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wundayatta's avatar

What is your favorite rain story?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) February 13th, 2009

In college, on fall break, I believe, I went on an outing club trip to West Virginia. We spent half the time in caves, and other half backpacking through the woods. One day there was this light rain that lasted all day. Rain is generally a miserable experience when you are camping in it, but I put my poncho over my pack and I just had a marvelous time, enjoying the sound of the rain in the trees as I walked.

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14 Answers

Mtl_zack's avatar

In Costa Rica, I was volunteering on a nature reserve in the rainforest. On the first day, I forgot my poncho (I misunderstood the term RAINforest), but I still had a blast carrying sacks of sand and digging holes. I even got to yield a machete. Anyways, it was a blast, and we all got soaked to the bone, and it wouldn’t have helped if I had my jacket. Then we all had hot coffee, walked home in the rain and spent 40 minutes in the shower each. On the way home, we saw some really cool hummingbirds, which were very beatiful.

kevbo's avatar

In college, I had an amazing first date with an amazing blond, which finished with us holding hands and walking around one of the campus lakes in the rain. If I had kissed her then, it would have been epic.

jonsblond's avatar

Growing up in Las Vegas, we didn’t see a lot of rain. If we did, the streets would always flood. One storm gave us so much rain that my brother got his kayak out and we kayaked down the street. older brothers are kick ass!

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

Like Eddie Rabbit, I Love A Rainy Night..such a beautiful sight.

IBERnineD's avatar

There was a horrible thunder storm with torrential downpour, while I was at my friends house in high school. While everyone stayed scared in the house my friend Alex and I took “showers” outside. Totally clothed we washed our hair and danced in the street. Then a lighten bolt came freakishly close to his house, and we ran back in with suds in our hair and half deaf. Looking back that was idiotic and dangerous, but I will never forget how fun it was!

Jeruba's avatar

Driving south to a wedding in Connecticut, my boyfriend and I ran into such astonishingly heavy rain that it was like we were passing through a waterfall. We managed to pull over into a roadside rest area. Even though it was midday, we couldn’t see out. No one could see in, either. Yes, I sure remember that. My first and only time in a car.

I’ve never told anyone that before.

augustlan's avatar

I have two, one frightening and one funtastic.

When I was a little girl, my family drove from DC to Missouri to visit relatives. Along the way, we got caught in a hurricane on the highway. Everyone on the road just stopped…there was no escaping it. The rain was whipping around our car in horizontal circles. I felt like I was in a washing machine. My grandfather told everyone to duck down, and I ended up on the floor. I was crying and screaming, I was so terrified! When it passed and we could see out again, the car right in front of us and the car right behind us had been blown off the road (about 10 feet or so) into the field alongside us. I assume we were in the eye. I’d like to live out the rest of my life without a repeat of that.

When I was a young teenager, Tropical Storm David paid us a visit. It had started out as a deadly hurricane, but by the time it got to the east coast of the US, it was a long, steady downpour. I remember vividly how warm that rain was! We lived in a crappy little neighborhood at the bottom of a hill, backed by a creek. The entire parking lot/area filled up with about 2 or 3 feet of warm water. Every kid in the neighborhood put on a swimsuit and hopped in. It was loads of fun :)

janbb's avatar

When I was travelling with a group of my artist friends in the French Basque country, our guide had arranged for a special Basque dinner. It was in a cave with long tables set up and candles on the wall. Lamb was roasted on a spit over an open fire and a Basque folk group played. When it was time to walk through the woods back to our van, a terrifc thunder storm broke out and we ran through lightening and thunder back. It was a very primeval feeling of wonder and I had almost a sense of time travel.

Grisson's avatar

One memorable first date was to a nearby amusement park. It started to rain and the park emptied out. We got soaked and my date ruined her shoes, and to my amazement (and amusement), just discarded them and went barefoot. We had the park to ourselves, pretty much, and had a great time!

fireside's avatar

The town in Jersey where I lived was right along the water, but was below sea level. They had flood gates that they would close during high tide to keep the water from flooding the town. Well, I found out that if it rains really hard during the high tide, the flood gates back up all the water in the sewage system and my street was where they had decided to put the run off valves.

So, the main part of town would be manageable, but on my street you would see cars almost floating in sewage that was over the edge of the curb and lapping up against the stoop leading to my door. Needless to say, the couple of times that happened, I stayed home from work rather than wading through the water.

Allie's avatar

I was visiting my grandpa in Tennessee during the summer. He had a dog named Rollie then and I offered to take him for a walk. Rollie and I head out and we’re a good distance from the house when it starts to sprinkle. I didn’t mind the sprinkles, it was nice, but then it started to rain harder and harder and eventually it was pretty much pouring. It wasn’t cold or anything, and Rollie seemed to enjoy it, so we just kept on walking.

My family and I were on a vacation in Cancun one summer. The hotel we were staying at had a mini golf course and hotel guests got to play for free. So my mom and I went out one evening to play a game and it started to rain. We kept playing and we heard thunder. We kept playing and then we saw lightning. There we were in the middle of a storm with metal clubs in our hands. My mom made me quit playing and we went back inside.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

when i was like 6, there was a huge downpour (florida, so it’s nothing really special or unique to the area). but it completely flooded the streets. my brother and i went outside and swam through the city for hours. i know now that it’s really dangerous what with power lines and everything, but it was such a great time, and a really silly/lovely memory, so i don’t regret it.

also, every year i go to warped tour it pours. i usually just take my shoes off and walk around anyway and try to find the one or 2 brave bands that haven’t stopped playing. mostly everyone there though hides under the tent. a few years ago, i swear i saw the guy Tim from rise against washing his laundry in a bucket of rain water though.

90s_kid's avatar

I am a Boy Scout, and I can sit and debate all day about how it is wrong.
Anyways, there was a night when it was freezing cold, and raining. I was alone in my tent because my buddy had left that night (coward). My tent must have been an old tent because I did not get one minute of sleep in the tent. Well, I woke up and it was sometime into the night, and I was SOAKED. I wasn’t even in my sleeping bad because that was drenched. I was lying on the ground, and the rain was about three inches high or so. Then, SAIDUFVAKSDJF! Lightning and sudden rain. Even more wet. Then, it all stopped! I went outside, and it was wicked warm! Misty, warm, and I felt in my element. I couldn’t remember how many minutes I just sat outside staring at things. Then, one of my scouts came out because he had to go to the bathroom. He’s like “Hi” I’m like “hey”.
........Another thing is that I had no pants on—only my boxers. (But I had a shirt and sweatshirt). I went over to the troop’s dining fly. There was a chair and I sat in it. I saw that there was left over coffee. Though cold, I drnk it because I love coffee. Then, I feel asleep on the chair. (Right after I had coffee, I know). I woke up and still didn’t know the time, but dawn had come in. I sat longer, and it was now a bit colder. Then, a few minutes later, the scout master came out and I told him the story. We through away the tent, and another strange thing is that my friend who came out in the middle of the night, couldn’t even remember it….whatever :S
Terrible story. Right when I got home I showered. I hate scouting now.

Maldadpermanente's avatar

I’m thinking of the first pages of the book ‘It’ by Stephen King. The child running the paper boat under the storm until he fatally finds the clown Pennywise waiting inside the drain. A chilling scene under the rain.

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