General Question

Sakata's avatar

Would cocaine be a good solution to motivation problems?

Asked by Sakata (3347points) February 12th, 2009

I don’t have a problem doing anything, it’s starting things that’s the issue. This is why I tell people, “I’m not lazy I’m motivationally challenged.” Unfortunately this is the BIGGEST problem in my life. And has been my entire life.

Please try and look past the obvious such as legality, cost, & health concerns.

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103 Answers

Emdean1's avatar

It will motivate you to want to keep doing cocaine. Then you have another issue. Don’t do it!

peyton_farquhar's avatar

Sorry, but why do you think cocaine will motivate you to do anything?

RandomMrdan's avatar

I think I would try things like ginseng, or a lot of caffeine before I’d try cocaine

TaoSan's avatar

Naa, a friend of a friend of a friend says ^^ that while you will be “motived” to do stuff, it’s usually “stuff” that won’t serve any purpose like talking smack all night or reorganizing your iTunes library for the 528th time.

Does it motivate? Yes, sure. Motivate to do “useful” things? Not really

GAMBIT's avatar

It sounds like substituting one problem for another.

KrystaElyse's avatar

If you got bad news, you wanna kick them blues; cocaine.
When your day is done and you wanna run; cocaine.
She dont lie, she dont lie, she dont lie; cocaine.

dynamicduo's avatar

Highly doubtful. Most drugs don’t motivate people to do anything beyond more of the drugs, or watch Pink Floyd with Wizard of Oz to see if it syncs.

cyndyh's avatar

@GAMBIT: Sometimes substituting one problem for another can be a good thing. If someone finds that crunching ice helps them quit smoking then crunch away. I don’t think that’s the case here, though.

@Sakata: No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Have a cup of tea instead. It helps to prioritize, and remind yourself of why you want to start a particular thing. Then have some tea and do it.

“Cocaine’s a heluva drug.”—Rick James

Sakata's avatar

For the record, it wouldn’t be my 1st rodeo with the powder. My past experiences have all been motivationally positive. Hence the reason for the idea & question.

@dynamicduo It doesn’t

KrystaElyse's avatar

@Sakata – There’s absolutely nothing positive about cocaine. Not in the long run.

Sakata's avatar

Also you’ve got to remember that this is an extreme case motivation-less-ness (? ...sure). I’ve actually put off going to the bathroom for several hours to a day before just because I didn’t want to do all the work involved with the task.

TaoSan's avatar


Yeah, you can’t really generalize it, as it affects different people differently.

I mean it’s not like this particular type of alkaloids can’t be beneficial. It wasn’t the lawyer’s and doctor’s drug for nothing.

I just think that with continued use people shift from actually “getting things done” while high, to “talking about how to get something done” all night long until crashing.

Rinse wash repeat.

On top, the garbage they sell as cocaine now will most likely have a lot of crap in it undermining the few “positive” effects.

KrystaElyse's avatar

@Sakata – No matter how unmotivated you are, you still shouldn’t mess with that stuff. Try healthier ways to become more motivated. And @TaoSan makes a good point… you don’t even know what’s in it anymore. It’s not worth the risk IMO.

TaoSan's avatar


I’ve actually put off going to the bathroom for several hours to a day before just because I…


Yeah dude, you need a fat bump lol

Emdean1's avatar

Money motivates me try making some of that :)

GAMBIT's avatar

@cyndyh – Yes if cocaine wasn’t addictive I would say why not go for it.

Sakata's avatar

@TaoSan lmfao

@Emdean1 Money isn’t going to solve it. How else do you think I would pay for it? Coke’s not cheap.

@GAMBIT Cocaine isn’t addictive. Well, no more than food is at least.

My wife and I got divorced over the motivation thing. (We’re married now… again) I really don’t want to go through all that again. Losing my family, home, everything… not again if I can help it.

Emdean1's avatar

I know its not cheap. ;) Just a suggestion.

GAMBIT's avatar

@Sakata – Richard Pryor once said “cocaine isn’t addictive and you can’t get hooked. My friends have been snorting for 25 yrs and they aint hooked”.

TaoSan's avatar


If you must resort to alkaloids, and you really have a diagnosable condition, try to get a hold of some medical speed like Ritalin and such. It’ll make you ”not put off going to the toilet” without all the fuss of mind alteration, aggravation and paranoia.

Wouldn’t want to believe that towel on the wall is a cowering cop waiting to jump you :)

KrystaElyse's avatar

So… cocaine will help you become more motivated and help you maintain your family, home, etc? Am I missing something??

Sakata's avatar

@TaoSan rofl… honestly never hallucinated on Coke but it would be cool. Also, Ritalin does make me hyper but it’s a mental hyper s that won’t do much in the toilet flushing area.
Oh, and as far as the alkaloids go… I am talking about that. I’m just talking aboutthe ones from the Tropane group.

@KrystalElyse Yes & probably

@GAMBIT Pryor was a genius.

dynamicduo's avatar

Um. I hate to say this so bluntly, but there is a high chance that you will lose everything again if you start up with a cocaine habit. Not just when it doesn’t fix your motivation, but when your wife finds out you’re a closeted druggie and leaves for good, or when your addiction causes you to lose control of your life. Sure you’ve done it before, but I doubt that was in order to stave off motivation. What happens when you do cocaine and you get motivated for two hours, but then sink back into unmotivatedland? Out comes the cocaine again. This is where the problem lies.

What you are going through really sounds to me like signs of depression, or something else wrong with your brain. There are people who can help fix these problems, legitimately. I highly suggest you visit your doctor and bring these issues up.

But if you do decide to give the coke a shot, please come back and give an update. I’d love to gather some data about whether your theory works or not.

TaoSan's avatar


Maybe you have sloth-genes?

On the more serious side, since you mentioned no paranoia and short hyper on Ritalin.

Maybe there is a physical condition there after all. I doubt depression, since you said, “all your life”.

GAMBIT's avatar

@Sakata – I agree. So was George Carlin. I liked Rodney Dangerfield also even though he didn’t get “no respect at all”.

Nimis's avatar

Effects (including addiction) seem to vary person to person, so it’s hard to say. All cons aside, cocaine may help with short term stuff. But it sounds like you’re looking for something long term. Your body’s just not built for that. Even if you’re not prone to the physical addiction, your (perceived) need of it to make your marriage work will get you well enough.

Had a friend who used it to get through her writers’ block. She had these crazy ass nosebleeds, but would still be using it. Usually I’m for adults making their own decisions, but had to take her stash away from her in this case.

Try talking with a therapist. Your lack of motivation may be related to depression. Maybe you could talk to a health professional about getting a prescription for Ritalin or something?

Sakata's avatar

@dynamicduo & @Nimis I was in a deep, undiagnosed until after the fact, depression for quite a few years. I’m past all that now so depression’s out. I would agree with the “fucked-up brain” theory though.

peedub's avatar

Fuck no. Get some adderall or something.

Besides, (I would gamble) the chances of you getting cocaine good enough to really motivate you are probably slim.

KrystaElyse's avatar

@Sakata – How about no and defnitely not?

dynamicduo's avatar

I’m past all that now so depression’s out.

This comment isn’t meant to be mean or cruel. But from my vantage point (the small window into your life you’ve shown me with your words), your are not “past all that now” in the least bit. Depression is not something you can vanquish once and then it’s gone, it comes in many forms and many ways. If you have a history of depression, my previous suggestion of a doctor is only reinforced.

TaoSan's avatar


Problem with the Tropanes is that even if you don’t “feel” addicted, over time you’re forcing a DAT/SERT knockout in your brain every time you use. So even if you’re “fortified” against more traditional “addiction-like” withdrawals, you might become even more unmotivated because you created a lot of dopamine receptors that won’t be served in “no use” periods.

Simply dude, you might get more lazy…... ;)

tennesseejac's avatar

Dont be ridiculous….

The first semester of my junior year in college I was doing a gram of coke each night with my roommate and the only thing I was motivated to do was stay up til 5am each morning, skip class, use lots of Afrin, and cause a bunch of trouble. It was one of the darkest times of my life and I look back and realized my addiction cost my about $4K and full semester that I had to make up the following summer.

Adderall is just Blue Cocaine

Drugs are bad mmmK.

and Wizard of Oz does sync to DSOM

Sakata's avatar

@TaoSan Skipping past the big words I see the best answer of this whole thread,
“Simply dude, you might get more lazy”

And, honestly, I’m not depressed anymore. It wasn’t a switch I threw one day and turned it off. I was VERY depressed for a long time, but a few major life changes happened (mostly to my wife but that includes me) and I happened to notice one day that my 42-theory (in another thread) was gone along with everything else I had been feeling negatively for so many years.
Based in that knowledge of what depression truly is I can honestly say that I am NOT depressed at this time. Not even a little.

TaoSan's avatar

Glad to hear it mate!

Sakata's avatar

@tennesseejac You’re right about The Wizard of Floyd. Good catch lol

wundayatta's avatar

“Casey Jones” (by the Grateful Dead)
Driving that train, high on cocaine,
Casey jones is ready, watch your speed.
Trouble ahead, trouble behind,
And you know that notion just crossed my mind.

This old engine makes it on time,
Leaves central station bout a quarter to nine,
Hits river junction at seventeen to,
At a quarter to ten you know its travlin again.

Driving that train, high on cocaine,
Casey jones is ready, watch your speed.
Trouble ahead, trouble behind,
And you know that notion just crossed my mind.

Trouble ahead, lady in red,
Take my advice youd be better off dead.
Switchmans sleeping, train hundred and two is
On the wrong track and headed for you.

Driving that train, high on cocaine,
Casey jones is ready, watch your speed.
Trouble ahead, trouble behind,
And you know that notion just crossed my mind.

Trouble with you is the trouble with me,
Got two good eyes but you still dont see.
Come round the bend, you know its the end,
The fireman screams and the engine just gleams…

jonsblond's avatar

@tennesseejac lurve for the South Park reference.

@Sakata We have enough drunk flutherers, we don’t need any high on cocaine too. ;)

asmonet's avatar

You have a problem mentally, not a motivational one. If you lack motivation to properly urinate cocaine will just be a way to self-medicate. Get some therapy, dude.

wundayatta's avatar

So, Sakata, there’s a guy in my group who has been going off his meds, to see how he’ll do. What he’s doing is self-medicating. Drinking, drinking, and more drinking, staying up until 4:30 am, and smoking dope, too.

“What do you want from us?” one of us asked. He knows what he’s doing. He knows he’s that train, coming around the bend. He said, “I’m scared.”

Some people say that until you’ve lost your job, your apartment, and every relationship you’ve got; until you’ve hit bottom, you won’t change. He said, “I’ve already been there.”

He knows exactly what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he needs to do. The only problem is that he can’t get himself to do it.

It’s been a year for me, and I haven’t done shit. I sit at my desk for hours with a full bladder, too. In fact, I’ve got one now. TMI, I guess. I know what I should do. I know what I can do. But I don’t do it. The problem is will. If you can figure out how to get your will in place, you can get yourself to do what you want to do. Oh, and if you figure it out, please let me know. Then sell it to everyone else!

Sakata's avatar

What if therapy doesn’t help?
What if drugs (both legal and not) don’t help?
What if this is just who I am?
What if there’s nothing I can ever do to change that?
What if those in my life and around me can’t/don’t/won’t accept that?

What does that make me?

Where does that leave me?

cyndyh's avatar

I think it’s not very helpful or useful to you to worry about all those things and then not try any of them. Try therapy, first. If you end up needing meds, try that for a good long time under proper observation. Try first. You don’t need to run out of options in your head before you try any of them.

nikipedia's avatar

You are using the word tropane incorrectly. It’s a descriptor for a particular arrangement of an organic molecule. It’s not the same thing as a stimulant.

And as regards your “what if” questions: it seems completely retarded to me to what-if your way into oblivion. What if aliens blow up planet earth in the next 30 seconds. What’s the point in doing anything.

Sounds to me like you’re trying to find a good excuse to do coke.

How about you start by going to your doctor and diligently and faithfully try everything recommended to you by professionals?

Sakata's avatar

@nikipedia Yea, I just pulled the tropane thing out of my ass. Sorry about that lol

TaoSan's avatar


I think we merely omitted the “alkaloid” at the end, thus we should have used “tropane alkaloids”.

I believe to have read you’re in the chemical field, would that have been the correct use?

wundayatta's avatar

@Sakata: if all those what-ifs are true, you’ll probably die sooner, rather than later.

Is that what you want? (this is not a rhetorical question—not so long ago, that’s what I wanted)

nikipedia's avatar

Cocaine is a tropane. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and amphetamine (Adderall) are not.

Sakata's avatar

@daloon I used to. Read back about 4 of my posts ago.

TaoSan's avatar


What if therapy doesn’t help?
Does it “need” therapy?

What if drugs (both legal and not) don’t help?
Then don’t take them

What if this is just who I am?
Then it is just who you are, and the only way for you to move anywhere is to come to terms with it

What if there’s nothing I can ever do to change that?
Then you will have to live with it, for better or for worse

What if those in my life and around me can’t/don’t/won’t accept that?
That is the only tricky one, really

What does that make me?
Nothing, just you

Where does that leave me?
That is entirely up to you and what you make of it

Sorry for bailing on the only important one :/

Sakata's avatar

@TaoSan: What if those in my life and around me can’t/don’t/won’t accept that?
That is the only tricky one, really
lol… Yea, and that was the only one I was actually looking for an answer to. The others were easy.

TaoSan's avatar


I figured while typing, sorry mate :/

cyndyh's avatar

@Sakata: I think if that’s really the case then you find people who will accept that. Maybe there needs to be different people in your life.

Sakata's avatar

@TaoSan You’re dead to me now


Sakata's avatar

@cyndyh Maybe there need to be different people in your life.
I’ll let the wife and kids know.

Darwin's avatar

What if those in my life and around me can’t/don’t/won’t accept that?

Then they will leave you and you will have to find new people in your life. Seriously, though, I have seen cocaine cause immense problems for folks and drive the people in one’s life off faster than almost anything else.

If you lack motivation and it bothers you, then that can be used to motivate yourself to figure out how to motivate yourself.

And, BTW, lack of motivation is an important symptom of depression.

scamp's avatar

When you strip it down to bare bones, you are your own motivator. It’s all in your own mindset. No amount of therapy or drugs will do that for you. That’s just a temporary fix. Drugs may give you temporary motivation energy, but you will be right back where you started afterward. I hope you find what you need to get the jumpstart you seek, and that it’s a healthy one.

ps, constipation can make one feel very sluggish, so you might not want to avoid the bathroom anymore.

wundayatta's avatar

Just revel in slackerdom! No drugs required. Doing nothing is a good thing.

Sakata's avatar

I’m fairly impressed with the amount of attention this thread has gotten. There’s a definite air of concern than can almost be physically felt coming from the people who’ve posted here. The interest is comforting.
I’m seeing that most people here aren’t as anti-Drug as they are anti-Don’tDoSomethingStupid.

Personal highlights from this thread:
Eric Clapton
The Wizard of Floyd
Rick James
fat bump
Richard Pryor
no and definitely not
Casey Jones
full bladder (TMI)

cyndyh's avatar

Now see if you can write a story that incorporates all of those ideas in another context. Just for fun. :^>

Sakata's avatar

That actually sounds like a cool idea lol

Sakata's avatar

But I’m too lazy to do it

You haven’t been paying attention, have you?

TaoSan's avatar



oh wait, I’m dead to you

That joke sucked!

And of course everything I mentioned I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend!!!

Sakata's avatar


scamp's avatar

Maybe fluther is your answer instead of drugs! You have definitley been motivated enough to reply to the people who posted here. Doctor’s orders….Fluther twice and call me in the morning, ha ha!!

Seriously tho.. good luck with your slump.

Sakata's avatar

@scamp Yea, because I NEVER hear “you’re on the computer too much” lol Thanks :)

cyndyh's avatar

I knew you were gonna say something about being too lazy.

So, Eric Clapton and Rick James walk into a bar….

adreamofautumn's avatar

Not if you actually need to get something in particular done. It’ll wake you up and get you moving that’s for sure, but it’ll also make your attention span so bouncy that you’ll never focus on what you intended to do in the first place.

90s_kid's avatar

Don’t do drugs you idiot!
No offense, really, I am serious.

scamp's avatar

@Sakata Ha ha! well, there ya go!! BTW, I never hear that either, lol

Blondesjon's avatar

I think you should do a shitload of coke. Snort and snort and snort until that becomes a problem and we have to baby you through another thread about how you are so “uniquely unequipped to function in this world”.

if you get divorced over it, overcome the coke issue, and then remarry the same ex again…why, you’ll be my hero

tennesseejac's avatar

Motivation has always been a personal problem for me as well, and as I stated earlier I tried my fair share of drugs (coke, LSD, X, and lots of pot) and the only way that these substances helped were to let me see what I do not want to do with my life.

One of the defining moments in this period came at about 5am one morning a couple hours after the party had stopped and we snorted all of the cocaine in sight with no chance of getting anymore. There was nothing else going on and it was just me and my roommate left when he walks into the kitchen with some Adderall chopped and lined on a plate. I looked at him and just asked him, “Why?”, I said “the party has been over for a couple of hours, what is the point of snorting this blue shit up my nose?” Come to find out that he spent his last $20 for this and he obviously had a bigger problem than I did.

And, by the way, us hipsters call it “The Dark Side of Oz”

Sakata's avatar

@Blondesjon Love you. Doubt I tell you that enough lol

wundayatta's avatar

Eric Clapton
The Wizard of Floyd
Rick James
fat bump
Richard Pryor
no and definitely not
Casey Jones
full bladder (TMI)

So it was one of those weird parties down on Hudson Street. No one knew who had invited who, but for some reason, everyone who was anyone was there.

Doncha just love to say that? “Everyone who was anyone!” Every time I think that, I feel like I got full bladder syndrome. Go running for the john. But yeah. I know. TMI.

So, me? You know I don’t do nothing. I am the original denizen of slackerdom. Me Mum say I must have sloth-genes, but then I remind her who she woulda shacked up with if that were the case, and her eyes kind of glaze over.

Still, Eric Clapton, Rick James, and Richard Pryor? All at the same gig? Not that it’s a gig, because there was this other band, I think they called themselves “Fat Bump,” but I don’t know what that means. They were all kinda on the hefty side. They kept on announcing that they were opening for THe Wizard of Floyd, but that band, if it ever existed, never showed up.

You know, I was kinda diggin’ Fat Bump, and I’m sittin there groovin. There’s a pile of snow on every table in the place, so you know I’m whacked to the gills. I gotta get off this stuff. Well. Maybe tomorrow. Don’t that sound like a good name for a tune? Maybe tomorrow?

Anyway, like I say, I’m lidded out. My eyes are probly bloodshot as a tampon. Gross. Did I say that out loud? Dunno where my mind is at. Course, most people here would say the same thing, ‘cept there’s this really uptight dude behind me. I mean, he’s yelling somthing into his cell, “No!” a pause. ”I SAID NO!!!!” another pause, and ”Definitely Not!!!!

So I turn around, and I say, “Like dude. Could you muffle the suds a bit?” And get this. He’s like, wearin’ a suit! A fuckin’ suit! I mean, What the fuck? Oh, and it gets worse. It’s like this guy wandered in from some convention, tho I didn’t know there were any in town, not that I keep track of that shit, because, and you are not going to believe this, but he had A…FUCKIN’...NAMETAG…ON…HIS…JACKET!!! Or whatever you call the top half of a suit. Isn’t there a term for it? Escapes me. Been happnin’ a lot lately. Bad memory. Can’t find words. Fuck it.

Yeah, and the name said “Casey Jones.” Casey Jones? Ain’t that dude been dead like a hundred years.

So I said, “Look dude. Uh…. Casey…. Mr. Casey Fuckin’ Jones. I been havin’ a pretty good time here, even tho I don’t actually no anyone, and well, it’s not my favorite music…” The look on his face said “who the hell do you think you are? I’m big muckety muck blovible, and you ain’t shit!”

But you know how it is sometimes when you’re sailin’ in the clouds? It’s like you don’t give a fuck, and this guy was seriously rakin’ my ass. So I’m like, “You fuck!” And I get up in his face, and bitch slap the phone outta his hand, and it disappears beneath the feet of like, a thousand dancers.”

Casey. My friend Casey. You know them missiles? The ones they lob across the ocean with, like, a nuke on them? They follow that path. Damn! I used to know this stuff. I wuzznt always a slacker, you know. Ballistic! Yeah. Ballistic missiles. Ballistic Mr. Casey fuckin Jones. Face so red you’d think it was painted. Jaw juttin out like Paul Bunyon. You could see the veins erupting in his forehead like rattlesnakes hissin.

He reaches out, and I know he’s about to strangle me, and I’m kinda resigned, because there’s no way I can take this dude, even if I weren’t high as the World Trade Towers. Back when they was still there.

I can feel his hands on my neck, even as he’s just reachin out, and my breath gets more labored just imagining what’s going to happen, and I swear—that life stuff, flashin before your eyes? It happened to me!

Thank god for the bouncers, though. I think they even got a name. The Hudson Eleven. Dunno what it means. They lifted Mr. Casey fuckin’ Jones right off his feet, and hustled him out the door before I even knew what was happinin’ I was, like, still reveiwn’ my life.

So then, I sat down and was takin some more blo when one of them big bouncer fuckers comes up, and, real polite-like, but you know if you so much as protest a millimeter, he is going to seriously drag your ass a mile over broken glass. Nice an’ polite like, he says, “Sir, I believe you have another appointment now.” An I was about to say that I dinnint never have any appointments, but, even coked up as I was, I stood up, and I got the hell outta there. Never did hear Mr. Pryor do a set. Damn! Love that dude like a brother. Sad, though. I heard he kicked the shit, an’ he’s, like, straight as a razor. Go figure.

tennesseejac's avatar

@daloon easy on the coke, buddy… i can just imagine you typing all of that in 30seconds.

Sakata's avatar

@daloon That’s insane. You need to either get out more or write more. Either way you should focus on one and run. Very nice, man. Very nice.

wundayatta's avatar

Harlan Ellison used to sit in the window of a cafe and write a story in an hour. I think of that as an example for me, because God knows, if I didn’t write it fast, it would never get finished.

It was kind of interesting, because as I was writing, I could see maybe a paragraph ahead, but I didn’t know the ending until I was almost there. It was a lot of fun. I really like these challenges to take all kinds of weird ideas or words, and turn them into a coherent story (or, as in this case, a semi-coherent story, but that wasn’t my fault).

Sakata's avatar

We have a lot in common. That scares me.

wundayatta's avatar

Like what?

tennesseejac's avatar

you both use coke as motivation?

jonsblond's avatar

You both like to complain?

joke, haha, funny ;)

Sorceren's avatar

Dude, your lack of motivation, as I see it here and on other questions you’ve asked and answered, stems from the fact that you’re brighter than most people and nobody ever made you aware of what a problem that can be.

Have your IQ tested. Seriously. Whenever there is more than a 30-point difference in the IQ of two people talking, the smartest one ends up saying exactly what you say here (as well as observing that people are stupid, oversensitive, willfully ignorant, and have zero common sense). My son was filled with rage and depressed for many years because he is afflicted with a very-near-genius IQ and didn’t realize it. When he said what you’ve said to his court-ordered therapist, the man broke him to it gently: “Chris, they’re not stupid. They’re normal.”

The hardest obstacle many bright people ever have to overcome is dealing with normal people gently—so they don’t get “oversensitive.” The second hardest is self-motivation, because everything “normal” is so boring.

See this, now

And bless your heart!

wundayatta's avatar

@tennesseejac: it was convincing? Cool! I’ve never used coke in my life. For that matter, I’ve never even been in a club like that.

pathfinder's avatar

Yust a temporary.That is my poor focus at it.

cyndyh's avatar

Ha! daloon, I just saw it. Awesome. Lurve at you. That was fun to read.

wundayatta's avatar

@cyndyh Thanks muchly! ;-)

asmonet's avatar

@Sorceren: Considering Sakata’s tendency to blame everything but himself, I wouldn’t encourage him to make him feel any more special. If anything he needs a swift kick in the ass and a smack to the back of the head. Most ‘genius’ IQ’s are bored in school, true. In the real world almost all of them strive to learn in whatever way suits them.

Besides that you’re painting an incredibly negative picture of intelligence. We are not all arrogant, elitist, impatient bastards. And we do not see the world as an ignorant pack of philistines. Not only do I think you’ve offended those with a high IQ, but also those in this thread who may not.

Whenever there is more than a 30-point difference in the IQ of two people talking, the smartest one ends up saying exactly what you say here

So the genius is the one who wants to snort all the blow he can find, and we ‘normals’ are intellectually inferior for advising him against it? And your evidence is his attitude? One that clearly stems from a want to do coke and have a valid reason?

What the fuck are you smoking?

asmonet's avatar

And by the way, Sakata…You’re lazy. The end. Don’t do drugs for idiotic and destructive reasons. And if you do, I sincerely hope your family finds out and leaves you. Because you won’t be worth much to them in that condition. It’s incredibly selfish and I don’t even know how to begin telling you how fucked it is.

Sakata's avatar

@asmonet That was beautiful. Lurve x2

asmonet's avatar

I honestly have no idea if you’re serious. Haha.

TaoSan's avatar

he is!

Let me top off that Lurve for ya, ma’am!

asmonet's avatar

Haha, <<curtsy>>

Sorceren's avatar

@asmonet, I’m sorry; I failed to clarify the fact that the farther away you are from normal the harder it is to communicate with normal people. Obviously you have no problems there.

EXTREMELY smart people are often bored and discouraged to the point of suicide or abuse. Especially those who, either by inclination or from nurture, have never learned or been lured to focus, concentrate and learn. Too often no one has put that brain to use, including its owner; and it’s like a series-wound motor, to paraphrase Trevanian: without a load, it just keeps going and getting faster and faster until it burns itself or its housing out.

Obviously, too, you have your load perfectly matched to your power. You make great contributions here. Often.

OTOH, “Considering Sakata’s tendency to blame everything but himself, I wouldn’t encourage him to make him feel any more special.” The reason he blames everyone is that he doesn’t feel special — and he suspects he would be, if someone just gave him a job that absorbed and challenged him.

“If anything he needs a swift kick in the ass and a smack to the back of the head.” — Maybe, even probably. But for either to do any good it must be self-administered.

Namaste. Gassho.

asmonet's avatar

Yeah, not to toot my own horn, but I’ve been tested, I am extremely intelligent. And I do have extremely fast comprehension levels, a trait that is associated with mental instability to a degree – not necessarily disorders. And most intelligent people do not hold others in contempt, you’re talking about an anomalous few percentage points of geniuses. Negligible in this argument. I was bored, discouraged and I decided to grab a book – most do. Most people who have difficulties dealing with intelligence on the level you described have that problem because of abuse or disorders that accompany their extreme intelligence. You’re thinking too narrowly.

As for his tendency to feel special. You’re again ignoring the bigger picture to favor your own views. When someone feels ‘special’ it is not necessarily positive. Special does not mean he feels great, loved, unique and pretty all day. It can also mean he feels slighted, entitled, perhaps bitter, etc. Woe is me and all.

You’re saying he thinks someone should just give him a job or a task so he can be special in the good way, which wasn’t even in the original conversation but no big. The problem is internal, and personal. No one here can babysit him into being or feeling better about himself or his priorities.

And again, I disagree. A kick in the ass and a smack in the head from an outsiders perspective can do wonders to enlighten someone. I didn’t say we had to baby him through the accompanying change, or guide him. But a quick smack sometimes works far better.

And quite frankly if we ignore Sakata for the time being, and whatever any of our opinions are on his intelligence…. statistically it’s almost fucking impossible that he is in that group and hasn’t figured it out yet for realsies.

I think he’s smart sure, but no more of a genius than most other people. But really, this simplest explanation is best. He’s lazy.

So am I. :D

Sakata's avatar

I love it when girls fight over me.
hope Sorceren is female

Sakata's avatar

@Sorceren The hardest obstacle many bright people ever have to overcome is dealing with normal people gently—so they don’t get “oversensitive.” The second hardest is self-motivation, because everything “normal” is so boring.
All true, but I don’t do the gently part. Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke.

@asmonet If anything he needs a swift kick in the ass and a smack to the back of the head.
That’s been done both by me and outside personnel so many times that, at this point, it just makes me throw up a wall of indifference and intentional rebellion.

@Sorceren The reason he blames everyone is that he doesn’t feel special — and he suspects he would be, if someone just gave him a job that absorbed and challenged him.
I really don’t blame everyone for much of anything (at least not as much as it sounds like here) but the rest is actually fairly spot on.

Maybe, even probably. But for either to do any good it must be self-administered.
See 2nd paragraph. This comment. And, yes, probably is true. I do.

@asmonet Special does not mean he feels great, loved, unique and pretty all day. It can also mean he feels slighted, entitled, perhaps bitter, etc. Woe is me and all.
The truth in that is too real.

But really, this simplest explanation is best. He’s lazy.
I’ve been saying that for years.

So am I.
Welcome to the club :)

@Sorceren & @asmonet I’m not sure if it’s necessary to continue on with this argument discussion. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE hearing all about me (even if it’s negative) but I believe this whole conversation is going to be going in circles very shortly. Continuation is solely on your shoulders because, as I said, I love hearing about me.

Not just lazy. Greedy/selfish too.

asmonet's avatar

@Sakata: I agree, I think in terms of the indifference that you mentioned, you just have to change your perspective. That’s the only thing stopping you. But I’ve said everything that needed to be said I think so for now, I’m done.

You kinda ruined my fun. ;)

Sakata's avatar

I know. Mine too. Sorry.

TaoSan's avatar


How does it feel to be the center of attention? :)

asmonet's avatar

Don’t encourage him. :)

Sakata's avatar

Well let me tell ya…


wundayatta's avatar

@all: it’s sort of funny how you all think you have the answer, and condescend to each other. I’m sitting here thinking that there’s so much they don’t know. But sakata already knows that.

Will is not an easy problem. You can have days when you do what you want to (that is productive) and then days when you do the thing you want to (that is goofing off). What’s the difference between those days? I sure as hell don’t know!

I’m happy doing the work I’m supposed to do, and I’m happy doing my fluther “work.” Fluther work, these days, is more appealing. However, they do pay me to do something else.

I think some people with this dilemma do use drugs, because it kind of puts off the decision. If you’re bombed out of your mind, you don’t have to think about it, plus you feel good. It’s like sliding down a water slide. Once you start, you can’t really stop. Well, you can, but it is really hard to do.

The thing is, people do manage to switch their choices. It’s easier if you have people depending on you. To do the right thing just for yourself is almost impossible. It has to matter. That means you have to do it because you care about something. Really care. Even then, it’s not easy. You’re still on the water slide.

Sometimes we do things simply because we can. No one stops us. No one cares. It hurts no one, except you. But you don’t really care about yourself. You are happy being hedonic.

I think you don’t really care about yourself until other people care about you. I think that’s one reason why fluther works. People start to care about each other. Of course, you also need to be cared about in meat space. And it isn’t just caring like caring, it’s caring like it is absolutely necessary to care. It matters.

I have no idea how you get to this state. This matterdom. I know some people get there when, as Asmonet suggests, they get kicked in the head. Other people get there when they are “rescued” by someone who comes to love them. Still others go down and down and down, until they hit bottom and people help them, and then they realize they can help others like them. Maybe there are other paths.

The problem for intelligent people is that they can see all these paths. They refuse to let themselves be manipulated, even if they are manipulating themselves. To sidestep these circular trains of thought requires something else. I believe that Bhuddism has a lot to teach about this. But, am I studying Bhuddism? Nope. I’d never be part of an organization. I have to figure this shit out on my own. I’m stubborn. I hate myself. It’s got to be hard. I love myself. It’s got to be challenging.

ninjacolin's avatar

Sakata, I’ve been struggling with this too. It definitely feels like I deal with a higher level of disinterest in getting things going than others. I’ve thought about it so much but I don’t think there’s a diagnosis for it.

Classically, the term people use is “lazy.” But that’s not it at all. I definitely always WANT to do things I mean to do but I just can’t seem to find the power button to get up and do them. Yes, I do suspect that it is subtle form of depression and I know it doesn’t come with all the other forms of saddness commonly associated with depression. I mean I’m one of the happiest people you’ll ever meet.

Habits of thought

“Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.” – Henry Ford

Habits take time to create and I’ve noticed in myself habits of self-doubt. Ideas like: “I never get anything started/done” or “I’m sure I won’t get around to it” or even “life is tough!” I’ve started to count how many negative comments I make to myself all the time and holy hell does it add up. I think I’ve been my own one man anti-pep-rally. It’s horrible.

So, I’ve recently started to refuse to entertain those ideas when they come up. Instead, I switch quicly over to focus on positives. One day, I hope that I will be able to even lie to myself like: “Wow, colin, you’re the best in the whole world and you can do anything!!” ha. But not yet… habits take time. (like 30 days or so) For now, I just focus on real unarguable blessings in life or positive things relevant to the situation I’m trying to overcome. Yes, it does seem to help.

Take 2 thankfulnessess and call me in the morning
For example, if you’re stressed about going to the washroom, rather than siding with your negative side who says: “Oh crap, i have to go to the damn washroom.” Thwart him with something true and positive like: “I’m thankful that I my bladder works at all. I could have all kinds of dysfunctional bladder issues but I’m grateful that I can get up and go to the bathroom with ease.”

Or if it’s a matter of getting work done or dealing with a boss who’s disorganized or whatever.. be serious with yourself for a second and take a moment to find something relevant that you’re actually thankful for: “I’m thankful to have this job. I really appreciated when my boss did such-and-such for me.”

I’m not religious at all so don’t take this the wrong way but Try to be thankful for the good things that are going on around you. When you wake up, before you go to bed. This is the start to positive thinking: Realizing all the good things around you and the good things you’re happy to have accomplished so far. Focus on your successes will encourage you to have more of them.

Omega-3. Lots of it. Like 6 pills per day. Niacin. (Vitamin B3) Get on that. Cashews. 2 handfuls per day. Spend an entire grocery budget on fresh fruit and vegetables and meat and dairy. Avoid ALL the processed foods. Fill your cupboards and fridge with MANY tasty healthy options. Not just one or two healthy options.

Zoom out
One last problem I’ve been noticing in my head is that sometimes I only focus on the impossibly-far-off-seeming end result all the way up at the top of the stair case. It seems so far off and daunting but really, if you just accept that that goal exists you can stop stressing about it and then focus your attention more appropriately on Step #1 which is usually WAY easier to deal with.

Nullo's avatar

Ironically, the way to become motivated is to do things. It’s a bit of a catch-22, but will and motivation are like muscles, growing stronger with use.

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