General Question

jhbao's avatar

How long will raw beef last in the refrigerator?

Asked by jhbao (212points) September 12th, 2009 from IM

I left raw beef cubes, packaged, in the refrigerator for about 3 days. I wonder if it is still good to cook.

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23 Answers

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Only way to check is to take it out and see if it passes the smell test. When it comes to meat, the only safe answer is: When in doubt, throw it out.

Three days is probably the max, but it all depends on where it is in the fridge, and how cold it gets in there.

Zen's avatar

Like fish and houseguests, three days.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Zen if packaged right, houseguests will last a week in the refrigerator.

Zen's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra You’re on a roll, dude. I LOLed4R.

Axemusica's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra that was quite funny

3 days would be the mark for me, but the smell test is the test. Open it up and take a nice long wiff. If you come close to ralphing then it’s probably not good. If it smells odd, it’s on the fine line between the two in which I would vote for the trash to be it’s new home.

YARNLADY's avatar

That would be too long at our house, if it was packaged properly in the first place, and fresh. Smell bad or feel slimy is not good.

XOIIO's avatar

When it develops intelligence, get rid of it. don’t make my mistake, and wait to see what happens next. That’s why my new nickname is “wheels”

ubersiren's avatar

If it’s packaged, it should have a “sell by” date on it. Does it? I would use it maybe a day after the “sell by” date, but not three.

sandystrachan's avatar

I always use fresh meat anything upto 6 days past its b.b.d , They never hang meat right never eat it the day you buy it . Eat and enjoy your meat , hope you kept the brain sauce .

Darwin's avatar

If it is still red and not gray-green, and if it still smells good, then it is fine to cook and eat it. Three days is about the maximum for meat in my refrigerator, though.

cwilbur's avatar

Some meat is aged for weeks before cooking, so it really depends on the conditions in your refrigerator. Three days is on the incredibly conservative side.

Zen's avatar

As an experiment (I have loads of free time) I put some raw meat in the fridge upon reading this question. It’s been two days and so far it smells good.

I’ll get back to you tomorrow with live coverage.

XOIIO's avatar

OOOHHH! someone sure went all CNN Live Coverage on us 

Zen's avatar

It’s been seven hours and fifteen days… all the beef is singing in the fridge. They have formed regiments, and the band is playing a Sinead O’Connor song. I’m humming along with the roast beef.

Yup. It’s officially 3 days. After that watch out: IT IS ALIVE!!!

sandystrachan's avatar

^^ Sounds like someone works for FOXnews

XOIIO's avatar

Hide the women and children! Run for cover! Get as much fresh water and canned food as youcan! The meat is alive! I repeat, the meat is… Oh god! No! NO! ahhhhh!......fzzzzzz

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] Let’s get back on topic.

YARNLADY's avatar

@augustlan darn

I have left raw beef, such as tri-tip roast in the refrigerator for 5 or 6 days before I cooked and ate it with no ill effects. It had no bad smell, look or feel.

XOIIO's avatar

@YARNLADY it’s spelt damn

YARNLADY's avatar

@XOIIO surely you realize @YARNLADY does not swear. I was referring to fixing – as in socks

XOIIO's avatar

@YARNLADY, why do you refer to yourself in the third person?
@XOIIO surely you realize @YARNLADY does not swear…

Very well you have an acceptable response otherwise.

Zen's avatar

@XOIIO and all the other ALL-CAPS flutherites: henceforth, you shall speak in the third person only. The double negative of ego (Caps, Third person) will cancel each other out, and then you will be just like the rest of us.

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