General Question

stanleybmanly's avatar

Won't normalization of relations with Cuba risk the embarrassing prospect of planeloads of American "medical refugees" besieging the island for health care and pharmaceuticals?

Asked by stanleybmanly (24153points) February 8th, 2015

Or will those raking in the bucks under the current extortion see to it that laws are passed against such possibilities?

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5 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Probably right with ones extorting the average American, getting laws passed to protect their interest.
BUT don’t worry they will undoubtedly spread some sort of propaganda saying it’s for the little guys best interest that they do it, and you want to know the sad part is a LOT of your citizens will believe them.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Propaganda will stand little chance when it comes to the bottom line; just as no amount of badmouthing prevented busloads of Americans from swamping your country to fill their prescriptions.

JLeslie's avatar

My husband’s family went to Cuba for meds when his cousin was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. They tried to pay, but the Cubans said there was no way to charge them. I don’t know all the details. Her cancer did seem to stop growing for a while. I’m the end she died from the cancer though. It wasn’t a miracle cure, but her American doctors at MD Anderson told her she might as well keep taking it if she wasn’t getting bad side effects from it.

To clarify his family members who went to Cuba for the meds are not American and neither was the cousin with cancer.

gondwanalon's avatar

I thought that Obama care is taking care of the poor who can’t afford to pay for their health care.

JLeslie's avatar

The poor were receiving Medicaid way before Obamacare.

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