Ladies... when you sleep with a man, is there a particular side of the bed that you absolutely insist upon taking?
Every woman that I’ve ever slept with has absolutely insisted upon taking the side of the bed which is furthest away from the bedroom door. Doesn’t matter if it’s right or left, as long as I am between them and the door.
A few have offered the explanation that they feel more protected that way.
Is there any consistent truth to this?
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11 Answers
No, I have to be near the door. I have no explanation for this, just the need to be near it.
<pinches lips and says, “hmmmmmmm”
I’ve always like to sleep right next the the escape route! XD
I’m always on the side away from the door. I have never actually thought of why.
I don’t know, quick escape, quick way to the bathroom?
No. I like to be further from the door when I sleep in my own bed, but a lot of times in other’s beds that means sleeping against the wall, which then makes it harder to get out. Mostly, I’m more concerned that you stay on your side of the bed, whichever it is, than which side we’re on.
i always take the left side(: i feel better, in control you can say(;
You must have slept with some cowardly women XD
I’m the one who picks which side to sleep on, always have. I sleep on the left side, which by pure coincidence happens to be furthest from the door. I figure if some poor schmuck enters our bedroom alerting the wife, well…..his arse is going to be well & truly kicked. You know what they say about letting sleeping dogs lie ;¬}
No. When we’re together I usually sleep on the right hand side(which is farthest away from the door) but I certainly don’t insist on it.
A lot of people have preferences about their position in relation to the door, even if they sleep alone.
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