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kristi's avatar

Can you give me some advice on how to become successful?

Asked by kristi (16points) April 10th, 2014

Can you give me some advice on how to become successful in life.

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27 Answers

Smitha's avatar

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”
― Albert Einstein

zenvelo's avatar

Be honest and pursue your passion.

You really have to tell us what you deem successful. I think you might get a dozen different answers depending on what each person considers successful to be.

If you use @Smitha‘s notion, I might agree about 75%. You use @ragingloli‘s idea, I’d say you may become a very successful rich person, but with no inner satisfaction and no love from anyone. Do you call that success?

kristi's avatar

Thanks,can you also tell me about some websites on that matter,wether it will be in bussines in life,anything would be of use.

Judi's avatar

When you hit a wall don’t give up. Find a way to climb over it, dig under it, get around it or blow that sucker up.

Cruiser's avatar

Find a mentor you can trust, confide in and ask questions of.
Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you.
Never make a decision out of spite or vengeance.
Spend less than you earn and save and invest the remainder.
Work harder and longer hours than anyone else around you.
Make mistakes and learn from them.
Don’t burn any bridges
Rarely take no for an answer if ever.
Become an expert at whatever it is you choose to pursue.
It helps to love what you do and do not be afraid to try something different. I never thought I would make glue for a living and have become very successful at it by following the above advice.

thorninmud's avatar

Develop self-control. Specifically, develop the ability to delay gratification, forgoing immediate indulgences in favor of long-term benefits. In practical terms, that often means getting things done when they need to be done, even when you’d rather be doing something else. It means resisting impulsive flings that will undermine your future happiness. In other words, learn to say “no” to you inner toddler.

This has been one of the most compelling findings of modern psychology: no other single factor is more determinant of success in school, career and relationships. Life just tends to unfold more smoothly for those who know how to just do what needs doing, and resist doing what they know isn’t the best choice.

This is a skill that can be developed at any age, but it’s easier when exercised during the teen years, when neural connections are forming between the prefrontal cortex and the rest of the brain.

Here’s a layman’s summary of some of the psychological research.

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stanleybmanly's avatar

define success.

antimatter's avatar

Change your mindset…

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Exploit mankind’s natural tendency to panic by embracing a contrived cause.

You’ll see greater gains if you run for political office.

Follow the example of the Gores for a His and Her’s Double Whammy:

Al: Global Warms.

Tipper: Satanic possession of children through popular music.

DO NOT take up for ANY genuine cause for concern such as the declining status of the US Dollar in a global economy.

NO ONE will listen and you’ll get nowhere.

CWOTUS's avatar

Welcome to Fluther.

As you can see already, one of the principal ways to become “a success”, after you have defined what that means (good answer, @stanleybmanly), is to decide who is giving you good guidance and worth your attention (nice anti-example from the always-dependable-in-this-regard @ragingloli).

I liked @Smitha‘s response, though.

bolwerk's avatar

Avoid falling victim to the allure of death cults.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Set goals.

Aim to work toward accomplishing your goals daily through the use of timers, apps, lists, and accountability partners (friends, groups specifically designed around accomplishing the same goals, due dates written in pen on calendars, etc).

Once you accomplish a goal, celebrate.

Study on goal achievement

ragingloli's avatar

Always remember Rule of Acquisition 109. Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Realize that career, money, status and possessions are not what your primary goals should be. It’s happiness so follow a path of work, relationships and leisure that will lead you there.

Cruiser's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me That is a message hard to sell young adults these days that are conditioned to want their electronic toys, fancy cars and clothes and to have VIP status at the clubs. She asked how to succeed not find bliss and IMO the 2 are mutually exclusive. I do get what you are saying and want that myself but I had to get the success, money and toys first.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Cruiser I suppose that would depend on how you define success. I would think establishing and meeting goals that lead to happiness and satisfaction with life is about the healthiest measure of success I can think of. I had to get a good education, job, toys, house and other things to finally realize that myself. Getting myself another motorcycle isn’t going to make up for lost time fishing with the son or daughter I never had because I was too busy playing the game. If I had let the self sacrifice go and been more tuned to what makes me happy in the beginning I would be a little better off. Life is what happens when you are busy making plans and I regret missing some of it now.

Cruiser's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me I think we have traveled similar paths then and at the time I made decisions to do what I did not to gain success or toys but because I had a family to support. That path was full of potential to gain success and toys etc. but deep down I chose that path because it meant security and that also came with a price. Yes it meant hard work, long hours and less time with the family…but doing so meant we were secure. At the time it seemed like the right decision and yes I can regret being late for little league games and not having the time to be the den leader in Cub Scouts but I did find time to spend with my sons. If I did not take that chance…that risk….I might be sitting here typing over regretting that as well. Life is about choices and also appreciating what you have at this moment you are living. You can’t change the past nor affect what the future has in store for you. True success IMO is embracing what you have and enjoying this very moment.

Coloma's avatar

Depends on what you consider “success.”
If you consider only monetary gain, well…get a good education in a lucarative field and rake in the big bucks. If you consider success to also include, integrity, solid communication skills, compassion, common decency, values, morals, being a faithful partner, parent, concern for the greater good, nature, the environment, animals, well…no amount of education or money can buy you these accoutrements of success..

Pachy's avatar

Depends on what kind of success you want. Riches? Work hard, inherit well, find a buried treasure or win the lottery. Knowledge? Study, keep an open mind, never lose your curiosity. Love? Give it. Fame? Work hard, be lucky… oh yeah, and have a little something like talent. Lasting friendships? Make them, maintain them, cherish them.

rojo's avatar

Kiss a lot of ass.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


Kick a lot of ass.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Life changes when you change…

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talljasperman's avatar

Drink 8 cups of clean water every day. Get a good night’s rest every day.

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