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Dutchess_lll's avatar

What comes naturally to you that doesn't come naturally to everyone?

Asked by Dutchess_lll (8748points) July 2nd, 2019

For me one is athletics.
Math (to a certain extent. I won’t be solving any heretofore unsolvable math problems.)
Also I’m competitive.

One thing that loses me is direction… North South East West. Some people just feel it. I’m not one of them.

Also I’m kind of bad about seeing things from other’s POV, especially if it seems illogical to me.

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31 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Common sense, apparently.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Small talk.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Yeah. Music is a good one @Tropical_Willie. I know when I like a song, and some send chills through me but that is basic appreciation. I can’t tell you why.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Music on me too. But my music ability is beyond appreciation of good songs. I can tell which music goes with which situation. Think of it like a director fitting music into a movie scene. This ability was helpful for me with school video projects.

Recently I have a feeling I may have the musical intelligence. It may be an underdeveloped ability that I have yet to touch on, but I have no way to prove it.

ragingloli's avatar

The correct answers to political questions.

janbb's avatar


Love_my_doggie's avatar

The ability to speak a phrase without saying the word “like.”

Brian1946's avatar

The ability to like a phrase without speaking it. ;-p

SQUEEKY2's avatar

My dislike for smartphones.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I have a pretty terrific memory, long numerical sequences, etc…

Anything I try to do, I win, so competitive I suppose.

It sounds bad, but I’m pretty good at charming people in RL.

kritiper's avatar

I really like some of these answers!

tinyfaery's avatar

Accepting and even appreciating change. Most people have a very hard time with it.


Letting go of material crap. I don’t really hold an emotional attachment to things.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Building and fixing stuff

Demosthenes's avatar

Languages. I’m no polyglot, but I don’t need much instruction in a language to pick up the basics. I’ve always had top grades in any language class I’ve taken. I have a knack for it.

I’m also pretty good with memorizing things. As a kid I memorized all kinds of things: state and country capitals, presidents, elements of the periodic table, prime and square numbers, etc. that used to wow people.

I’m also good with directions. I remember visiting the L.A. area with my friend who grew up there and he was asking me for directions and I was saying “uh…you know this area better than I do” and he said “trust me, I don’t.” :P

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Engineering. In 8th grade they gave us aptitude tests. I figured I’d score highest in psychology, sociology, that kind of stuff. To my surprised I scored a 98% in engineering.
Never heard another word about it, either.
In HS I wanted to take shop but was strongly discouraged from it, so I didnt.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_lll That’s neat. I wanted to take mechanics and was discouraged, still fascinated by engines though.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

The guys were free to take Home Ec tho, which a lot did just to be by the girls. Guess they figured Home Ec was easy and figured shop was to complicated for our silly little heads.

ucme's avatar

Running, I ran 14½ miles on Monday in 1hr 49min not bad for 52.
I run between 40/50 miles every week, have done for the past 4yrs & love it.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

You don’t have your staff run for you?

ucme's avatar

That would be silly, now go away & come back with something original at least :D

Harper1234's avatar

Flirting….even in my early 60’s I still do it and I easily get a man’s attention.
Most men don’t get enough attention but don’t realize they enjoy it until
someone flatters them and gives them their full attention. Men like it just
as much as women do.

raum's avatar

Acquiring random shit.

A few random things off the top of my head:
– Braille labelmaker
– model of a spine
– vintage ricer (that I’ve never actually used)
– Russian panoramic camera
– 24 ping pong balls (I don’t play ping pong)
– old school projection screen

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raum's avatar

I have a knack for acquiring random things. I don’t think this is something that comes naturally for most people?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

OIC! My husband has that “knack.” Immabout to divorce his ass if he Doesn’t get rid of some of that shit!

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