay at a friends house.
4. Party on!

jpasq03's avatar

I’d vacate the premises and have an alibi that someone trustworthy could verify.

ShanEnri's avatar

Camcorder! If you have a camcorder or digital camera take some pics/video and use it as leverage! MwaaaaaHaaaahaaaaa

marinelife's avatar

This is a tough one.

Is your brother a responsible, level-headed guy? Will he allow alcohol? What if a bunch of strangers show up?

If it is just some of his friends and he is normally trustworthy, then you could consider disavowing all knowledge. If something is broken, it’s on him. You could also suggest he put a few things away before the party, ask him to limit how many people will be there, and otherwise do a few things to make it safer.

If you have doubts about your brother or he has gotten in trouble a lot in the past, you might consider telling, because it would be a safety issue.

Ivan's avatar

Just tell them.

seekingwolf's avatar

You need to get out of there. He’ll be LUCKY if he doesn’t get police involvement.
Of course he’s going to get alcohol/drugs/sex in there…

Don’t go to the party. Go to a friends house. Tell someone else and get that trustworthy person (preferably an adult) to tell your parents. ASAP.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

Tell your parents.
1. If you’re brother does incur a lot of damage with his party, you’re going to get in trouble because you didn’t tell.
2. You’re brother will get in more trouble if he throws the party and then the police get involved or something gets broken than he would if he’s found out before any damage is done.
3. If you don’t tell your parents you will lose their trust when they eventually find out about the party anyway.
4. Only 2 guests? Your brother’s a dick. Sell him out.

aprilsimnel's avatar


I smell a kegger. Well, not the keg, exactly, but the other recreational substance that I’m sure will be in abundance which no amount of Oust™ will remove.

Yes, tell your parents.

cwilbur's avatar

There’s no way this can end well. Even if he tries to be level-headed and responsible, the decent people he invites will invite slightly less decent people, and they’ll invite their sketchy friends, and by the time he realizes it, there will be plenty of alcohol and hard drugs and underage sex at his party.

So you have a couple options. You can go to your parents now. Your brother will see this as a violation of trust, but in the long run it’s probably the best thing for them. You can go to your brother and tell him you’re concerned, and that if he doesn’t talk to your parents about this then you will; that gives him the option to call it off.

You can also not say anything and look out for your own skin by sleeping over at a friend’s whose mother will vouch that you were there. Your brother won’t see that as a violation of trust, but your parents will be justifiably upset that you knew ahead of time and didn’t say anything.

There’s no way this can end well, at all. The best you can hope for is a solution that does the least damage.

fireinthepriory's avatar

So, assuming you’re going to tell (I think we all agree you should!) you now need to look for ways to save your ass from your brother, who will probably be mad at you. If I were you, I’d leak it to your grandparents “accidentally” – or someone else who’ll be sure to tell your parents without you having to directly spill the beans. Do you have a friend who’s mother is friends with your mother who you could ask to tell them? That’d also be a good way to get the news to your parents without being the direct source, and therefore in the direct line of fire from your big bro. :)

And if you decide not to tell anyone, lock your bedroom door on Saturday night before you leave!! Don’t ask why. Just do it.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Whoops! Whose! I meant whose! …Should have taken an english class in college while I had the chance. Sigh.

Tink's avatar

Lock all the rooms

MindStudy's avatar

Tough one.. If u directly tell ur parents ur bro will seek retribution… Maybe not @ the moment but he will…

Stay at a friends house, lock up ur room… Place a call to ur grandparents right before the party is supposed to start and “suggest” they drop by… Tell them to keep ur name out of it.

This keeps u safe… N bro busted. Just remember… Deny deny deny!!!

Tink's avatar

@MindStudy Watch the text speak please :)

Dang, you jellies got me saying that now :P

cak's avatar

Please, tell your parents, or have a trusted adult relay the info to your parents. I’m speaking from experience. (I’m now 38)

My sister had parties when my parents went away on weekends, every single time, the cops arrived. Every single time, my parents found out. The one and only time I got in trouble, when I didn’t tell them about it – when I knew one was going to happen.

If someone gets hurt, your parents become liable for their injuries. Your brother is being very irresponsible. Try to get out of there, if possible.

Believe me, hide any money – or take it with you – and yes, lock your door to your room! Having a trusted friend of the parents tell them (your parents) that they heard a party might happen at their house, while they are gone is a good way to keep you from looking like you “ratted” out your brother.

…you could suggest to your parents to call the police to add them to their “special” rounds requests. The police will stop by houses and make sure things are okay, when the homeowner is out of town – if requested.

MindStudy's avatar

@Tink1113 – Sorry about that. Will keep that in mind for future reference.

Tink's avatar

@MindStudy No problem, just keeping fellow jellies safe from moderation :P

And welcome!!!

cwilbur's avatar

Here’s a thought. If you have a good friend, ask his or her parents to call your parents about a rumor of a party they heard was going to happen. This gets the information to your parents without you looking like a bad guy.

cyn's avatar

—No! Let it be…
Now where’s that party?—

Sarcasm's avatar

Have a family friend dress up like a cop, have him bust up the party, you win in every way!
Good luck finding a family friend with a cop outfit though.

tinyfaery's avatar

DO NOT TELL. Your relationship with your brother will suffer if you do so. That is what siblings do for each other. No one likes a tattle-tale.

MindStudy's avatar

@tinyfaery – really? So she should just keep shut & not do anything? There are so many “what if’s” she could be subjected to if she doesn’t say something? I think there is a way to let it out without ruining there trust.

My brother was always pulling stunts like that but he always gave me choices and kept my safety in mind. If he insisted on partying at the house he would get me to stay at my friends & if I couldn’t it just wouldn’t happen.

tinyfaery's avatar

What if is a part of life. 14 is not that young. If she feels unsafe she can stay at a friends house. Do stupid things when you’re young. When you get older there are more consequences.

justus2's avatar

No don’t be a tattletale, if your parents would let him have a party with them there he wouldn’t feel the need to do it without them there, if you want to have a good relationship with him don’t tell on him or he will want to tell on everything you do, let him be.

chyna's avatar

It’s a rite of passage to have a party when the parents are gone. If you tell, you break the trust of your brother. Most likely, the party will be found out anyway through neighbors or someone else’s parents. If you don’t feel comfortable going along with it, stay at your grandparents but don’t tell them.

Supacase's avatar

Tell them, but ask them to keep it in confidence. There are several inconspicous ways they can make things not work out for him. They postpone their trip at the last minute. Your grandparents decide to come over a day early. A cousin or friend needs a place to stay while their house is being painted. They can come up with something – it will save both your relationship with your brother and their relationship with you if they do it this way.

Darwin's avatar

I like the idea of telling your grandparents to come by a day early. While some kids give parties and get away with it, others have had nasty problems as a result. If you don’t get your grandparents to come over early, then make sure you are well out of the house during the party. Drunken teenagers and vulnerable 14 yo girls are not a good combination.

MindStudy's avatar

So what happened?!

ANNA94's avatar

thanks for all of your answers. They was a lot of vairy in the answers so i decided to confront my brother, he sort of bribed me and allowed me to have more friends an offer i couldnt refuse lol. A big mistake! Me and my friends were fine we just stayed upstairs, danced, sang and talked for hours on end, however my bro’s side wasnt so careful, things got smashed, and drinks got spilt We both got into trouble but it all fine now. Next time i will be taking the advice to tell!! thanks again xxx

tinyfaery's avatar

So you had some fun and got in trouble. That’s what being a kid is about.

ANNA94's avatar

I agree lol x

justus2's avatar

@ANNA94 yes that is what being a kid is about, but one thing, never ever be a tattletale or a snitch just to keep out of trouble. thats not a good thing at all

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