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FluffyChicken's avatar

Did these moths successfully mate?

Asked by FluffyChicken (5521points) August 15th, 2011

Today I was walking through the park when two moths suddenly landed on my left breast, and attempted to mate. It was awesome! I got to watch the little female moth vibrate her wings at him ever so seductively, and flash her mothy lady bits at him while he followed after her and attempted to swing his abdomen around to attach… unfortunately, I don’t think they were successful in that moment, as they were attached for less than a mere second, is it possible that that actually mated during that brief tap? I’ve seen butterflies and other moths attached, but they fly around while attached and such.

if not one can only hope they found a better place to make adorable little caterpillar babies.

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6 Answers

Berserker's avatar

Usually takes more than half a second. But then, there are so many different types of nocturnal butterflies out there, maybe some only need to mate for that long. (whether while flying or just sitting there) As far as I know though, I don’t think they did. What happened after they unconnected?

FluffyChicken's avatar

Moths are not nocturnal butterflies. A moth is a member of the lepidoptera order which spins a cocoon in which to pupate. A butterfly is a member of the lepidoptera order which pupates in a chrysalis made of it’s own “skin.” Many moths are diurnal and a few butterflies are nocturnal.

Now that we’ve set that straight… the male flew away first and the female just kind of sat there on my boob, until I had to shoo her away since I had things to do.

redfeather's avatar

Did they light up tiny cigarettes after?

creative1's avatar

Wow @FluffyChicken you were just saying in another post today your Vagina wanted some well maybe you got to watch a little moth porn today lol

filmfann's avatar

If I were a moth, that is probably where I would want to do it…

I doubt they were sucessful, unless they were continuing from another spot.

jaytkay's avatar

Oddly enough, a couple of minutes before I read this question, I was looking at this picture of amorous flies on Flickr

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