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galileogirl's avatar

Did Cindy McCain open a new door?

Asked by galileogirl (12707points) October 9th, 2008

Candidate’s spouses are generally exempt from criticism as long as they only speak positively about their husbands. When Cindy McCain made a direct political attack on Senator Obama yesterday did she open herself up for a like response. Or is this going to be a new tactic, wives are unassailable no matter what they say?

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23 Answers

syz's avatar

Personally, I think Cindy McCain opened herself up for ridicule when she said that Palin had foreign policy experience because Alaska is near Russia. If she’s going to make idiotic statements like that, she can’t expect anything but censure.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Wait, Michelle has had all sorts of shots taken at her because she said something unfortunate. The opponents jumped all over it and brought it up again and again. I don’t see why Michelle should be a target and not Cindy.

Also. ABC’s Portrait of a President made it pretty clear that they had no compunctions about reporting on candidates’ wives.

Bri_L's avatar

May I have a link please, I missed it.

BarbieM's avatar

I think if they actually go on the offensive then spouses are fair game. She put herself out there.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@Bri: A link to Cindy, Portrait of a President, the Michelle thing or the Cindy-Palin thing?

Bri_L's avatar

sorry, the Cindy thing. What did she do?

EmpressPixie's avatar

On Wednesday, McCain’s wife Cindy took up the assault, accusing Obama of voting against legislation funding troops in Iraq while her son was serving in the war zone.

“The day Senator Obama decided to cast a vote to not fund my son, when he was serving——sent a cold chill through my body,” she said.

EmpressPixie's avatar

if this does open attack does this mean we can point out that Obama is only raising taxes if, like Cindy’s RNC outfit, you make more than $250,000 a year?

And snide comments aside, the fact that I know her outfit cost $300,000 for that one night off the top of my head means that wives are not off limits. Because you can call that public interest all you want, but when you report that someone’s wife is wearing $300,000 that’s… not an attack, but it’s probably going to bias a ton of people.

jlm11f's avatar

youtube link for anyone who wants to watch it. FUNNY how she accuses obama of not voting for the bill to fund troops when 2 months back McCAIN did the same thing. is she mad at her husband too?

RandomMrdan's avatar

@pnl that link doesn’t go to youtube…it goes to another thread on Fluther.

galileogirl's avatar

This is a very different kind of situation than we have seen in the past. Before, during the campaigns, the spouse only commented on the merits of the candidate. They never made negative comments about the opposition. Even when Hillary Clinton was attacked during the campaign, it was not about any political comment she made but about the fact she wouldn’t be making cookies for tea parties if she became 1st Lady.

Michelle Obama’s character and patriotism have scandalously been called into question for well over a year. She has never behaved in any but a courteous, respectful manner. When she appeared with Jon Stewart last night she was impeccable. When he tried to give her an opening, she only said that Senator Obama had great respect for Senator McCain and that Mrs McCain was always cordial.

I think the spouses need to stay out of the fray unless they are willing to be questioned on their political choices and opinions. If they are going to jump into the fight, they should expect a black eye. Fortunately for Cindy McCain, Senator Obama doesn’t stoop to character assassintion but if she isn’t called out for this by the media and the public will first ladies be used as shields in the future?

augustlan's avatar

Didn’t she also say something about Obama running “the dirtiest political campaign in history”? WTF?

cheebdragon's avatar

It’s all so dramatic…

galileogirl's avatar

Sometimes saying an untruth repeatedly works, that’s why people do it. Those who are following the campaigns recognize outright lies. However there are millions who make up their minds based on a 15 second sound bite repeated over and over.

jlm11f's avatar

oops, sorry, this is the correct link.

jvgr's avatar

galileogirl said:
“Sometimes saying an untruth repeatedly works, that’s why people do it….” Which is why I nearly fell over when McCain said “When Obama says the same lie over and over does he think people will believe it?” Almost mind-boggling to try to comprehend the dyng brain cells in McCain’s head trying to come to grips with this dilemma.

Anyway, Cindy McCain is fair game for aany to take pot shots at. She is a miserable excuse for a human being and deserves every one.

augustlan's avatar

@jvgr: Do you know something about Cindy Mc that we should know? (Besides the fact that she saw McCain when he was still married to wife #1). I am an Obama supporter all the way, but don’t think we should denigrate people with no backup, on either side.

jvgr's avatar

OK, I’ll dig out the New Yorker article on her and give some details.
I never denigrate people, only their verifiable behavior.

augustlan's avatar

@jvgr: Thanks…just want to make sure I know what we’re talking about.

cheebdragon's avatar

Angelina jolie started seeing brad pit when he was married…..I don’t think anyone hates her for it.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Some details on Cindy: she was a drug addict who caused a doctor to lose his license by asking him to write large scripts ostensibly for her charity, but she kept the drugs to get high on. It was covered on ABC’s Portrait of a President and has been a few other places.

Bri_L's avatar

I just found this.

I would say she opened them back here.

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