Social Question

abrooke's avatar

Are there any legitimate ways to increase breast size?

Asked by abrooke (74points) February 1st, 2010

Anything that can help boobs look bigger, or even grow im a NEARLY A…Lets just say “not blessed”.

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46 Answers

Sophief's avatar

How old are you?

cyn's avatar

she’s 17
42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
you should care more when you’re 21.

lfino's avatar

Was your mother and possibly any sisters “blessed”?

Steve_A's avatar

I heard womens breast are made up of fat….or least some of it…eat a lot of fat and hope it goes to your breast? lol

OR Strut like you got big boobs, and someone will notice ;)

HTDC's avatar

Big boobs are a blessing? Kind of seems more of a curse when you think about it.

abrooke's avatar

No my mother was not blessed, neither my grandmother.

cookieman's avatar

Temporary Solution:
Push up bra

Permanent Solution:
Surgical implants

Healthy Solution:
Enough self-esteem to realize that your boob size doesn’t really matter.

abrooke's avatar

Its easy to say that but when it comes down to it i want what i want

Sophief's avatar

Do you need to wear a bra? If you don’t, don’t, men will like that look very much.

The_Idler's avatar

Live with it.

Only Americans have this obsession to the point that a significant proportion of the population has cosmetic surgery.

And you know what links all things that “only Americans” do?
They’re all drummed into your brains by media and everyone else in the world laughs at you for it.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

You are ‘blessed’ because you have a body and you have breasts that are healthy (i.e. not full of cancer or cut off because of cancer, etc.) are young, enjoy your temple.

cookieman's avatar

@abrooke: Yes, but what you “want” isn’t always what you need or what is best.

Plus, a little perspective goes a long way. See @Simone_De_Beauvoir‘s answer.

Are you fun to be with?
Genuinely nice?
Have pretty eyes?
Nice hair?
Great concersationalist?

The sum of you is so much more than a pair of boobs no matter how small.

Facade's avatar

If your relatives don’t have large breasts, it’s unlikely that you will.
Gaining weight makes your boobs bigger. You could try that :)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Blessed?I am flat and as blessed as I could be!Stop worrying about that stuff…but if you really want to increase your size,slam the in your underwear drawer!lol!;)

abrooke's avatar

hha thanks everyone!

AstroChuck's avatar


mattbrowne's avatar

But unwanted pregnancy is not a good idea. Rather use surgical implants in this case.

abrooke's avatar


ragingloli's avatar

A lot of people like delicious flat chests. See it as an asset, not a flaw.

mass_pike4's avatar

take birth control = they get at least two cup sizes bigger.


I saw on an infomercial trying to sell this exercise bar that helps strengthen the muscles underneath the breasts which help push your breasts out more. Try looking into that

mass_pike4's avatar is the site i believe

AstroChuck's avatar

@abrooke – Well, you asked if there were any legitimate ways to increase breast size.

CMaz's avatar

I have a massage technique that works every time.

AstroChuck's avatar

@ChazMaz- I think I know what would increase in size.

CMaz's avatar

What? It has to be a one way street? ;-)

suncatnin's avatar

@mass_pike4 That’s not true on all birth controls or for all people. I was on Ortho Evra for 5+ years and had nary a change in size. 6 months on Ortho Tri-Cyclen (or rather, its generic of Trinessa) and I’ve gone up close to a size and a half from a B to borderline C/D. On the other hand, my mother also took OTC for years and remained a nearly A with the exception of when she was breastfeeding my sister and I.

JLeslie's avatar

Birth control pills did not alter one physical thing about my body.

At 17 I was a B, in my 20’s I was a C, and I still am. Your body continues to change quite bit into your early 20’s. If you look at a high school girl and a girl who has graduated college, they typically look quite different, even if they are both thin.

Did you start menstruating at a youn age? Or, did you just start in the last year or so? There is a good chance if your mom and grandma are flat, you might be also. What about on your dads side? Are the women A cups also? All I can say is if you get a breast augmentation don’t go too big, definitely not more than C.

abrooke's avatar

i started menstruating at age 13 or 14.
And ALL the ladies on dads and moms side are B or smaller.

abrooke's avatar

And thats all i want is a perky C!

JLeslie's avatar

I can understand. Are you very thin? Do you want to have surgery? Will your parents let you?

abrooke's avatar

Not very thin.
I’m 5’8 and wear about a ¾ in jeans.

CMaz's avatar

Small breasts… Big nipples!
Small breasts… Big nipples!
Small breasts… Big nipples!

JLeslie's avatar

You are thin. As an adult there is a good chance you will weigh a little more and your breast will get a little bigger. Since you are a 3 you probably look nice and even, not a hippy/pear shaped. And, even if you stay that thin and small breasted many people would love to be in your shoes, I’m sure you hear this all of the time. The other extreme, very large breasted, is much worse. Really hard to find clothes and big boobs make people look fat. Some of the large breasts out there look ridiculous in my opinion. You can buy a bra and put cookies in (you know those jelly type thingies) don’t go too big, don’t make it obvious. But there is nothing wrong with enhancing a little for a particular outfit.

abrooke's avatar

Thanks you were alot of help!

The_Idler's avatar

As a guy, I would say there is definitely something wrong with stuffing things into your bra to make your tits look bigger.

I don’t like dishonesty and I think such practice reinforces harmful insecurities, by supporting the idea that ‘enhancement’ is needed.

I think this kind of behaviour is depressing and psychologically unhealthy. Not to mention pitiable.
I would be sad if I found out a girl had ‘enhanced’, but others would find it ridiculous.

I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t make me feel any better about lying, just because nobody realises.

What do you think of the men, who stuff socks down their boxers?
Would you think it was OK, if it’s just enhancing a little for a particular outfit?
Most women would give them pity or scorn.

And, as @ragingloli (the username says it all…) pointed out,
a lot of guys like it, because of the cutesy, pubescent look.

JLeslie's avatar

@The_Idler I have never checked a guy to see how big his bulge is. Never even occurs to me. Women have their breasts right out there at eye level for everyone to see, whether small or large. I think it is great that you do not care what size a woman’s breasts are, and you feel it completely unnecessary for women to enhance. I don’t think guys pant bulge or a woman’s breast size if the comparable. I used to sell men’s clothing, and I never once, when I guy tried on a pair of pants thought, hmmm…those don’t fit you well, your dick is too small or too large, whichever the case might be. But, there are plenty of times when a garment that is fitted is too small or too large in the bust.

Here’s the thing, if she feels a little self conscious, better she have a little padding in her bra then go for surgery or something more drastic, especially at her age. If she is flat, flat flat, I can understand why that might bother her, seeing most of her friends who have more. Luckily, it seems her family accepts their smaller breasts, it does not sound like they have all gone in for augmentation. As I said I am talking about just an extra bit, because if she makes them too big, she will be forever more enslaved to wearing a fake set of breasts, because it would be odd to be an A one day and a C another, and there is the lie you speak of, that a lie is hard to maintain, I would agree with that.

We wear shoulder pads, make-up, high heels, girdles, highlight our hair, all sorts of things to enhance ourselves. If you love the natural look that is great, but you can’t deny that many of us are doing things to enhance ourselves. I am not saying she should shove socks in her bra, just that there are bras she can wear to add a little if she wants.

JLeslie's avatar

@The_Idler Also, the statement that guys like the pubescent look is disgusting to me. Adult women come in A cups, to think of as men that are attracted to young girls makes me cringe.

ragingloli's avatar

Did you know that porn with small breasted women is illegal in Australia?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@ragingloli idiots…this is really one of those situations where in an attempt to stop something bad, another bad thing is perpetuated…FAIL

The_Idler's avatar

So you say you never check out the bulge? Does that make stuffing socks down there seem silly to you?
Because I definitely do check out the bust, and stuffing bags of jelly down there still seems silly to me!

I acknowledge that, with women’s clothing, there are differences. I guess it is tough, when you want this beautifully shaped dress, but it doesn’t fit your bust. It guess its the association between the beauty of the dress and the feeling of exclusion. It creates a negative association between the idea of beauty and the idea of the girls body.

Still, I am just saying that I – and I think most guys – would rather the girl in question found something that suited her, that was beautiful in the same way that she is, rather than trying to artificially ‘fit’ into the ‘beautiful’ dress of societal ‘norm’.

It is a pity that you are disgusted by the idea of attraction to youth and blossoming sexuality. It is a genetically advantageous trait, as, during the evolution of our species, the males who were attracted to the newly fertile females would have been more likely to secure for themselves a long-lasting relationship, bearing many and healthy children. Thus, this tendency in attraction proliferated.

Just remember that, until recently, the characteristics wouldn’t have manifest until much later, hence the modern problem with men being attracted to underage (psychologically unready) girls. When the age of consent was set at 16, that was the early limit for puberty. Now the early limit is 12. This doesn’t line up with psychological development, so we have some ambiguity and problems inevitably arise.

The girls at 14, now, look like the 18 year olds of 100 years ago, but they are still children in mind.

I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong or disgusting with finding beauty in the female’s sexual springtime, though obsession is obviously very creepy (and children is another matter entirely), and I reckon small-breasted women appeal to many men for that reason.

I didn’t say they were attracted to “young” “girls”, I was saying that the idea and look and feel of blossoming sexuality is appealing to some men, and you can’t argue with explanation via evolutionary advantages.

@ragingloli wow that’s some crazy thoughtcrime shit.
So the Australian government thinks the perversion is actually the attraction to small breasts, rather than the attraction to children?
This pretty much makes out all the guys with flat-chested girlfriends to be perverted paedos!

JLeslie's avatar

@The_Idler puberty is not the time when girls feel ready for sexual activity. When she first begins to menstruate and develop she is learning about her own body, she is not inclined to want to have sex with a man. Many times her breasts are sore in the initial stages, and her hormones are just beginning to get geared up. Even though puberty is younger now, sex statistically still begins 2 to 4 years later, and that is leaving out the girls who are “waiting” which could easily be 8+ years later. Not to mention that you are seemingly talking about what nature intended, but young teen girls are much more likely to have complications in pregnancy, some of which have to do with their hips not having had spread yet, and other factors. Back in the good ol’ days 100 years ago women and/or infants died in childbirth all of the time. Once growing is completed around 20, it is a better time to be thinking about the ability of a woman to further the species, better for everyone.

“Blossoming sexuality” is a disgusting phrase to me. It is another thing to observe what a great body a young woman has, once she it pretty much set up with her new body, but during the blossoming stage, as you put it, I still say creepy. Unless it is a 14 year old boy checking out a 14 year old girl, that is a different story.

The_Idler's avatar

All true, which is why the majority of men consider the features characterising 18–25 to be the most attractive, because they are the most fertile and appropriate to bear children.

I was just explaining the evolutionary advantages of attraction to features that characterise the 14–18 year old age range, which explains why some (a significant proportion of) men exhibit that behaviour. I think if you put behaviour in terms of evolutionary advantages, it gives insight beyond “its disgusting”.

I’m can’t say that I would be at all comfortable with a man having sex with a 16 year old, if he were much older than that himself, but I am saying that attraction to the features, characterising that stage of development, is natural and common.
One of those features is smaller breasts.

I think this is why many men like small breasts, light frames, big eyes and cute faces.

So what is it?
– Do you think many men DON’T like those characteristics?
– Do you think they do, but that it has nothing to do with looking young? If it doesn’t, why would it disgust you?
– Do you think they do, because attraction to such features was previously genetically advantageous, and they are predisposed by their genes to it? If they are, why would it disgust you?

JLeslie's avatar

@The_Idler I think we plaster the young faces of young women all over the media, and we have decided that a young round face is now the sexy thing. Actresses 40–50 years ago did not have a 14 year old’s face. Look at Sofia Lauren, Audrey Hepburn, Marylin Monroe, even if they were thin, it was obvious they were not in the beginning of puberty, but they were the hot actresses of their day. I can’t remember the album, but I think of Brittany Spears, who must have been 16 or 17 at the time and there were posters all over with her lips open just waiting for every man to think about putting his dick in there. Sorry to be so crude; but really, come on! I don’t think it is nature, I think we are conditioned. I completely get that women under 30 are more fertile, still have a layer of fat that makes them look softer, and their skin tone is more supple than someone older, but culturally we have pushed it to an extreme. In Africa there are cultures that practically force feed young women so they will fatten up, get curvier, and appear to have a womans body so a man will want to marry her (this practice is completely disgusting also) budding breasts are not coveted at all. So much of it is simply cultural, not innate.

The_Idler's avatar

I would say the situation is different in Africa, where malnutrition is a primary concern.

Perhaps cultural influences are more powerful than I thought, and I do agree with you on the disgusting practice of media exploitation of young girls’ images.

My interpretation was that the attraction to these features was already there, and the media seek to exploit that. In my experience, business generally tries to exploit our deepest, innate feelings.

I’m glad we understand each other. I don’t find attraction to features of 16–18 year olds disgusting, but then I am only 18 myself. Perhaps I will change. Personally, I can’t blame a man of 30, who is attracted to those features.

We can most definitely agree, however, on how horribly exploitative and harmful the sexualisation of teenage celebrities is. In the USA it is on another level.
‘Cheerleading’ is one thing I find really disgusting. Not because the 40-year-old men eating hotdogs in the stands are enjoying it, but because the girls are being exploited by the establishment, to entertain older men (let’s face it, sexually), while the establishment is, at the same time, on a huge witch-hunt for these men, who find young girls sexually attractive.

This comes back to why 14–16 year old girls are nowadays concerned about how sexy they look. This shouldn’t be happening. The media uses them as sex icons, and this is psychologically harmful, and furthermore increases the problem of men lusting after underage girls.

They shouldn’t feel like they need to wear make-up and short skirts.
The media have made 14 year old girls WANT older men to to be sexually attracted to them.
Now that’s disgusting.

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